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  • 1 month later...
On 2019-07-06 at 1:26 AM, -Edrick- said:

Recruitment is open. LF MR 12+

IGN: BrbQuickDinner
- Age: 25
- Mastery Rank: 24
- Time Zone and play-time range: EST, some week-nights 7pm-10pm. Weekends all day ;D (depends on exams and call days and plans)
- Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any - Volt, Ash,
- Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?  Miss my warframe family
- Tell Me a little about Yourself: 26 y/o in medical school. Also into music - play guitar, can sing, can beatbox. Used to be in an a cappella group in college. Also into  sports - volleyball regularly, tennis when season permits, table tennis, you name it!
 - Tell Me a Joke! : Volt cloth physics
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 IGN: Armyfreak42
 Age: 33
 Mastery Rank: 20
 Time Zone and play-time range: US Central  no set time range
 Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any:  My two most used frames are Ivara and Mesa. 
 Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?: I want a group of people to play with. Want to explore late game content. 
 A little about Yourself: Played games all my life. Spent six years in the Army with two deployments, got out and continued my career in Aviation
 A Joke! : What's the ideal weight of a lawyer?  About 3 pounds including the Urn.  
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46 minutes ago, Armyfreak42 said:
 IGN: Armyfreak42
 Age: 33
 Mastery Rank: 20
 Time Zone and play-time range: US Central  no set time range
 Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any:  My two most used frames are Ivara and Mesa. 
 Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?: I want a group of people to play with. Want to explore late game content. 
 A little about Yourself: Played games all my life. Spent six years in the Army with two deployments, got out and continued my career in Aviation
 A Joke! : What's the ideal weight of a lawyer?  About 3 pounds including the Urn.  

Greetings Armyfreak42! 

Ah 2 deployments.  I'm always thankful for our men and women in the military and love lawyer jokes lol.  I'm  one of the oldest in the clan (37) and ingame (5 years).  I'd like to meet you in game to make a few more inquiries and get a better feel of your online times to see if it will mesh well with our current membership (should be fine actually).  I'll send a friend request (or vice versa)  and I'll see you when I see you.  :) 

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IGN: MrRoadBlock
Age: 18
Mastery Rank: 25
Time Zone & play-time range: CST, typically on later in the night/6:00 assuming I don't have work.
Primary Frames/Loadouts: Kind of all over the place I love my secura lecta, and have always enjoyed playing volt. Specialties would probably be farming stupid amounts of resources for no reason.
 Why do I wanna join: Currently part of semi-dead clan right now, looking for groups to farm and mess around with in game. goals is mostly to get better so I can do more in missions and events.
A little about Yourself: Still in school, looking to something around engineering but not 100% sure yet. Been playing warframe for 5 years with breaks here and there but im here to stay now.
A Joke!: What's the longest word in the dictionary? "Smiles", because there's a mile between the two S's.(Couldn't think of too many off the top of my head ; -;)
P.S. hearing that ammo drum was a currency is a big draw in but I don't know if I can part with any in my collection...

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6 hours ago, MrRoadBlock said:

IGN: MrRoadBlock
Age: 18
Mastery Rank: 25
Time Zone & play-time range: CST, typically on later in the night/6:00 assuming I don't have work.
Primary Frames/Loadouts: Kind of all over the place I love my secura lecta, and have always enjoyed playing volt. Specialties would probably be farming stupid amounts of resources for no reason.
 Why do I wanna join: Currently part of semi-dead clan right now, looking for groups to farm and mess around with in game. goals is mostly to get better so I can do more in missions and events.
A little about Yourself: Still in school, looking to something around engineering but not 100% sure yet. Been playing warframe for 5 years with breaks here and there but im here to stay now.
A Joke!: What's the longest word in the dictionary? "Smiles", because there's a mile between the two S's.(Couldn't think of too many off the top of my head ; -;)
P.S. hearing that ammo drum was a currency is a big draw in but I don't know if I can part with any in my collection...

Greetings MrRoadBlock!

Sounds like you'd blend in our community just fine.  *looks at ammo drums* 👀  Id like to meet you in-game to make a few inquiries about your frequency of play more and to orient you more about our shenanig... clan.  Friend invite sent, see you when i see you!

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On 2019-07-09 at 12:25 AM, -Edrick- said:

Greetings MrRoadBlock!

Sounds like you'd blend in our community just fine.  *looks at ammo drums* 👀  Id like to meet you in-game to make a few inquiries about your frequency of play more and to orient you more about our shenanig... clan.  Friend invite sent, see you when i see you!

