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So I Want To Start A Female Warframe...


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The only female frame I have built up is Nyx.

She is definitely pro.

Chaos(Button 3)-

I use Chaos a lot, anytime my radar picks up more than 5 dots.


At rank 3, Chaos has a massive range.

It's entertaining as hell, watching the enemies turn on each other. I yell "BATTLE ROYALE!" every time I cast it, then go get some popcorn.

It works on Rollers. There's NOTHING more entertaining than laughing your &#! off while the boss gets murdered by rollers, and you just lay into them with damage as they dance.

You are invulnerable while casting, it does take about 1 to 1.5 seconds.

Enemies fighting each other are super easy to mop up


You get no Affinity for enemies killing other enemies

the bright flash will knock out your vision for a second.

Enemies will attack whoever is closest to them, so they will still attack you or allies if you stand near them.

Absorb(Button 4) -

I only use this as a defensive action. It's expensive and the range on the blast is unimpressive. Maxxed out it gives me immunity, and enough time to refill my shields completely. The explode on it is just a bonus.

Mind Control(Button 1) -

I rarely use this. It works like a modified Decoy spell. if you're in a pinch with low energy, you can pop this up on someone, and the enemies will usually fire at them instead of you. You get the advantage of your decoy being able to fire back, and hide behind cover while still drawing fire. You have the disadvantage of it only working when an enemy is there, and in range(medium range).

Psychic Bolts(Button 2) -

I've never even equipped this. It would have to do utterly remarkable damage vs. bosses or something to even be worth spending energy/ warframe slot on. I have not heard this to be the case.

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From those mentioned I only played Mag and I think it's great. But I'd would say most fun with Mag is online. Just because of pulling downed teammates to you. Maybe it's just me, but I LOVE that. Brings a big grin to my face every. single. time.


Oh and Crush of course. It's just so satisfying to use.  

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Bullet Attractor is actually the best Mag skill after Crush imo, though it's only good versus ancients or bosses.

Most guns I think are shot from their rather accurate range, hence you won't see big difference in number when you activate Bullet Attractor if you aim your shot. It is however very good when used with definitely not so accurate weapons like Gorgon or maybe Boar.

Bullet Attractor + Exca's Radial Javelin does huge damage and you can even 2-shot Kela de Thaym with the combo.

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Pull, Bullet Attractor and Crush are all very good and useful abilities in my opinion, only Shield Polarize is maybe no that great and the only times I used it was during defense missions to quickly restore shields to pod or reactor... well, it's not a bad ability once maxed, can come in handy from time to time

Edited by Balerion84
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Despite the Ember hate, She was the first warframe I crafted and got to rank 30. I'll agree that for a caster frame her abilities should do more than what they do, But they still do enough to work. The range on her ult is a bit inconsistent also It seems the stagger that it provides to enemies isn't consistent either. She isn't perfect and this is just my opinion. Using the alternate helm and the flow mod I've been able to run around and lay down 3-4 rings of fire and It's actually really satisfying.  

I have a clan member I play with often and he uses the trinity and he's actually been able to out perform me in certain areas with their Link+energy vamp combo. 

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Wow, this amount of feedback is really cool. Hopefully it will help others considering which one to try first. I'm still not completely sure, but at this point its probably 50% Mag, 20% Nyx, and 20% Trinity for me personally.  And now the Saryn's Venom has been boosted I think so its 10% Saryn. I will​ eventually try them all but that will take a lot of gameplay :)

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One thing I think needed mentioned for Nyx's Psychic bolts: They start tracking targets once you aim down sight immediately after cast. A set of targets will glows green, indicating they are targets for the bolts, not sure how this is set though, think it is nearest to crosshair or something. At max level, you fire about 5-6 bolts, each deal 125 true dmg (ignore armour). They are slow and not very accurate against moving target, however.

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And I mostly play solo and sometimes with my little brother. I would like to hear everyone's opinion on which one I should try first.


I like Trinity's abilities on paper but they don't seem too good for large crowds. I obviously don't know, just assuming. Would like to hear from Trinity users about this :)


Not too interested in Ember but could be persuaded.


Mag -in my own opinion- is the coolest looking Warframe with her default helmet.


Saryn's abilities sound fun. Especially if I can start a plague through a huge crowd of enemies.


Nyx seems to be a favorite with her Chaos ability but do Psychic Bolts work correctly? Do they seek out targets good enough or is it still a little messed up ?


Banshee seems fun for stealth play and second helmet looks cool.


They all do the same thing, just different visual effects and physical appearances (except nyx, just have 4 heks fire at her you're gucci).


