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Do You Care About Your Quit Rate?


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by the time somebody can check your stats you have to be in their recently played with list or w/e which means you will have done a mission with them nobody is going through everyone in their groups stats meticulously and then deciding if they want to stay or go in a pick up group. if the mission went well they will probably stay if yall suck they will probably leave. Nobody. literally, nobody on this earth could care any less about your stats.

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Since they added the new Tiles to the mining Base my quitrate skyrocketed.


The waypoint Marker bugs out far too often on that map (it just shows the exit and not the steps to it) and with the Mazelike structure im not wasting half an hour to find the way there.

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I cared at first, but then when I realized farming my Frost frame could take half as long, I stopped caring.


So the 15+ hours I spent killing Kril over 2 days would've taken more like 30 hours, if I had bothered fighting my way back to the exit every time.

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Personally I don't care at all, if people wish to just farm they can go ahead and quit as often during a mission as they want. As long as that happens in private or solo games.


God, I just can't stand it when people do this in public games...

Especially when fighting bosses and I'm hosting (killing my own gameplay yaaaay) an empty game hoping some people would join in whilst I'm busy playing.

Eventually we end up with 4 people and I lag a S#&$ton, we kill the boss and 2 of them just leave as soon as they got their loot... THANKS ALOT



In the end, they're just numbers and I doubt anyone but yourself looks at them.

Edited by Ubiez
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High quit rate is proof you're an efficient farmer :3 I'm kinda disappointed I only have 20% quit rate.

 In Livestream 3 they said that such playstyles are a problem, and that you will loose your blueprint loot if you do. So better get your prints before you accually have to work for them. I do care about it, but i also dont care about quitters.

Edited by NetSome
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I have both children and dogs, quitting is sometimes a necessity, at least when solo before they all shuffle off to bed :) So no, don't care about it.

Also failed migration/ lagg/ unconscious hamsters say Hi. 


have to lol at that Fluffy, i know exactly what your saying.


on topic im surprised no one has mention it has been closed betta, now open betta with the optional reset coming soon.

im still considering to do the reset when its available, but my quit "stats" im not overly worried about, they after all dont make me stronger or a better player,

my missions completed are just 543

missions failed are 195

missions quit are 104 at the time of this post.

means nothing to me after all the testing with mods and weapons etc, closed beta = testing, after the reset it may mean more, but i dunno I havent made my mind up whether to reset and then get a more true aspect of completed verses fails / quit..

really with the updates and the changes made from when i started are not a true reading of what I and alot can or have done, for me this point is moot.

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