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Shotgun Reloads...


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Too keep this short and sweet. The reloads of the shotgun and rifle's are the exact same.

Plus, looking at the models themselves it looks like there is no proper way to reload them. You are probably working on this now and good work if you are, it's just a pet peeve i can't stand at times. :)

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This is something I'd expect them to add later on... it indeed looks weird, those "phantom" reloads. The shotgun reloads should look like your Warframe is rapidly putting in shells in the underside of the shotgun. For rifles like the Braton and Burston, slotting in a long box magazine on the underside (kind of like the FN P90 submachine gun now, except that gun receives the mags on top). I think that magazine jutting out on the side of the Gorgon is meant to be detached and discarded for reloading.


I'm also assuming these guns in the game all fire caseless ammunition, as no shells can be seen ejected from the guns. Although the Burston does look like it has an ejection port on the front part of it.

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I actually like the idea that all future shotguns are magazine refilled instead of the rather archaic means of putting a single shell in at a time. The faster reloads afforded this way have really saved my bacon here and there.

That said, it would be a good idea to have some kind of magazine modeled to the weapons so that we know where we're reloading. If I was really gonna push it I'd say go for having trigger discipline on the Warframes but it would be a *@##$ to redo all of the weapon handling for an admittedly small detail.

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Modern combat shotguns are going the way of the magazine, just look at the AA-12.

Personally I think they should treat reloading as the space compression/digitalization Warframes can do. You know how you suck a prisoner up into your hand? Do it in reverse with bullets. It's the future people! Now all we need are special effects for it.

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