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Hi all,


Usually do not post on forums but i like the idea of a digital introduction for a fantastic game.


Small intro for myself.


Kazumha, Real name Daniel, Ex USN special forces, Freerunning/Shotokan instructor

I love to flip and trick, and I enjoy teaching others to do the same, And i have to say this game brings all those things I love to do to the digital world.

Excellent work dev team keep it up.

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Uhhhhhh. Not good at these introductions, but you can tell from the name why. I take the name into roleplaying as much as I can and no I'm not Han Solo even though that's where I picked up the name :D. I am also a Marksman jumping over from battlefield 4 (playing both) so expect some headshots from me.Glad to be part of the community. I hear the dev team are really dedicated which is big + in my books.

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hello all!

im SharinganANBU from Perú, im saying hi and im glad to be part of this amazing game, i love the theme and the fact that im a space ninja! oh yeah haha. i follow the Prime show in youtube and i love it. Im a Hunter Founder and i love my Excalibur Prime, but im good making some great builds for Ash... im curious about to know if the game will create a prime version of Ash. that will be amazing to me! the ninja between ninjas!

well thank you for the game i really enjoy this.

oh yes i think Rebecca and Megan are gorgeous *winks* hehe what can i say i like you girls!!! :D i love the show !! 

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Greetings tenno, i hope your hunts have been succesfull recently~

My name is Radarcion, i live in europe, like many others in here. I am a decend ''gamer'' as you should say and a decend artist.

Been playing WarFrame for a week now, and gotta say, you, makers of WarFrame are very active on your game, and your game is very active too!

I hope you are very proud of this game, because it is amazing! A chalenge on its own measure and i hope you will continue on keeping this game fresh and in order~

My favorite WarFrame, is the frame i am currently using, Vauban.

Good hunting to you all, and good moderating to managers!

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Herro everyone.


I have been playing this game all day and It is wonderful. Still have yet to master the slide but I find this game great. Though I do wonder when can I actully get a new item? I got that new blade but everything else the items to get the blueprints are out of my range for a while >.> If anyone can help me out then Thanks ^_^ if not then O well.


From a fellow game enthusiast Targetstar

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Well hi there.

Names Mikkel. I'm from Denmark, and I've been playing Warframe for close to a month now. Very much enjoying it and enjoying experimenting with mods, movement and builds.

also liking the community and effort made into this game.

although these community intros are new to me i thought I'd give it a shot.

Hope i see you on the battlefield fellow Tenno 

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Hello i am not really new to the game i played some time but seems my friends cant play this game because of the graphics and everything i am looking for some new comrads to play with my skype gantar_bg_98 by the way i am bulgarian i love to play Co op whit others i spend most of my free time playing and i would love to meet and play whit other players hope u want to join me :) Cya in game Bye ^.^

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 I'm girl from Russia, x) I live in a small town Baykalsk (located on the shores of Lake Baikal).

 I play in Warframe with Closed Beta. I always try to help newbies complete the planets or descend into the void. So if you need anything help, you can contact me. Always glad to help.



Sry for my English.


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Hello Tenno, I'm not really good at these introductions. My in-game name is Javi19 I love playing 1st and 3rd person shooters and RPG's. I'm a rusher, I will try to kill anybody in my way, if not just pass beside him. good luck players.

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Well I guess I am late by something like 4 updates or more (since i joined when Warframe first became an open game) but still....


I'm glad to see that so many people are joining and being friendly :). I'm almost always trying to level up something so I will be In Mercury most of the time (if I am online) so if you are new to the game and you want any help either add me to your friend list or try to find me in the mercury survival mission ;).


I sure do hope that you guys will like this game :)




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It had occurred to me that I never actually posted in here (I did an introduction post...but it was on the council forums).

So, here we go, very belated.


My name's Ori Klein and I reside in Israel, born and raised.

I carry a value system comprised of agnosticism, technocracy and a lot of INTP pepper.

I am becoming rather sarcastic and cynical at my 'old age' (approaching 32 years-old), trying to temper it down.

Despite the former, I'd still merrily lend a hand to others if they seek it and so long they are rational, well-mannered, people.

Been playing games since I was a wee little boy. Don't think I'm going to stop so long my heart, hands and eyes are still working right. I just love it too much.

Have played a tremendous amount of games across many different genres.

Have served as an alpha/beta tester and game admin/forums moderator in some. Did some design in few others.

I am currently working as a department manager in a local Wallmart-esque chain while studying for Chief/Master Electrician.

I take small interest in all manners of the sciences and enjoy different styles of music and movies.

I have recently fallen in love. It is complicated (isn't love always?).

I really like Warframe. Too bad I can barely play except in the weekends.

Best Regards,

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Hy everyone,

greetings from Austria. After I've sunk about a thousand hours into ME3 multiplayer, Warframe seems to be the logical next step.
I really love the lightning fast pacing of this game, the parkour element is especially penomenal.
If someone is recruiting for a clan or needs more friends around central Europe to play with, please feel free to add me!

Hope to meet some of you ingame soon!

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^ Same for me but UK ^  sabreracer from BSN (Hi FTA not played for a while)


Originally tried WF back in July/August but felt a bit bemused by it.  Played about 5 hours and gave up.


However prompted by a friend I retried it at new year and this time it clicked :) 

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Hello Warframe community and developers, My name is Andy.  I have some questions (I apologize if this isn't the place for them):


1) I have some ideas for some new frames and weapons, is there a thread I can post them at or is it better to just start my own?


2) I'm at rank 6 and I'm unable to advance past that because I'm unable to figure out how to beat the qualification level.  1 - 5 were easy to figure out (to say the least) and I was able to beat in one try, but the 6th one says something "You're warframe is a weapon, prove you've mastered it's purpose".  So I guess my question is what warframe is equipped to kill that many waves of slow-spawning, cowardly, hard-to-find, hard-to-reach enemies with only 100 energy in 30 seconds (I was at least able to discover that there were multiple waves with Valkyr, is there some way to extend the time with certain kill methods or am I suffering from an unfixed glitch)?


3) when Buying platinum, is there a way to get multiple platinum packages such as a $19.99 and a $4.99 or could you have a $24.99 option?  the reason I ask is because the Wal-Mart that I get these 'Ultimate game card' prepaid cards at, only have the $25.00 cards.  This wouldn't be a problem if the remaining money didn't go into some account on www.UltimateGameCard.com that I'm unable to access, but unfortunately that's exactly what's happening.


4) Speaking of platinum I just bought $20.00 worth and I was thinking of getting one of the frames and maybe a weapon, but I was wondering if I should save it for any new frames or weapons that are coming out with the next big update (I already have the Drakgoon and the Tysis)?

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