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you, got busy in the past few days here but I mean around 6:00pm  to around midnight Central standard time, and whens a good time to catch you online in warframe so I may be oriented into the "Clan"? o. o

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Welcome to the clan MrRoadBlock! Welcome Home! 
We are now at full capacity. Recruitment is now closed.  We will re-open recruitment once we have 2-3 members who have been  inactive for 20 days.
Thank you all for visiting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
- IGN: lethalan
- Age: 25
- MR: 13
-Time zone and play-time range : GMT  +2 netherlands, Every day mainly between 12:00 and 1:00 evening, depending if i have to work
- Warframes/Loadouts/Specialities, CC and support oriented frames, currently having loads of fun with limbo, I prefer melee its nice and quick and looks cool.
- Why i want to join: I used to be in a small clan when i started playing during beta. But the clan died at some point because we all quit and started playing other games.now i am back playing with a friend of mine and am looking to find a new clan that is close to each other. 
- Tell Me about yourself: i am a completionist that likes to farm everything instead of buying it. I also love puzzles AND WILL waste hours in maps to find out how the secrets work as they are so fun to discover and solve.
-Jokes: ??? only 1 joke?! TAKE THIS A LIST OF DaD-J0KeS:l

1. What kind of car does an egg drive ? A yolks-wagen
2. What kind of chips do feet eat? Dori- toes
3. How do you call an herb that is added late? morning after dill
4. What do you call a funny mountain? hill-larious
5. Why did the banana go to the doctor? because it wasn’t peeling well
6. What has 4 wheels and flies? a garbage truck
7. How is Miley Cyrus in Europe? Kilometer Cyrus
8. Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? because they lack toes
9. What kind of bee makes milk boo-bees
10. How do you cut the ocean in half? with a sea-saw
11. Why is cheese gods favorite food? its holy
12. How do fish get high? sea-weed
13. How does lady gaga like her meat? RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW
14. What do you call a group of infant soldiers the Infant-tree

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16 hours ago, lethalan said:
- IGN: lethalan
- Age: 25
- MR: 13
-Time zone and play-time range : GMT  +2 netherlands, Every day mainly between 12:00 and 1:00 evening, depending if i have to work
- Warframes/Loadouts/Specialities, CC and support oriented frames, currently having loads of fun with limbo, I prefer melee its nice and quick and looks cool.
- Why i want to join: I used to be in a small clan when i started playing during beta. But the clan died at some point because we all quit and started playing other games.now i am back playing with a friend of mine and am looking to find a new clan that is close to each other. 
- Tell Me about yourself: i am a completionist that likes to farm everything instead of buying it. I also love puzzles AND WILL waste hours in maps to find out how the secrets work as they are so fun to discover and solve.
-Jokes: ??? only 1 joke?! TAKE THIS A LIST OF DaD-J0KeS:l

1. What kind of car does an egg drive ? A yolks-wagen
2. What kind of chips do feet eat? Dori- toes
3. How do you call an herb that is added late? morning after dill
4. What do you call a funny mountain? hill-larious
5. Why did the banana go to the doctor? because it wasn’t peeling well
6. What has 4 wheels and flies? a garbage truck
7. How is Miley Cyrus in Europe? Kilometer Cyrus
8. Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? because they lack toes
9. What kind of bee makes milk boo-bees
10. How do you cut the ocean in half? with a sea-saw
11. Why is cheese gods favorite food? its holy
12. How do fish get high? sea-weed
13. How does lady gaga like her meat? RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW
14. What do you call a group of infant soldiers the Infant-tree


Greetings lethalan!

It's good see a fellow completion-ist.  We have a handful who also love doing puzzles, exploring, and collecting too!  I'd like to meet you in-game to orient you more about the clan, make a few more inquiries and to get a better picture of your play times.  Friend request sent. See you when i see you!!!

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- IGN :  KitKatara

- Age :  18

- MR :  8

- Time zone & play-time range : GMT+2 France, I can play between 2pm and 6pm or 7pm and 0:00 during university. And during vacations I'm most of the time able to play if not I'm maybe outside with friends.

- Why I want to join : The layout of the clan looks very well which attires me and I guess players in the clan are ready to help me because I'm lost in some parts related to the game so yeah.

- Tell Me about yourself : I always been active in games, I used to play little games like Gta san andreas in servers or open worlds. When I like a game, I'd spend over 2K hours, as an example I had 3.500 hours on MW2 in 3 years. I'm playing games to enjoy and help others but this time it's the opposite, your help would be appreciated if I need.

A joke ? 🤔Hmmm : Well I'd say my name is a joke but you may don't know where it comes from. So here is a joke :

Which tea is the most popular in psychiatries :



Okay so here is my discord if needed Brad#7596

Have a nice day !

