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Braton Vs. Braton Vandal



Since Braton's insane Fire Rate now, I think it will be worth the measly 10k Credits on it and will be better than the B. Vandal.

But should I really buy it and spend some time with it rather than sticking with my Braton Vandal?

What are the pros and cons of the two guns?

Edited by ReaverShale
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The Braton Vandal is a special Braton variant which was only available during the last Open Beta weekend when Closed Beta testing was still in force. It has a slower rate of time, but slightly more attack power.


Pros and cons are not very different between the two guns, and considering even the "crappy" Mk1 now has just a little less attack power and more accuracy and larger magazines than the other two variants... I'd say both (regular and Vandal) Bratons are fine. If you are bored and don't mind filling inventory slots, get the Mk1 too (I'm going to do that for the lols once I have maxed out all of my long guns).


Hey, what I'd do is: try sticking with the highest ranked gun first, then switch with the other when it's maxed out.

Edited by Vintovka
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For what I can recall, the Vandal also got the highest crit chance of the 3 Bratons. In addittion to that and the highest amage, it sounds great XD Anyway i got mine with a 30% fire rate and a 60% multishot, and a bunch of different kinds of damage mods, and it shred enemies to pieces even on Ceres(keeping in mind that's only lv 16 and mods aren't properly leveled).

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Well, Braton still has a more rapid Rof than Vandal. I'll still give it a spin. But please, I hope they also fix those insane Grineers.

The insane Grineers have been using the buffed RoF Bratons iirc, so yeah.

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