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New map ideas


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Just brainstorming some map ideas, not sure if tech or the game universe limits you from implementing any of it.

* Space station with bio-dome areas that simulate terrestrial environments as well as metal corridors.

* Caverns underneath the surface of a planet, underground streams, maybe phasing into an underground base (like Fallout's vaults).

* A thick jungle environment, some hidden side paths obscured by brush, so we can slash our way through a short/long-cut, or loot areas.

* Urban areas, e.g. dingy slums and neon-lit alleys.

I've tried to come up with ideas that can fit into the current semi-linear pathways model, since I'm not sure if you can do open areas while avoiding having to handcraft entire maps (I'm assuming the current maps are generated from handcrafted rooms pieced together), while still having a variety of visually interesting and different scenery.

Everyone is welcome to post their own ideas!

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Thanks! I think these ideas could be done well (giving way to tech and universe issues of course) because they can all carry a dark atmosphere matching the current environment, except for maybe neon-lit streets. You could still do a dark urban themed area though.

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I think maps that reflect the faction's aesthetics would be nice.

For example, if you play an infestation mission the ship would be decaying with tentacles and infested looking stuff scattered around. The Corpus would be robotic and blocky and the Grineer would be curved and spherical.

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I'm a fan of the urban areas. From slums to big huge cities with bright lights and lots of verticality to them and breakable glass to jump through or throw enemies out of!

Also I know we're supposedly on ships but they look more like space stations to me... That being said. More ship and space station variety would be nice. :D

Any shows of life there would be nice as well. Like I read one of my cards say it was on a Grineer Labour Camp but all I see is the same ship I've been fighting on and then Grineer or Corpus or Infested. No signs that this is actually a labor camp and certainly none of the people forced to work there. Beauty is in the details after all. :o

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I think maps that reflect the faction's aesthetics would be nice.

For example, if you play an infestation mission the ship would be decaying with tentacles and infested looking stuff scattered around. The Corpus would be robotic and blocky and the Grineer would be curved and spherical.

This sounds really cool!

I'm a fan of the urban areas. From slums to big huge cities with bright lights and lots of verticality to them and breakable glass to jump through or throw enemies out of!

It would be awesome if our Tenno had a grapple/throw ability. Throw enemies into each other and stagger them all slightly, as well as out of the glass you mentioned. :D

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Yeah. Things I'd like to see in this game are.. Kicking, grapple attacks and a combo system in the vein of games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry. Lots of awesome moves there.

Also more momentum to player movement like Ninja Giaden had. Since he was a ninja he could pretty much always stay on the move, provided something didn't stagger him. I find it a bit silly that we can't go from roll to run, slide to run and so on without having to stop since they're basically space ninjas. They move more like normal people than ninjas.

Oh and blowing out windows in those space ships/stations should totally cause an awesome vacuum effect and suck everything out of the room while the blast door comes down.

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Oh and blowing out windows in those space ships/stations should totally cause an awesome vacuum effect and suck everything out of the room while the blast door comes down.

Except us Tenno of course, because our feet are magnetised or magic or something.

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Every faction have it's own base, but Tenno don't have, Would be nice if tenno have a Base and defense missions on our base.

City Maps would be nice too, and Every city on World, have Vehicles, would be nice kill some Corpus with a Mustang Boss 302 2012.

A map on Earth is nice too, and the game is thousands years ahead for our time, Rescue some humans artifacts is really an great thing to think to put in the game.

And a Map based on Mars like in mass effect 3 will be awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are absolutely creating more pieces for our ships & environments. You'll have to wait and see ^.^

Yay, excited. But come on, its a closed beta, you gotta give us more than that. We are all bound to the secret agreement and will not speak a word to anyone *hides notebook* so can you tell us more about what other map types you have in mind? pretty please?

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