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How did i get suspended from the game 4 20 year i spent 1000s of dollars had all the warframs cards weapons i got in 2 it with a nother warlord i made him a warlord by the way he started destroy my dojo and we stated cussing each outher and i get kicked out 4 infringement 4 20 years  and cant get anyone 2 tell my why and i want all my money back

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Hi, my name is Piotr. Am playing for a week now and I must say it is a very very good game. I find it incredible that it is in the open beta status for so long and there have already been 3 updates this week alone. This only shows how incredibly involved all the DE staff is in the project and having ~20 years gaming experience I believe this can be one of the best MMO's ever made. The community is awesome. There are so many people contributing to this game. Keep up the good work!

Edited by Sevnir
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Salve a tutti dall'Italia, mi chiamo Marco, e sono appassionato di videogiochi.

Gioco a warframe da circa 6 mesi, e non mi stancherò mai di giocarci. 



Hello to all from Italy, my name is Mark, and are passionate about video games. 
Game warframe by about 6 months, and I never tire of playing.
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