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[Week 4] Great Philosophical Question


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hey guys another week another question. i hope you have all enjoyed this as much as i have.i do enjoy reading people replies they definetly are very unique. anyways enough chatter heres this weeks question:


Where do thoughts come from?


last weeks question:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/282481-week-3-great-philosophical-questions/#entry3243797 (if you missed it do check it out a very intresting conversation started up. makes you think...)


As always vote up the comment that you agree with the most, also dont forget to upvote this thread up. i would like to see as many people take part in this as possible.

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Thoughts are electrical signals prompted by external stimuli that propagate along the axons in your brain, triggering specialized neurons. There's been some interesting research lately into thoughts, and the ability to artificially prompt them is not too far away.


It sort of gives you a sense of perspective, thinking about it like that. 

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They are the result of the process our brain starts whenever we are confronted with a problem often referd to as "thinking".


If you however meant why our brain started thinking back at some point in the human evolution in the first place, well that would be a far more tricky question. However that would lead us to another even more interesting question in my opinion, when did the first human able to think, recognize it was HIS thought and not maybe just somebody in his head talking to him (this is to tell you the truth my idea how something like religion and the believe in a higher being came into existance in the first place).


And another question wich should be answered is, what makes the difference between a thought (wich we have to be aware of) and a simple result of an instinct. I think a thought is what enables us the act different than what our instinct is telling us.

Therefor a thought comes from our ability to not act instinctive if you can call it that.

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