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How Much Voltage Do I Need Guys?


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Well guys, I'm new to pc building but I do have knowledge on parts except for Poweer supplies. Here's my build.

Amd Fx 8320 CPU

Motherboard: Asus M5A97 R2.0

RAM: 8GB Kingston HyperX BLU (1 stick)

GPU: EVEE(Nvidia) 750ti super clocked (supposedly using 300w

Now below are not as important but for those curious

Case: Rosewill Challanger

OS: Windows 8.1

Now for psu


Any knowledge on how much voltage it needs? I have in mind maybe around 500v but not to go overkill with 750. However, if 750W is needed, I'll buy it, but first,I'm asking you guys to see what psu is more compatible

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Seconded Atmo's suggestion. If your power supply goes bad, it can fry your entire setup, so it's one of the things you really shouldn't skimp out on.


I also recommend that you make sure the PSU you buy is one that has some solid reviews behind it. An acquaintance of mine got a cheap PSU and his poor motherboard got overloaded within a few months, and lost everything.

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I'm thinking about the Cosair's 750w CX. It has plenty of reviews. I have seen some 750w for only 20$ by OCZ gameXtreme SLI approved by Nvidia. However, just like what happened to your friend is what I'm gonna avoid. However, if you guys have good psus, I'm happily gonna go into it

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it'll be fine with a 500w PSU. you'll still have overhead. the CPU is going to be using most of the power in that situation.


i'd probably go with something in the 650w range though, since PSU's are fairly inexpensive, even from the best manufacturers.

and i'd only buy from the best manufacturers. ones with good reputations. if a PSU has a critical failure your entire machine could blow up. literally. an explosion. so don't buy cheapo ones.



you don't need to worry about the 750Ti at all, they have a TDP of 68Watts. they use basically no Electricity. 

that one is overclocked, but whatever, not a big deal. the Energy usage is basically nothing, increasing the Clock speed a bit couldn't possibly bring it over 100w, most likely.


i'd estimate your Power Consumption on that parts list to be in the.... 300-350w range. probably 300, but could be more like 350 depending on Fans and what kinds of Drives you'll have.


One question, is it possible for a PSU to fry components from over voltage?

no. your components will only draw what they need.


and the PSU only converts to DC what it needs. 

don't need to worry about blowing things up, there's safety measures everywhere.



I'm thinking about the Cosair's 750w CX. It has plenty of reviews.

sounds good to me, while Corsair isn't 100% SeaSonic anymore, they still have good Warranties on those products, meaning they trust them.

i'm happy with my PSU, CPU Cooler and Keyboard, most definitely.


normally i'd mention the Ampere usage of the GPU and make sure the one you're choosing has plenty of overhead on it's 12v Rail(s), but the 750Ti stock draws 5.7A maximum, so it really doesn't matter :D



i highly recommend a modular PSU though. less cable management time and the airflow in the case will be better.

and yes, spend some time on Cable Management. it's worth it.





assuming you're aiming for the most efficient PSU's that have the other features you want(since you might as well, wasting Electricity is pointless, and the PSU's aren't really any cheaper if they aren't efficient), PSU's in 80+ Bronze, Silver, and Gold are tested at 20%,50%,100%.

so if your machine is going to be 300-350w, choose a PSU that will be at ~20 or 50% usage with the components you'll have to maximize efficiency.



actually looked at the PSU you mentioned. personally, i'd buy an 80+ Gold, but anything that's atleast bronze is worth buying.



d'oh. by the by, i'd recommend having two sticks of RAM. if you want 8gigs, then get 2x4gig sticks.

running Memory in Dual Channel is something people should just do. the cost difference is negligible at that number of sticks and it's some level of a performance increase.

or hey, 2x8gig sticks would be even better ;)

Edited by taiiat
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it'll be fine with a 500w PSU. you'll still have overhead. the CPU is going to be using most of the power in that situation.


i'd probably go with something in the 650w range though, since PSU's are fairly inexpensive, even from the best manufacturers.

and i'd only buy from the best manufacturers. ones with good reputations. if a PSU has a critical failure your entire machine could blow up. literally. an explosion. so don't buy cheapo ones.



you don't need to worry about the 750Ti at all, they have a TDP of 68Watts. they use basically no Electricity. 

that one is overclocked, but whatever, not a big deal. the Energy usage is basically nothing, increasing the Clock speed a bit couldn't possibly bring it over 100w, most likely.


i'd estimate your Power Consumption on that parts list to be in the.... 300-350w range. probably 300, but could be more like 350 depending on Fans and what kinds of Drives you'll have.


no. your components will only draw what they need.


and the PSU only converts to DC what it needs. 

don't need to worry about blowing things up, there's safety measures everywhere.



sounds good to me, while Corsair isn't 100% SeaSonic anymore, they still have good Warranties on those products, meaning they trust them.

i'm happy with my PSU, CPU Cooler and Keyboard, most definitely.


normally i'd mention the Ampere usage of the GPU and make sure the one you're choosing has plenty of overhead on it's 12v Rail(s), but the 750Ti stock draws 5.7A maximum, so it really doesn't matter :D



i highly recommend a modular PSU though. less cable management time and the airflow in the case will be better.

and yes, spend some time on Cable Management. it's worth it.

