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More Ways To Restore Kubrow Loyalty


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At current, I'm finding the 'three pets a day!' crap is getting really old. I don't want to have to deal with my Kubrow being at less than 100% optimization without my ability to prevent it.


I understand many could state I should be looking after my Kubrow and preventing it from dying in the first place, which would solve all my problems. However, earlier today I was doing some low-level defence missions in all the wrong gear (low-level stuff I wanted to level up), and the Grustrag Three showed up. being fully incapable of defeating them efficiently as my Rank 8 Loki, I attempted to pick them off from a distance; that was until my Kubrow died. I used the last of my energy to invis and attempted to revive him, but was downed in the process since Shik Tal decided to sit on my Kubrow while he was incapacitated.


I do not feel I could have done anything within my current skill level to save him. Therefore, I feel like there should be some other way to at least restore some Loyalty towards the Kubrows than the 3 daily offerings. Even if you charge a little platinum to restore the pettings, or make us craft some kind of 'Loyalty blueprint', just give us something!


Addendum: I know I could just have a few more Kubrows to switch out to, but with different fur patterns and Kubrow types, it's really really hard not to have favourites. What's more, switching out a Kubrow takes a base 3 hours anyway without 10 platinum to drop. It's still somewhat flawed, but please, give me some way to use Grizz more without getting #*($%%@ over! ;A;

Edited by Swizzlestix
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I would agree that we need some another way to restore loyalty to Kubrows. 

IDK for example food. Visit the earth scan some plants and mash some sort of food from it. Based on the food it would restore loyalty and/or Health.

Would also give more use to these tricorns or whatever those plants are called.

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I prefer the current loyalty system. I've played a certain MMO that has a similar system with partners, and it can take weeks just to get to 100% condition, without items anyway. And you can only raise their loyalty once per day instead of three times. No one complained.


Don't tell me Kubrows need a new way to restore loyalty. It's not like you need every last bit of damage, unless you're fighting at the very highest levels.

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