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Hi, I'm sort of new to this game. I am having trouble with the controls. I think in the next update there should be more complex control settings, like if I want to change the button to switch guns, I can enter they key or button I want to use for switching guns. I am not trying to tell you what to do, but this game is still in developing so I just wanted to suggest something. Thank you.

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Hello, this message is for developers only!

Now I know almost all the Italian and Swiss Italian players who play Warframe. I often listen to the party that a lot of them are going to change the game for the fact that the service is too expensive for what they receive in return. Also do not even have a Warframe website in Italian.

I live in Switzerland and I speak now more than four languages, so personally I have no problems to post on English forums. But being a player like them, I'd like to help them to have an easier access to your forum.

Can you now help me to sort this BIG problem out?

I'd be grateful if you would avoid unnecessary links and send me a helpful answer in person.


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Wait. The Lotus is actually called Rebecca?


Oh allmighteh Rebecca, here I kneel in front of you to suppliantly ask for the blessing of the infinite power of nanoaugmentation.

For I shall cleanse the galaxy from the foul pest through thy mighty blessings and serve judgment to all odds!

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My badly typed Japanese name aside, I am such an anime junkie. When I first saw the early trailers for this game I was like, " This would make an awesome anime." My name is supposed to mean death shadow or shadow death, but I'm sure its inaccuracies will soon be pointed out. Anyways I love this game, the community, and the Devs. Huh, if I have not posted here before then I suck! I have been in this game for about a year, and my luvs for it has only grown. Keep up the good work guys!

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Hey everyone! 


I'm from Serbia.


Buddy of mine showed me Warframe few weeks ago, since then, I just play this, and I'm an old soul in the world of gaming. Work of art, if you ask me. Great story, great fun, great graphics, great ides. Simply love it. See you in game! :)

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Hello guys! I'm Warlord1400 and i'm a China-based player! Ever since I was in that white room with that Mk-1 Braton, Lato, Skana, and that nice purple woman dubbed "Lotus" woke me up from cryosleep, I ADORED THIS GAME!!!!! My internet is terrible and online play is awesome but hard so I was wondering if any China-based players could add or play with me! That would be great!

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Sup Tenno!


Name's Bruno, and I have had the pleasure of watching this game flourish since the closed beta video long ago. Never got to play because of bad internet, but I sure did stay in touch with some friends who did play, XD. Really, congrats on creating a game so fantastic it makes peanut-butter, Nutella, and jelly sandwich look like second rate material, (and that's a worthy praise).


I'm a Graphic Design/Teacher student in TN, my two favorite characters are Ash and Volt, and I'm proud to be a part of this community.


Lotus, can you at one point say something like, "Enemy Chicken Walkers inbound," please!

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Hi Guys and Gals and anything in between.  I'm Bob, Mild mannered computer tech by day, gamer by night.  I'm coming to Warframe late and am busy playing catch-up.  So far, I really like the game.  Coming from other games that I've played so often that I can run the levels in my sleep, I'm glad to find something that I can enjoy that actually requires som spacial awareness to figure out how to get from point A to point B.


Most of the time, I'll run a mission multiple times solo before going online.  That way I can learn the map enough that I'm not wandering around lost while the rest of the team takes care of business.  My only gripe is on the levels with bosses.  I get to the boss solo and promptly get killed.  No great surprise there at my level so I go online.  Things go smoothly 'til the boss battle.  beat the boss and everyone runs off and I'm playing a game of "Which way did they go." until I'm sure that the other players are tired of waiting for me to figure out how to get where they are.

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Salutations fellow Tenno,

I've been playing the game for around a year at this point and still feel like it has a storyline to it that is just waiting to be revealed and wow us, but the current content is still fantastic.


This is my first post on the forum, and the welcome columns are always what I post in first. I'll more likely be a ghost about, chatting here, throwing an opinion there, etc. Mostly of all, I'll be sampling the community further, but so far am very happy with the player base of being respectful, fun, and a pleasure to be around. Definitely worthy of calling themselves Tenno. ^-^

I'm an aspiring voice actor and novelist who prefers the Trinity, Valkyr, Nekros, and Nova frames above all. My collection of all the warframes is mostly complete and the excitement for my goal is palpable. I'm the type of gamer who enjoys as much completion as possible without being super grindy and very much enjoys having a vast collection of things.

I play on both PC and PS4 (PC more) and enjoy helping my fellow Tenno at every opportunity. I look forward to seeing what is amok on this here forum place, and wish you all the best.

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