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Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forum.

I'm not really new to the game, i have played Warframe about 2 years ago and i stopped playing it because i didnt have any friends that wanted to play warframe :/

in february (this year) some of my friends started playing warframe and i re-installed it and the moment i start playing it i saw some HUGE improvements, and i also had to re-learn everything again.

P.S DE you must make a "The Stalker" skin for Excaliber + the smoke effect that comes out of him ^^

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Hi there. I am new to warframe, and am wanting to create an introduction thread and storefront. However, I can't for the life of me figure it out. I am either incompetent, or it's difficult to find the button. Help?

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Hello everyone!


I'm USSTalos, I've been playing Warframe for the past year and a half but I decided to officially join the forums as of late as the community here is great and that's no sucking up. XD I've enjoyed my time playing Warframe and I am looking forward to more of it! :)

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Hai Everyone :) I'm Princess nice to meet you all. I came across DE years ago now when I picked up dark sector for my brand new ps3 and I really liked it. No matter anyone's opinions I like it. Then one day I saw I could finally download Warframe on my PC via steam. I was so happy but my life was hella busy. So eventually I got a ps4 a couple of months after it had been released and I saw warframe on there and I've been hooked ever since and I'm so proud that I've seen DE come so far and evolve so much with warframe. It's an honor to have seen it change and develop in its beauty today, and of course to carry on to see it change and grow. I'd like to personally thank all the people and staff that have worked on warframe and carry on to do so :) and of course all the players/fans to helped them along the way. I can honestly say warframe has gotten by through a lot of tough times(improved my ninja skills). Sorry for the bad spelling and grammar I'm dyslexic. Also I have to apologise for the soppyness. I just thought I'd be honest for a change. :) - Princess

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Hi, I'm -Nara

I've been playing Warframe for a year already and just decided to join the community only to coincidentally find my DOTA2/LOL Inhouse buddies playing Warframe as well. 

Look forward to get to know all of you :P

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Greetings, Tenno.

I used to play Destiny until you have to pay just to continue. Then, my uncle introducdd me to this awesome free-to-play game, so I downloaded it on Steam. l have been playing for half a year, I am rank 9, probably relatively new, and I work for Cephalon Suda and Perrin Sequence. I saw the Infested part of the Orbiter Compartment, really excited to see new contents/quests.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings. this thread may be dead but why not give it a shot (wow that rhymed) i'm bladewielder65 but you can call me blade. up untill half a year ago i had only played this game once. then it was buggy and unbalnced so i put it down and found something else to play (namely homeworld and destiny/halo). that got old too so i came back. now,now it is a grown game balanced and beautiful with a friendly community (most of the time).i've missed alot of operations and reinforcements and changes so it took me awhile to reorient myself to everything. i mean the last time i played this starchart 1.0 was still being used. i mean come on, anyway once i was reoriented i was soulbound to this game. now update 19 is approaching and i'm PUMPED! here's to another year you beautiful beautiful tenno

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Tenno compatriots, my name is Ohgun.

I was actually inactive on the forums until today. I was first introduced to Warframe after watching several trailers of the game, and the first time I actually played the game was during "Echoes of the Sentient". Since I first played the game, I became rather obsessed with the lore of the universe to the point where I wanted to create my own takes on the universe. Now I am working on a Gaiden called "Visions of an Ancestry", but I am not going to spill the beans about on this topic. I'll create a thread that will explain the premise, characters and even my plans for the project going forward. It's my pleasure to meet all of you.

EDIT: Here's a link to the thread:


Edited by Ohgun
Add a link to the project thread.
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18 hours ago, Ohgun said:

Hello Tenno compatriots, my name is Ohgun.

I was actually inactive on the forums until today. I was first introduced to Warframe after watching several trailers of the game, and the first time I actually played the game was during "Echoes of the Sentient". Since I first played the game, I became rather obsessed with the lore of the universe to the point where I wanted to create my own takes on the universe. Now I am working on a Gaiden called "Visions of an Ancestry", but I am not going to spill the beans about on this topic. I'll create a thread that will explain the premise, characters and even my plans for the project going forward. It's my pleasure to meet all of you.

EDIT: Here's a link to the thread:


A heart felt welcome to the Forums!

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Oi hey . ahhh as I said to drew , you guys n gals are awesome,  he even told me something i thought was a bug was not one . and also why hasn't there been a slug shootin shotty yet which i a bit sad. also I l seem to  force bugs to happen... ... not on warframe though.it is odd.

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