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The Mod Drop Rate Is So Atrocious As To Beggar The Imagination


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And, in the trifecta of deliberately missing the point, you're still posting about how terribly upset you are instead of running a certain defense mission on Pluto.  Perhaps you should fix that.


Is it really difficult for you to understand the fact that that's exactly what I've been doing or are you going to go on and brag more about how you got two rare mods after clearing an entire system?

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80 hours since april 4th means you've been playing a S#&$ ton more than I have since the new system went up.  In fact, about twice as much.


Huh. It looks like I've misjudged my own playtime and included the AFK time measured by Steam: http://i.imgur.com/z5RH1MY.png


So you're saying if I play twice as much as I am currently, I too can get this plethora of drops you appear to have been getting in the forty hours you've spent? You mentioned earlier that you get a handful of rares per run - how long is a run? Five hours or six?


Teach me.

Edited by Hashul
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The next update is supposed to hit today, so that may very well change several things.


In the meantime, if you're playing in Solo mode, try setting the game status to Private instead while running alone.  Or, run with a few friends if you can; it will at least increase the chances of drops in general.


Everything else aside, it quite honestly seems like you've just been having some bad luck with drops for a while.  Try farming some bosses for variety as well - I've gotten more than a few good mods over the past few days doing that while working on getting the schematics and materials for the Ash frame.

Edited by rhoenix
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Huh. It looks like I've misjudged my own playtime and included the AFK time measured by Steam: http://i.imgur.com/z5RH1MY.png


So you're saying if I play twice as much as I am currently, I too can get this plethora of drops you appear to have been getting in the forty hours you've spent? You mentioned earlier that you get a handful of rares per run - how long is a run? Five hours or six?


Teach me.



40 hours in 24 days.  Compared to your 20 hours in 8 days.  My bad.  You're playing 1.5 times as much as I am.


A single 15 wave defense run on xini can take maybe 20 minutes depending on who you're playing with?

Edited by Aggh
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The next update is supposed to hit today, so that may very well change several things.


In the meantime, if you're playing in Solo mode, try setting the game status to Private instead while running alone.  Or, run with a few friends if you can; it will at least increase the chances of drops in general.


Everything else aside, it quite honestly seems like you've just been having some bad luck with drops for a while.  Try farming some bosses for variety as well - I've gotten more than a few good mods over the past few days doing that while working on getting the schematics and materials for the Ash frame.


I've been playing entirely public matches, often full-house; I've farmed the Volt, Ash, Rhino and Trinity warframes along with the Boltor, Fragor and Akbolto in the last four days (the last two warframes today) and I still haven't gotten any drops worth noting that aren't common or uncommon. The majority are just warframe powers I'll never use.


In any case, I'll wait for the update and see what's up after.

Edited by Hashul
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I got a freeze mod in one of the first systems. It's RNG, deal with it.



^This.  And to top it off,  freeze mods aren't terribly important.  Damage mods (uncommon), multishot (rare, but not especially hard to get), and fire (rare, but very common as defense mission rewards) mods are all you need for the most part.

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^This.  And to top it off,  freeze mods aren't terribly important.  Damage mods (uncommon), multishot (rare, but not especially hard to get), and fire (rare, but very common as defense mission rewards) mods are all you need for the most part.


And how is one expected to upgrade them in a cave with a box of Common 3 fusion cores?

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At this point, I think the diagnosis is clear - bad luck.  


I waited until now to get mods for the shotgun, having never bothered with them before trying out the Hek, and I haven't gotten any elemental mods for it yet since the last update - but, it is only a matter of time.  It'll happen.

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At this point, I think the diagnosis is clear - bad luck.  


The diagnosis is bad programming. Were weighted drops too difficult or did it just never occur to people who are apparently old enough to have seen the Antikythera mechanism in the workshop that they would be a solution? Hours of farming don't hold up to the 'bad luck' explanation, because being that unlucky would realistically render me the luckiest person on Earth.


But yes, I'll just wait for the next update. Hopefully I won't have to kidnap the pink underwear man's family to effect substantiative change.

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And how is one expected to upgrade them in a cave with a box of Common 3 fusion cores?


Mods with the same polarity.  Oh, and the occasional uncommon fusion core.


You're going to have to grind tens of thousands of credits to upgrade them anyways.  If you have enough credits to upgrade a mod, you'll more than likely have enough mods to upgrade it decently.

Edited by Aggh
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Nice scottsman rage going on around here. Or would it be welsh? Somewhere around that place anyway.


I don't know, mod droprate seems fine to me. Pluto's obviously not the place to go farming for'em though. Defense missions, Tolstoj, hell even M Prime if you have a fast-clearing class can all be much more efficient for mods themselves.


I don't know if that's a good thing. Ideally Pluto&co should drop higher grade fusion cores at a higher rate so we can upgrade our mods faster, as well as more credits. Certainly doesn't call for a S#&$storm of angry scottsman insults though.


Was there really any need to bring your bigoted crap into the thread, you do not have the first idea where he is from, and there is nothing in his posts that suggest's otherwise. Keep your bigotry to yourself,  it has no place in a public forum.

Edited by HexCaliber
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While I disagree with the whiny nature of the OP.

I do agree that rare mods are far too rare now. I have an entire inventory of Sentinel and Ghost mods and no rare mods for days. Before they dropped like candy but now they really are FAR too rare for their need.

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Wow dude get over the fact that you spent $50.  It is called a Beta test.  We as founders and members help out the game Dev team to make it as best as possible.  So if you are going to cry over the drop rates get over self it is only a game.

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"This is bloody pathetic.


