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Hello, I haven't been playing the game that often but it's pretty damn good. I'm not much of a pc gamer and I always wanted to get a good free online game for my laptop, I think I've picked the right game for that :) 


Feel free to get in touch.

Edited by BBAScav
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Hello all,

BlendedSolids checking in. Have only been playing a VERY short time but im already VERY impressed with this game. Installed beautifully and runs very smooth. Built my own gaming rig a couple months ago and im branching back out into PC gaming. Keep up the good work ! I cant wait to get some of my friends in on this. See ya round.

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so why is this port thing still @(*()$ pissing  cause all day mans are trying to connect to my friends and still no reply or fix i am gonna wait till tomorrow cause i am very up set when this dum F*** port S#&$ comes up and tell me that owww your fire wall is stoping warframe oMG. god damm you guys are &#! with the ps4 S#&$ cause i turned off my fire wall and the same S#&$ is happening to me still so when or if you can fix this S#&$ i would love to return and buy my coins and play. like look at this every time i log on me and my two friend are in the same room and they can not see me online or i see them and mix so you could tell who i am mad about cause i am using mag and i wanna go into void and none of my friends can add me to pt when we live in the same house i am so @(*()$ piss all god damm day i am hear wanted to play even from yesterday so if you do see this and try to fix thanks again

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Wow, rage does not become you WhiteCyber.  Here, have a cookie and relax a bit.


First, this is just a "welcome to the community" thread.  If you're looking for support or technical assistance, you may have better luck in the Players helping Players forum, or the Player Support Desk.


A prudential use of a popular internet search engine may yield additional help.  Try looking up "windows firewall adding exceptions" and see what turns up.  I suspect you may just need to add the Warframe client to your firewall's list of approved apps to keep it from running into problems.  It's possible you may need to fiddle with port forwarding, but that's not typically a problem with home setups.


If you're still having problems after adding warframe to your firewall, leave a calm and detailed account of the problems you're having on one of the afore-cited sub-forums, and I'm sure someone will come along to help you.


Best of luck to you.  Hope you're able to get it all sorted soon.

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Could anyone help me please (: iv got my ps4 and loving Warframe, but the game keeps telling me that i have a strict NAT and that i should change the ports on my pc, but i dont have to game on pc, i didnt download it? so i cant change the ports and my laptop isnt really that powerful haha, what other ways can i change this? my NAT is 2 so i dont actually think its my router, but its annoying cause i cant play with my friends :,( can anyone give me some advice please, thanks (:

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Hi! I'm Coldfire, you may call me Cold. I mostly use the Exaclibur warframe as I'm new. I've been in the game since CBT but stopped for awhile due to school and sutff. But now I'm back! And I guess I'm a rookie again. Since I don't remember anything from the CBT. I may not have any status to say something about this game as I am only a student but this game is just phenomenal. The artwork is amazing! It looks like it's just.. straight out of the imagination of an artist, and I liked how you guys(Warframe team) worked on the animation of each different warframes :) I play this on Steam so if anyone is on Steam you may add me :3

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Hi, I'm Zkorp, beautyfull game that got me hooked like near instantly. My first MMO was AO and I like SF dark themed games.


After some other trys I play only with Walkyr and even if it's weak and near broken atm I just love it's savage chaotic's look.


The only real things I could regret here is that there's no collision between players characters... because without that you feel less real and gosthly and less team involved (but I admit that with the fast gameplay it'll make the game even harder) , but as an old RPG player I could admit that Tennos are a strange race and that they are like ghost to each other...


Keep the good work DE !

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Hi, my name is Rikard Andersson or my gaming name ZonicBeezt. i'm a Swedish youtuber that loves playing games like WarFrame! I have played warframe for 2 weeks (not every day) and i'm really enjoying it! the game runs smooth and has so Beautiful graphic! I LOVE IT!

Edited by ZonicBeezt
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Picked up on this game when I got my PS4 for US Launch and quickly made new friends.  Love the RPG elements and once you realize the direction that you want to take, it is loads of fun trying to accomplish your goals.  Almost maxed out on my Excaliber, but spent some $ to have a Vauban on standby (he looked cool) and just got the last blueprint that I needed for Rhino (mat hunting, here I come). If you are a fellow PS4 member, feel free to friend me (xlostpunkfoundx) and from what the rumor mill says, I might be friending you PC players someday in the near future.  :-)  Keep up the good work, DE.

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