IMO, Ember is the most appealing visual and physically wise ( with her Phoenix Ember helmet )

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Nyx. Hands down nyx. The most awesome frame out there!

Too many enemies around you? Press 3

Chaos is just like a moult or decoy on steroids imo. You just have to make sure that you are far enough away from the chaos and you're good.

Besides, it's fun as hell watching two level 18 ancient disrupters losing in combat to a level 15 toxic ancient

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Want a high damage female frame? Play Volt :3


Anywho, I really enjoy Nyx.


-Mind Control is good for when you come across a heavy or an ancient. You can also leave one enemy after clearing out a boss's room to mind control, not really for dps but just to help keep their shields down when you reload. Not very good for co-op. People like to see the enemy that's glowing green as it being highlighted for them to kill. I've literally seen everyone drop what they're doing to shoot the enemy I've mind controlled.


-Bolts works pretty well now, good for taking out heavy single targets or damaging a boss. Wouldn't recommend using it in tight quarters or where there's lots of stuff in the way though.


-Chaos is SO GOOD, you can pop it while you're behind doors or in an elevator or anywhere really and they'll just kill each other off while you go grab a sandwich and some chips. The infighting effect even lasts after the skill ends!!!!


-Absorb is okay enough. The first phase, which is the absorption phase, lasts a good amount of time and then you reflect all that damage out to every enemy. Works even better if you've got 3 team mates focusing fire on you. But I'd rather honestly use my energy on a Chaos then an Absorb. Gets the job done and then some for just 75 energy.

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Pull, Bullet Attractor and Crush are all very good and useful abilities in my opinion, only Shield Polarize is maybe no that great and the only times I used it was during defense missions to quickly restore shields to pod or reactor... well, it's not a bad ability once maxed, can come in handy from time to time


    I seriously wish Shield Polarize stole the enemies shield (if they have one) if yours was gone. Maybe to balance it out so its not overpowered, the Shield Polarize would only replenish your shield if the enemy you use it on has full shields. Any other time it would work like normal. Just a thought. I hope I'm able to try them all out eventually. I have Plat, but I'm going to use credits and play like normal as much as I can after the reset. Honestly, I will be getting the Rhino or Frost frame though lol they fit my normal play style perfectly. I don't mind adapting to my whatever my current 'frames strengths are and I like trying new methods.. Currently the Mag Pull+Strun combo is awesome and Bullet Attractor is working for me. I use it on an enemy, shot off to the side but still within the bubble, and it destroys everything I've encountered so far. 


    I agree with what's mostly said about the Lex. After testing weapons, I started using the Lex/Strun combo before I saw it mentioned on the forums so I'm glad I'm catching on to things like that already :)  If there are Saryn player's reading this, I'd like to know how the buffed Venom Power is working so far and your opinion on it.

Thanks again everyone for all the feedback.

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Mag's bullet attractor seems like its a bit underrated at times.


Maxed shield polarize practically refills the defense objective's shield bar, which gives the team some time to get back and start kicking butt. I've actually saved a cyropod several times long enough to get my overzealous teammates to come back and actually defend. If you're pressed for mod space however, I'd suggest leaving at home when you're not going to be defending something, unless you can coordinate with buddies so they can tell you when their shields are down using voice.


Mag's bullet attractor synergies well with Excalibur.  Use bullet attractor on a boss. Have Excalibur run into said boss's face. Have Excalibur use radial javelin. Cackle like mad as every single javelin redirects and hits the boss for an undgodly amount of damage. As an added bonus, if the boss uses a ranged weapon, he'll shoot himself with it, which means you have a longer window to keep firing on him.

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Mag's bullet attractor seems like its a bit underrated at times.


Maxed shield polarize practically refills the defense objective's shield bar, which gives the team some time to get back and start kicking butt. I've actually saved a cyropod several times long enough to get my overzealous teammates to come back and actually defend. If you're pressed for mod space however, I'd suggest leaving at home when you're not going to be defending something, unless you can coordinate with buddies so they can tell you when their shields are down using voice.


Mag's bullet attractor synergies well with Excalibur.  Use bullet attractor on a boss. Have Excalibur run into said boss's face. Have Excalibur use radial javelin. Cackle like mad as every single javelin redirects and hits the boss for an undgodly amount of damage. As an added bonus, if the boss uses a ranged weapon, he'll shoot himself with it, which means you have a longer window to keep firing on him.

Awesome. Haven't been in a boss fight with the Mag yet so that should be fun. Thanks KaikelX! +1

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The Not So Stealth Warframe. She is number 4 on my list.


Sonic Boom - A meh skill. Weak attack but good for knocking things down when you're taking too much fire at close range. So good on Infested rushes. Everything else is just meh.