I started playing maybe a week or two ago and I got the fifty-dollar Founder's Pack because I thought I'd be paying towards a good game with proven developers, but I can't imagine what kind of inexperienced has-beens this whole lot turned out to be. I'm sitting thinking to myself why I'm paying for a game where seventy hours (I'm counting) of grinding on the hardest levels gets you around ten useful rare mods, about one of which is a freeze mod for a weapon I don't even need freeze on? Is your idea of 'fixing' a drop rate to make it utterly inaccessible to anyone who has a physical form capable of fatigue?


I've got utter incompetents at life telling me that 'rare' mods should be 'rare' and that if I don't like it I should play another game, but if it isn't the bloody Sword of a Thousand Truths I don't see why there's a thousand-hour grind to find one that isn't absolutely and utterly useless. What sort of designer struggling to be relevant in the modern world 'fixes' a drop-rate so the only thing Pluto gives you is Thief's Wit?


Now I'm hearing (heard, rather, on the livestream) that the developers are going to remove leaving after bossfights as well, which is the point at which I'm thinking I might draw the bloody line. It's taking long enough for the mods and now they're seriously contemplating making farming the apparent endgame instead of skill-based gaming (because as we know that would take more effort than the guys who seriously don't want global trade because of the trade spam instead of considering a trading channel or a platinum-bought merchant pass are willing to shoulder) - are the mod drop rates going to be fixed or have I donated my money to charity?


I can't even well bloody well care if this gets me banned, because it's not a great deal of money in any case and it would certainly be more of a service to me than it would be to you.


What an utter farce this whole enterprise turned out to be.


(In case you're planning to ask: yes, I'm mad. I can only imagine what kind of person doesn't get a little miffed over having wasted more time on something than God on Earth.)"



I've played this game since closed beta and the devs have taken alot of what people and players have said into consideration. You think this mod system is bad? The one before was awful.Seriously after reading your post all i've really seen is rudeness and arrogance with a few good points thrown in here and there. I don't know who you are or what you do for a living but do not presume that 50 dollars is not a lot of money to most people, and definitely don't presume that everyone plays the same way you do. You want to leave a mission after a boss, fine, just go solo it then. So sickening when you kill a boss and don't have time to loot it because the host did and left already.


On a side note, defence missions have the best chances for mods.

Edited by Critter
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This is bloody pathetic.

I started playing maybe a week or two ago and I got the fifty-dollar Founder's Pack because I thought I'd be paying towards a good game with proven developers, but I can't imagine what kind of inexperienced has-beens this whole lot turned out to be. I'm sitting thinking to myself why I'm paying for a game where seventy hours (I'm counting) of grinding on the hardest levels gets you around ten useful rare mods, about one of which is a freeze mod for a weapon I don't even need freeze on? Is your idea of 'fixing' a drop rate to make it utterly inaccessible to anyone who has a physical form capable of fatigue?

I've got utter incompetents at life telling me that 'rare' mods should be 'rare' and that if I don't like it I should play another game, but if it isn't the bloody Sword of a Thousand Truths I don't see why there's a thousand-hour grind to find one that isn't absolutely and utterly useless. What sort of designer struggling to be relevant in the modern world 'fixes' a drop-rate so the only thing Pluto gives you is Thief's Wit?

Now I'm hearing (heard, rather, on the livestream) that the developers are going to remove leaving after bossfights as well, which is the point at which I'm thinking I might draw the bloody line. It's taking long enough for the mods and now they're seriously contemplating making farming the apparent endgame instead of skill-based gaming (because as we know that would take more effort than the guys who seriously don't want global trade because of the trade spam instead of considering a trading channel or a platinum-bought merchant pass are willing to shoulder) - are the mod drop rates going to be fixed or have I donated my money to charity?

I can't even well bloody well care if this gets me banned, because it's not a great deal of money in any case and it would certainly be more of a service to me than it would be to you.

What an utter farce this whole enterprise turned out to be.

(In case you're planning to ask: yes, I'm mad. I can only imagine what kind of person doesn't get a little miffed over having wasted more time on something than God on Earth.)

I really don't understand the hate here. I'm beginning to think some people don't understand that rare means RARE - you know as in unlikely to drop. Yes killing a level 50 Grineer probably only increases the drop chance of a rare mod by 1% and that should be raised, but to simply hate this game because your not getting the mod you want is rather pathetic - Its RNG at its finest and worst.

The only thing I remember about drop rate - is that its increased the faster you kill things including from other players so go into a 4 man group and mow everything down. If you didn't get mod you wanted, so what? You feel entitled enough to have the mod you only want to drop? Grow up you, can't have everything in life and you especially can't rely on the RNG to love you enough to give you that mod.

During my playtime I've received nearly every single released mod out there I can only think of one mod I'm missing which is a frost pistol mod. Do I grovel? No I try my hardest and try to get the mod.

The current system of mods is probably better than the previous system - I would of supposed that you would of wanted the "Dual effect" mods to have dropped every single time for you.

Edited by Zenneh
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So how has changing the mod drop rate so substantially made this a better game for everyone?


Currently, you can view optimizing your gear as endgame.

In before people claim "BUT WE WANT MORE". It's a beta, be glad you can play as much as you can right now.


-Craftable mods guys, https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/21-gameplay-feedback/



How about no. I'm all in for the possibility of TRADING mods, but crafting?

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So how has changing the mod drop rate so substantially made this a better game for everyone?



Progressing through content too quickly is just as bad as progressing too slowly :|


We'd just have less people *@##$ing about RNG (though there would still be plenty of people doing it anyways) and more people *@##$ing about endgame.

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Currently, you can view optimizing your gear as endgame.

In before people claim "BUT WE WANT MORE". It's a beta, be glad you can play as much as you can right now.


How about no. I'm all in for the possibility of TRADING mods, but crafting?


Crafting atm is probably one of the mechanic that keeps people playing, besides end progression which is purely farming for rubedo or battling the crappy RNG. 

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