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So, About That Launcher Ammo...


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Hey All,


So, this may seem like another vent about the ammo for the now possibly useless launchers...and it kinda is but, hear this out.


I just got the Penta around a week ago and of course...Friggin loved it! (3 forma already) Blow the crap outta any enemy with one to two shots no hassle PLUS I could kill myself but for some odd reason not my buddies which was a nice twist. I then noticed the outrageous amount of ammo I could hold. Over 500!?...nerf bat a come'n I think. Well...here it is and holy S*** the size of that nerf bat! I totally get that the amount we could cart around before was waaaaaaaaaay to much and that needed to be handled but, 20....seriously....20....haha your playin with me right!? Oh, your not... it's seriously 20 now....wow ok. =( 


I can understand dropping the ammo amount cause it was stupid high before but, lowering it to under 40 for either the Ogris or the Penta (which by the way the Penta held over 500 and the Ogris over 200, I think, so why now does the Ogris hold 30 and the Penta 20!?!?) just sounds crazy. Even with an Ammo Drum you'd still only hold what....25 grenades? That’s one round of defense in the Void. 


Do the DEVS want to curb the damage output by forcing the need of ammo mods like drum and sniper mutation? Can I use sniper mutation on the Penta now that it no longer uses rifle ammo? Will anyone else still want to utilize these launchers now that they will need to mostly rely on their pistols if the sniper mutation can’t be used or they don't have it? Are these Launchers going to be taken out to some random field and Office Spaced to death with the very nerf bat they have just been struck with?


Whatever the answers are I will still attempt to use this gun but, it seems that most, and eventually me, will say the hell with that and get a Quanta, Soma, or Boltor Prime(<-beyond OP by the way) to compensate for such a heavy nerf.

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Further tweaking is still possible (and necessary, it seems), nothing is set in stone.


DEvs are already know for pretty drastic changes during rebalancing, because what they think is okay doesn't always line up with what is best (taking into consideration the myriad ways that players do things). It takes a few tries.

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Odd that the rifle mutation works but, I'll give it a try here in a bit. Thanks for that!


Also, I get the drastic changes from the DEVS are the norm during rebalnce I just hope that they don't start creating guns with the thought that most players will have ammo mutation mods. If we go in that direction we should get an additional slot like the Aura or stance mods but for Rifles and Pistols for ammo mutaions. That could be an interesting addition. Take some of the support stuff like Zoom and ammo mods and have a side slot. But, thats just me thinkin. =)

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I ran out of ammo with the Penta before the nerfbat fell upon it. Dont really object to the ammo quantity being nerfed tbh, but the amount of nerf seems a little drastic. And making it use sniper ammo seems a little &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;.... I mean come on DE? Exploding sniper ammo? It either explodes or it doesnt. If it does then I REALLY love my sniper rifles! :) 

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Well no, there is no way you could ever run out of ammo....how do you run out of 500+ ammo? Now though, you can and I don't mean low level defense. I mean for high level. When that ammo goes scarce and you start clenching your bum hole hope'n for an ammo drop.


I don't know man it just kinda blows. You now kinda need ammo mutations for solid high level play with a Penta or Ogris.


For fun lets think like this for a second...


You finally get Dread...looks so sweet. You forma that beast like 4 times and catalyst it. Then the DEVS walk in...hey that quiver on your back only holds 4 arrows visually and that thunder bolt mod is insane....so how can he hold 70+ arrows and proc so many explosions?...hmmm well lets nerf it by 96% ammo capacity to make things better. Plus it will force them to use ammo mutation mods that we started implementing and the damn bows do so much anyway...this should work out fine.


As Borat would say....NOT! 

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