Sonar - High costing but really good on bosses as it will show their weakpoint and killing them will be made easy. Not really great for normal mobs unless there is a lot nearby and you need them gone really fast.


Silence - The only real stealth skill Banshee has. It quiets down the killing sounds and gun sounds made so you can go on unalerting everything near your target. The problem is is energy so after awhile if you don't have energy packs or luck isn't giving you energy orbs you'll have no stealth abilities. The only way this could be fixed is making it a long duration buff or a 5 energy buff. The buff would have to work as something that silences your gun and silences enemies you hit to even make this remotely useful.


Sound Quake - Truly a powerful Ultimate. As Banshee this will be your most used Skill on everything.


Overall - This warframe lacks in normal mob killing skills and is not really all that stealthy. The silence only works in a certain range and needs to hit the enemies so that is extremely difficult to even pull off making only 2 (3 somewhat) skills useful. I probably won't be playing this Warframe ever again myself. I found better Stealth play with Loki's invisibility.




BURN BABY BURN! This Warframe specializes in melee range fighting pretty much so bring your shotgun and sword and have a cookout. She is in second place on my list.


Fireball - It's an ok skill does a good amount of damage on a single target. burning it to nothing for 25 energy.


Overheat - Gives you flame armor. If you're going melee turn this on and rush the enemy and beat the crap outta them to give ya a boost in damage.


Fire Blast -  This one is probably Ember's most frequently used skill. It does very good damage and kills most everything around you but you need them to be in the area for it to do anything.


World on Fire - Upgraded Fire Blast only this one follows you. I've had a good experience with it in certain situations.


Overall - She's an Infested killer. Some Defense missions she's absolutely amazing because it can get crowded and her AoE will destroy everything. If you have high shields and a max sprint mod she becomes extremely dangerous melee wise.




I haven't played her yet. I hear she's good.




Cooking atm. From what I previewed on my friends account as I tried it it's probably just as close as Trinity in terms of rigged.


Mind Control - It's like using Loki's Decoy only on an enemy. Use it on Heavies and watch the enemies help you kill that idiot.


Psychic Bolts - USELESS PIECE OF ****! HOLY ****! It will not hit or will hit or go completly the opposite the direction you fired it in... don't USE IT!


Chaos - This... is.... rigged... lol. If you have a Trinity friend you'll be spamming this... a lot.  It's Mind Control on an AoE scale and it doesn't turn off. Yeah... if that doesn't strike you as rigged... go try it yourself then.


Absorb - Ehhh.... this skill is good and bad. Why? If you're under heavy fire then yeah it'll rock. With a party or a Shade Sentinal utterly useless. Half the time my teammate are moving ahead so the enemies will be focusing on those guys. Shade will turn you invisible. Defense missions though at 15 or higher it won't matter if you're in a party. This thing will become amazing.


Overall - Mind Control and Chaos are great. Absorb is situational. Bolts is useless. Sell it or put it into leveling Chaos. Something tells me in future patches though Chaos isn't going to be doing what it is now so I don't know about making this one because of that... if Chaos does stay like this... easily my second favorite Female Warframe.




Poison everything and anything that moves. Saryn is my third favorite female Warframe.


Venom - I don't know what to say about this skill... it's good? Bad? I don't like the fact that I have to shoot a part of an enemy to make it spread out more but it does decent damage.


Molt - It's Loki's Decoy only it drops where you are standing and it seems stronger in my own opinion.


Contagion -  I haven't played her in a long time... last I played her this skill was broken as ****. It made you invulerable so yeah lol. I don't think it's spose to though. If this is removed and placed with what the tooltip states then in my opinion it is moderately good.


Miasma - AoE blast of poison. If the AoE don't kill the mobs the poison will.


Overall - The tick damage of this Warframe is alright. Almost all of the time I found myself not using my skills until I saw a heavy. Bosses and Heavies this Warframe shines on. Overall this Warframe is decent but not great.




Lol this one is my favorite. It r be rigged.


Well of Life - Oh the boss is doing damage to you? Let me fix that and make it seem non existent.


Energy Vampire - You want your friends and yourself to spam skills? Use this and you'll never have an energy problem.


Link - This is rigged. You may now solo any boss with no trouble.


Blessing - My God more rigged crap. Use this. Then use Energy Vampire. Repeat. Profit.


Overall - This Warframe makes Rhino look like a weak tank as the more you level the more you'll laugh sinistrally because nothing can kill you except a giant wave of normal units.... and even then that's hard with blessing and link. One Blessing at maxed level will give you plenty of time to clear a room like that... if you want game breaking easy hilarity you'll take this.


So here's the list from most recommended to least: Mag is an unknown though :(







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