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The Kubrow Concept


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No disrespect to the dog/kubrow lovers out there.  I was thinking about this after trying out my Kubrow, that something doesn't seem right.  No I'm not talking about bugs, wrong fur color, or anything like that.


Here is how I look at it.  We are supposedly space ninjas.  (I doubt it, but that's the assumed theme).  I have see many times in fiction of ninjas having attack dogs, so nothing wrong there.  However, this is warframe, and we are playing as "Tenno", people housed in full body armor with the ability to execute (magical?) powers to fight the enemy.  I imagine that having this special armor is what keeps us alive in battle, and why we can survive after murdering thousands of enemies at one time.


So now, look at the dog or kubrow creature.  They have fur and flesh, but no armor.  They have shields, but no technology on them.  (No talking about the collar.)  It makes me wonder how these creatures would even survive what the warframe-wearing Tenno survive daily.  I know everyone loves cute animals, with the fur and all, but kubrows working for Tenno (in the current state) do not really match the theme of the game (in my opinion).


Why did not the Tenno or whatever organization is responsible for creating warframe technology, create something that is used for and only by Kubrows?  Nova, in lore, is a recently created warframe, so I know it is possible.  The question is, why is there no body armor to protect the kubrows in battle, just like how the Tenno are protected?


Sometimes I find it hard to believe that a dog-like creature is able to take down a Grinner, if considering realistic situations.  I know this is all fiction, so it is not to be taken too seriously.  However, If a kubrow was a robot or android, or simply had the full body armor like a Tenno, then I think they could do all kinds of damage to the enemy and survive in a believable way.

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I would imagine, lore-wise, that Kubrow are protected by some kind of sub-dermal armor, in much the same way a Tenno is protected by its Warframe.  The difference is that Kubrow are genetically-modified creatures that were made to perfectly fill a role, and if that role is "attack dog" then it would make sense that they would have some special regenerative and/or protective properties that keep them alive in the heat of battle with no external armor whatsoever.  Shields (assumedly from the collar) also further bolster their defensive prowess.


Warframe seems to like to keep pushing the boundaries for what fits thematically, but in this case (and many others even) it actually does work, if only because the boundaries were made so large to begin with due to the "magic space ninja" backstory.

Edited by Metalarcher
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That's actually hilarious.  Okay, but then take a human and slap Darth Vader's suit on him or her, and you would have warframe satire matching this photo you placed here.  That's basically what a Tenno would be according to your interpretation.

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I would imagine, lore-wise, that Kubrow are protected by some kind of sub-dermal armor, in much the same way a Tenno is protected by its Warframe.  The difference is that Kubrow are genetically-modified creatures that were made to perfectly fill a role, and if that role is "attack dog" then it would make sense that they would have some special regenerative and/or protective properties that keep them alive in the heat of battle with no external armor whatsoever.  Shields (assumedly from the collar) also further bolster their defensive prowess.


Warframe seems to like to keep pushing the boundaries for what fits thematically, but in this case (and many others even) it actually does work, if only because the boundaries were made so large to begin with due to the "magic space ninja" backstory.

Valid point.

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also remember they are not your 2014 regular dog, they are an evolutioned race of dogs wich were genetically altered by tennos from the future with really advanced technology.

okay, however... why is it that we can install orokin reactors on them or in them?  They are not machines.  There is nothing mechanical about them that they would need a reactor.

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