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10 hours ago, KitKatara said:

- IGN :  KitKatara

- Age :  18

- MR :  8

- Time zone & play-time range : GMT+2 France, I can play between 2pm and 6pm or 7pm and 0:00 during university. And during vacations I'm most of the time able to play if not I'm maybe outside with friends.

- Why I want to join : The layout of the clan looks very well which attires me and I guess players in the clan are ready to help me because I'm lost in some parts related to the game so yeah.

- Tell Me about yourself : I always been active in games, I used to play little games like Gta san andreas in servers or open worlds. When I like a game, I'd spend over 2K hours, as an example I had 3.500 hours on MW2 in 3 years. I'm playing games to enjoy and help others but this time it's the opposite, your help would be appreciated if I need.

A joke ? 🤔Hmmm : Well I'd say my name is a joke but you may don't know where it comes from. So here is a joke :

Which tea is the most popular in psychiatries :

  Reveal hidden contents


Okay so here is my discord if needed Brad#7596

Have a nice day !

Greetings KitKatara!

Thank you for your interest in our clan and our dojo 😄  Its good to see a committed gamer.  However, our current MR requirement is MR 12.  Climb up to MR 12 first and I will make the effort to meet you in-game then 🙂

In terms of being able to help you, our membership is comprised of veterans of the game.  Making our clan ideal to help any new player. However, (in case you are not aware yet) veterans in warframe, generally, do not have much to do nowadays due to the lack of end game contents to play.  So seeing/playing with a veteran player in game can be tricky.  It is our discord that keeps our members in touch and active with one another and new members.   In addition, our clan has created tools to help members grow and support chats to help answer questions.   When you hit MR 12 and are still interested in joining, I can explain more in detail.  Until then continue growing Tenno 👍

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- Age
- Mastery Rank
- Time Zone and play-time range
    UTC -05:00; Somewhat sporadic but I'm often on daily between 3pm-12am.
- Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any
    I use Chroma/Trinity and Octavia frequently. Amprex, Atterax and Akstiletto are my primary weapons with a riven for each.
- Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?
    Coordination of events and various objectives. Having access to a dojo is also bonus.
- Tell Me a little about Yourself
    Over 800 hrs ing, 3.6k complete missions and a 92% completion rate. I'm not new to the game but a lot of content is new to me after taking a break. Looking for an active group to participate with. 
- Tell Me a Joke!
   The Machete.

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6 hours ago, Lava_Torrent said:

- Age
- Mastery Rank
- Time Zone and play-time range
    UTC -05:00; Somewhat sporadic but I'm often on daily between 3pm-12am.
- Primary Frames/Load-outs/Specialties if any
    I use Chroma/Trinity and Octavia frequently. Amprex, Atterax and Akstiletto are my primary weapons with a riven for each.
- Why do you want to join our clan? Goals?
    Coordination of events and various objectives. Having access to a dojo is also bonus.
- Tell Me a little about Yourself
    Over 800 hrs ing, 3.6k complete missions and a 92% completion rate. I'm not new to the game but a lot of content is new to me after taking a break. Looking for an active group to participate with. 
- Tell Me a Joke!
   The Machete.

Greetings Lava_Torrent,

Timezone-wise you'd fall in fairly well with a good number of our members as a good number of players are near your times.  I am curious though as what you mean with "...Coordination of events and various objectives..?"
Are you referring to playing with organized/pre-made group instead of randoms?   Or are you referring to finding a clan that has scheduled runs and events?    Either way, I'd like to meet you in-game to inquire more about your overall play times.  Friend request sent. See you when I see you!!!!


On a separate note, I'd like to apologize to not getting back to players and applicants who have applied and been messaging me recently.  I've just been busy with some 'adulting' in the past weeks but rest assure I've seen and read all your messages.  🙂  And now that things are starting to settle down for me this week, I will be able to dedicate a bit more time back on warframe.  Again i apologize for the delayed responses and i hope to meet (if not reply back to) you all soon!

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  • 1 month later...

BlackOPs clan is looking for new recruits; particularly Dojo Architects!



I am looking for members who are aspiring or experienced dojo architects looking to unleash their inner creativity while being a permanent member of our community. Mats/resources will ALL be provided via clan vault. 

If you are interested pls reply here or PM me.

Edited by -Edrick-
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  • 1 month later...

With the addition of Dry Dock and Crimson Branch Ive found more reason to start Dojo decorating again.  With that in mind I wouldn't mind some company in this journey (again).  Architects who are interested in either joining the clan or collaborating to continue the growth of our immersive dojo send me a PM or reply here.  




