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Trinity & Mag Improvements


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I searched for this but wasnt able to find it since it's sort of a semi-weird request.

I feel that trinity and mag should have some sort of vision to see how much sheilds or health a warframe has just by looking at them.

Additionally their heal / shield ability should be based on proximity instead of targeting. Targeting in this game is a little wonky due to the fact that its so chaotic. If there's a wall between you and your target, or an enemy, or another warframe it makes this ability pretty lame to use. Granted the proximity thing wouldn't fix this unless the warframe inbetween you was at full health. It's something to think about though. I'd love for these abilities to become a little more useful, but I'm stuck coming up with an idea how to do this.

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You can see another teammate's warframe's shield (or health if sheild is depleted enough) by having the target over them, but I do kinda agree that there could be a UI option to always show teammate's shield+health(maybe even energy) on HUD somewhere. Could even be useful to non-Mag/Trinities. (Like knowing who you have to cover, or get close to so you can be ready to revive when his/her butt hits the floor, or knowing not to take that health drop when your 90/100 health and your teammate is 5/100 health)

As for the targeting of skills, they should stay single target if they are, but make it so that you can pick your target if it's a teammate with a key command or something.

Edited by SandDune
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