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Suggestion On How To Release Kubrows


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I'm sure everyone has thought about the best way to release / donate a kubrow once they no longer require them but I have an idea that can allow them to be useful while freeing up a stasis slot. What I suggest is allow Tenno to donate them to their clan to create packs that can be used for defense in Solar Rail Conflicts much like Specter Regiments. Instead of having pack tiers like the Specter Regiments allow each breed to form packs with their own breed. Each pack can have varying abilities / uses for Solar Rail Conflicts such as a Hurus Pack ambushing attacking Tenno, Raska Pack can defend locations / objects, Sasha Pack can steal item drops or support Specters, and a Sunika Pack can be aggressive and chase down Tenno once alerted.


Feel free to add constructive criticism and feedback or suggestions. 


First topic I created, not sure if General Discussion is the correct place for development suggestions so please move it if there is a more appropriate place for it.

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i don't want to release kubrows...i don't want to donate kubrows....if i want to get rid of one, i want them to fight it out until one kills the other so i can have the most dominate DNA...survival of the fitest and all that stuff you know

Why not sacrifice the weaker one to gain the dark lord's powers?

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I like it. I like it a lot. 


So would there be a limitation on how much Kubrows can be donated to the rails based on clan sized or size of number of people in the alliance?

That's a good point that i had not thought about. Maybe say maybe a total of 5 packs or similar to however specter regiments controlled.

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