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
- 30
- 28
- gmt -7 1900-0000 most nights.
- Primary booben, Have all frames built and I rotate through them a lot.
- Looking for a community that actually plays together, Been in a clan for the last 5 years and only played with about 10 of 1000 members.
- fun loving guy who enjoys warframe more then any other game. Love teaching the game but would like to have a community where I don't have to teach everybody. Dont know much about dojo building but would be willing to learn and help out.
- YES, would love to have a consistent crew.
- As the first applicant of the new year, it is clear you can SEE why you should invite me.
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9 hours ago, MountainMan2786 said:
- 30
- 28
- gmt -7 1900-0000 most nights.
- Primary booben, Have all frames built and I rotate through them a lot.
- Looking for a community that actually plays together, Been in a clan for the last 5 years and only played with about 10 of 1000 members.
- fun loving guy who enjoys warframe more then any other game. Love teaching the game but would like to have a community where I don't have to teach everybody. Dont know much about dojo building but would be willing to learn and help out.
- YES, would love to have a consistent crew.
- As the first applicant of the new year, it is clear you can SEE why you should invite me.

Greetings MountainMan2786,

Your info and the impression I sense from your post tells me you'd make a good addition for us.  But before I invite/meet with you in-game, i want to be transparent so you can also decide further if we would be a fit for you. 

Current Activity State

- About half of our shadow clan is active (15/30).
- About 9 members are currently active in RJ quests/mission.  About 5 of em are at RJ end game (including myself).
- All members are adults (18-40); All are veterans, experienced, and very familiar with wf meta/mechanics.
- We are not limited to just 30 members; our discord is filled with both past and current members. Some of which play in other games.

In our current state, i cannot promise you will have players around your timezone.  However it is a new year and that means a new opportunity for us to rise to our former active-self.  One thing i do ensure though is that we are a home to gaming adults.  We never kick members out and instead keep them on a 'hiatus' status.  Members are able to return in the clan roster as active members.  This allows us to 'recycle' former members while still having room for new recruits. Hence keeping a close-knit environment beyond the cap of 30 members. 

Either way, I'd still like to meet you in-game and make or answer any further inquiries of both yours and our activity/online play times.  🙂  Friend request sent.  See ya when i see ya!!!

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  • 1 month later...


IGN: Lin_Beifong

Age: 23

MR: 8

Timezone: UTC-6 (Central US) / Playtime would be Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday mostly, due to work schedule.

Primary loadout is Rhino Prime with an Ignis Wraith and Aksomati Primes, but I've been playing some Ivara & Octavia lately.

Would like to join because it's been a long time since I've been in a guild (in any game) that plays seriously while also goofing off & being an awesome community environment. Also, a current member of yours encouraged me to apply!

About me: I've been playing warframe for about a year or so, but only recently was able to start playing more seriously. I'm having a ton of fun moving into higher level content and new frames & weapons. Warframe is easily my favorite game right now, and I'm excited to keep learning & playing even more! I don't like being a leach, so I'll do my best to contribute in whatever way I can.

Do you like Emperyean update? Well, I honestly haven't gotten that far yet, so I don't really have an opinion.

A joke? My love life 😛

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2020-02-25 at 4:26 PM, Lin_Beifong said:


IGN: Lin_Beifong

Age: 23

MR: 8

Timezone: UTC-6 (Central US) / Playtime would be Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday mostly, due to work schedule.

Primary loadout is Rhino Prime with an Ignis Wraith and Aksomati Primes, but I've been playing some Ivara & Octavia lately.

Would like to join because it's been a long time since I've been in a guild (in any game) that plays seriously while also goofing off & being an awesome community environment. Also, a current member of yours encouraged me to apply!

About me: I've been playing warframe for about a year or so, but only recently was able to start playing more seriously. I'm having a ton of fun moving into higher level content and new frames & weapons. Warframe is easily my favorite game right now, and I'm excited to keep learning & playing even more! I don't like being a leach, so I'll do my best to contribute in whatever way I can.

Do you like Emperyean update? Well, I honestly haven't gotten that far yet, so I don't really have an opinion.

A joke? My love life 😛

Greetings Lin_Beifong!

I really apologize for the very late reply. I usually have notifications of new applications sent to me via discord bot and the wf forums notification 'follow' system. but something got a little wonky apparently.  Anywhos, Id like to meet you in-game to inquire more of your playtime and orient you more into our clan's current standings and expectations --  Not to mention make sure that we get to see each other online as i try to make sure members have access or can see me online within their time zones.

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