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[Gamebreaking] Chat lobby.


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Regional, or otherwise. we need one.

it's very important to have this, especially while the population is so low due to beta and such.

people will be able to LFM for boss fights, rather than queing and waiting for somone to notice they're qued lol

the forums are the only place to find groups and no one lurks the forums!

More specifically, it's impossible to find people to group with for the standard missions that dont have any merit other than progression, you literally have to start at the beginning and hope to tag along with somone if you want group action, it'd be very easy to coordinate this with a chat lobby

"anyone doing venus prog?" etc.

Edited by RawrKitty
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This has been said over and over and we dont need one you all ready know where to find a lobby with people if you however over the planet the box at the top right will tell you how many active squads are in there and when you click on the planet you will see how many people are on the different missions

its pointles right now not to also say if this was brought in it could cause alot of greif as it could be subjected to gold spammers

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completely agree, also hardly anyone uses Squad chat. There should be a hint in the tutorial or something because it took me till someone else wrote in there to check key bindings for how to use it...

well thats just you cause everyone i know checks their key-bindings before they even start there first game

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This has been said over and over and we dont need one you all ready know where to find a lobby with people if you however over the planet the box at the top right will tell you how many active squads are in there and when you click on the planet you will see how many people are on the different missions

its pointles right now not to also say if this was brought in it could cause alot of greif as it could be subjected to gold spammers

Is this a serious post?

You can only see groups that are in PROGRESS, not people who are qued, for one.

For two people wont que with out prior incentive, thus seeing a chat message will provide that incentive

Three, you cant even trade in this game, why would there be gold spammers?

a 1 message every 10 seconds fixes all spam.

please, don't post that garbadge excuse for a counter arguement of its implementation. it already exists, it just needs to be turned on, essentially. (persistent squad lobbies show that)

my gf had the frustration of finding the chat intially as well, most players are used to enter being chat, T is very oldschool and not alot of people are used to it, or think about it, it's kind of interesting to realize that too lol

Edited by RawrKitty
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Glad that extended chat features are on the to-do list :)

Filters can be created later to fight spam, blacklists added that players can edit and put spammers into. I haven't played many MMO's lately, but I'm sure there can be found enough examples out there of nicely working chat-systems to draw inspiration from.

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We've got this on our list. Thanks for the notes. I do have concerns about negative skew these get but I agree better group tools are essential.

Indeed i understand your concern, but the benefits exponentially outweigh the risks, secondly, its fairly easy to control the content and especially the greifability of a chat window.

a 10 second chat cooldown will work, and since there's no economy in this game and idont see one in the future (id like one though) i doubt youd have issues on that front. in this kind of game itll be primarily a LFG tool, and trust me, we need to encourage chatting in this game, it feels like single player.. with other people.

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We've got this on our list. Thanks for the notes. I do have concerns about negative skew these get but I agree better group tools are essential.

As an experienced debaucherist I can guarantee these global chat channels on will primarily be used for the antagonization of other players for the sake of humor, large off-topic derails involving increasingly trivial subjects, complaining about the game, and making ancient chuck norris jokes.

Edited by MegatechBody
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