Very valuanle informatio provided as well with the other folks that helped me out have my huge thanks. I was looking at the Rosewill Green series 630w but in case I'm going with 650w. I had a feeling it would be from 650w to 750w but wasn't sure then my mind occured 500w which was out of question XD. Well I'm only adding another fan (4 fans in total) with a HDD and CD drive with Cool masters 121v Hyper cooler ( I think I have it right)
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Whoops I missed the extra edits. I'LL go for gold editions in case cause I won't risk any damage to something that costs a lot of money. I rather buy an expensive psu to ensure safety XD and since you tell me to buy dual sticks, I'll go for it as well

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Well I'm only adding another fan (4 fans in total) with a HDD and CD drive

unless those are space magic jet turbine fans, their Energy usage will be pretty much the same as any other. unless they're using Three Phase Motors that is, which then they'll use less Energy. so not any real need to worry. the only way fans would add much for a significant power increase would be if you had a whole bunch of them.


i'm very biased but i'd recommend a WD Caviar Black if you're going to buy a Hard Drive.

(at this point though, it's really nice to have an SSD, just a small one for your Operating System is amazing - seriously, you can't understand the speed difference until you use a machine that's running it's Operating System on an SSD, the difference is absolutely massive).


physical media isn't dead? :D whatever. i assume you mean a DVD drive, since anything you get is probably on a DVD nowadays.




really, don't worry about power usage too much.


i did... just read some power data on the Piledriver series processors(which the FX8320 is in), and... wow. that's a lot of power. if it's Overclocked a moderate amount... it could use almost 400w to itself.



anyways, that changes things, since i highly underestimated the power consumption of current AMD Processors.

you'll need atleast a 650w. a 500 won't cut it in terms of covering any possible situation. 650 leaves some overhead.

if you plan on replacing that GPU with something that's more of a powerhouse someday, then atleast a 750.


you may or may not Overclock that Processor, but having overhead in the event that you decide you want to for N reason, is worth the few bucks rather than not being able to do to your machine whatever you want to do.

Edited by taiiat
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unless those are space magic jet turbine fans, their Energy usage will be pretty much the same as any other. unless they're using Three Phase Motors that is, which then they'll use less Energy. so not any real need to worry. the only way fans would add much for a significant power increase would be if you had a whole bunch of them.


i'm very biased but i'd recommend a WD Caviar Black if you're going to buy a Hard Drive.

(at this point though, it's really nice to have an SSD, just a small one for your Operating System is amazing - seriously, you can't understand the speed difference until you use a machine that's running it's Operating System on an SSD, the difference is absolutely massive).


physical media isn't dead? :D whatever. i assume you mean a DVD drive, since anything you get is probably on a DVD nowadays.

Oo definately I'm gonna aim towards a SSD in the future because of the speed it carries it's amazing! At the moment though it's in the works and I'll continually build it up to it's full potiental. Exactly what I meant was the DVD drive XD sorry on my part but truly it's what I meant. Well then, final verdict would be a psu of 650w is good enough XD do you think so?

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Oo definately I'm gonna aim towards a SSD in the future because of the speed it carries it's amazing! At the moment though it's in the works and I'll continually build it up to it's full potiental.

as long as you partition your Data out well, then yeah, you can clone your Operating System Partition over to an SSD whenever you buy one. which is certainly convenient, the Operating System will be exactly identical to what it was before.


they're not exactly the best for budget, but... Samsung basically dominates the entire SSD market. they have the best Warranties, extremely durable components, their own Memory (since Samsung is the leading Memory manufacturer), very high speeds, and technology to make things even faster and more durable.

since the 850 series is coming out about now, 840's will be going down in price, so they could be good costs for budget as well.


again, i'm biased, but i find great products and stick with them normally, hehe. i've been very happy with my 840Evo. Samsung has fantastic supporting software for their products as well. the Magician software is extremely well built both visually and functionally/feature....ally?

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