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Hey! I'm Ray. I've been a gamer almost my whole life I've played many MMO's but, warframe is one of my favorites. Always been active here and on forums. Here till the end . Also I love to draw . Soon I'm thinking of contributing to the forums. Soon. Also nice meeting you all. ^_^

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Hi there, i havent been on in a while, i used to play regularly about 6 months ago, and wow, this game has came FAR! I really like the whole having a ship to yourself feature, i was active back when you were just kindda like a giant celestial being, watching over the solar system. You guys have done a great job so far, keep up the good work!(also thanks for making a loki prime, loki was my starting warframe, and now im working on getting a prime to match my excalibur prime:))

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Hi everyone

I'm Rowan I'm 18 years old gal from the Netherlands i live In Amsterdam ,my hobby is my ps4 and I love to draw ,

I'm studying at a college named clusius I'm studying animal care it's in an old asylum building so it kinda give me the creeps but it also has a hogwarts


I'm new here I've been playing for more than an week now

I have 3 warframes the nyx mag and valkyr

I called my Kubrow Moro it means glory in dragon language

I hope we can be friends

Edited by (PS4)AzazelMora
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Hello everyone!

I'm not new to Warframe (I've started playing about a year and a few months ago), but I'm new to the forums.
At first participating in a few contests was my only activity here, but I'd like to take part in community's life more often.

Nice to meet you all!

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Howdy.  CircusNinja here, new to Warframe, I play on PS4.  Anyway, I have no idea what I am doing, and am getting frustrated trying to figure out what I need to do next.  I need some help, for instance, right when I started playing, it seems like the layout of the menus changed, now I cannot access the market, or upgrade any equipment.  What gives?

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I am The-Fancy-Mudkip

I have been playing this game casually and terribly for about a year, the account i am using right now is different than the one i started out with.

I always play this game solo mostly because i can never seem to connect to other players, which is probably just due to my terrible internet.

I do not agree with EVERYTHING DE has done with this game, but it's not my game and from what ive heard the acceptance of input from fans is on a slow decline, so i will refrain from complaining i guess.

Anyways, I usually play as either Mag or Loki.

My current favorite weapon is the Dual Zorens

I currently am attending school so I have been playing this game even less than I used to.


In Short, I'm bad at this game because my internet sucks and I don't devote half my life to it.


Warframe is fun in small doses.

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THIS GAME ROCKS! Incredibly detailed, Very well thought out, entertaining and FREE! I am fairly new to Warframe, dare I say... as long as you guys keep the development going, it will never get old or boring. Thank you for such a great, fun game Digital Extemes People. I am eagerly looking forward to what you guys (& girls of course) have planned for the future of this game. It's been a while since a game has had me hooked like this one does. Thank you again, all of you at DE.






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Hello Warframe community!

I’d like to start by introducing myself to you! My name is Rebecca, and I’m the Community Manager for Warframe! I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other soon, but for now, here’s a little about me:

I’ve worked at Digital Extremes for almost 2 3 years now, and wasn’t always a community manager. When we had the idea and resources to make Warframe, it seemed like a perfect fit. I love video games, and everything that goes into them. I’ve been playing games with my brother since I can remember, and it really only made sense for me to get into the industry as soon as I could.

It feels like I do something different here every day - design and populate our web, write and record voice over, and now, most importantly, manage our new Warframe community.

I'll be here to talk and listen to what you all think of Warframe. I've been playing and making Warframe since the day it became greenlit−I have a lot of love for this game and I hope you will too.

Talk soon,



Hello Warframe community!

I’d like to start by introducing myself to you! My name is Rebecca, and I’m the Community Manager for Warframe! I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other soon, but for now, here’s a little about me:

I’ve worked at Digital Extremes for almost 2 3 years now, and wasn’t always a community manager. When we had the idea and resources to make Warframe, it seemed like a perfect fit. I love video games, and everything that goes into them. I’ve been playing games with my brother since I can remember, and it really only made sense for me to get into the industry as soon as I could.

It feels like I do something different here every day - design and populate our web, write and record voice over, and now, most importantly, manage our new Warframe community.

I'll be here to talk and listen to what you all think of Warframe. I've been playing and making Warframe since the day it became greenlit−I have a lot of love for this game and I hope you will too.

Talk soon,


Ahhh, I remember way back when the hamsters had truble running on the wheels, good memories. It's progressed so far, but hello! I thought it would be rude to come back and not say hello to the community manager. And this is kind of off-topic, but hello to all other staff members that also work on this great game and help it function! =D

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Greetings Fellow Ninjas,


My Alias is  Genbura or Goldenbucks, I am doing My Bachelor of Information Tech (Network Security) at TAFE in Sydney AU . I have been playing a lot of game  since I was in elementary school. Warframe is Really good and I like both of the Graphic and  the game Mechanism ( they are so balanced),in My opinion Warframe is  a Hybrid game ( Not categorised as MMORPG nor Action Battle Game) but has  a RPG element inside and Action element  which is really cool. My life is full of Tasks and Assessments  that requires more time for me to study but Warframe is like Very short  game ( in each MIssion) which is really good for me, I can both  enjoy life and study. :) well done team

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Hi all,

I've been playing Warframe on PS4 for few months now, a little less than 200 hours altogether. Lately I feel that I've got stuck with running the planet missions due to lack of other players. I'm in region europe and would really like to run all of the missions but running solo eg. interception/defense missions are just too difficult for me when the mobs are above lvl15. If you are in the same situation or willing to help, please check if I'm online (ign same as my forum name) and send invite. I see myself as team player and will do my best with the gear I have. I'm usually running with loki or rhino, but lately I have been leveling nyx and vauban and waiting to try ember, ash and banshee.

Best Regards

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hi everyone, i am not a new warframe player but i think i have forgot to introduce myself lol. so here i am UNS69N it means UNSEEN. so i'm play from french polynesia Tahiti. i used to play on region like usa west or usa east because of time zone. i'm open to help or play on pc or ps4 just pm me in game or add me in your friend list. i already do it but the more the better right !!!


so see ya in game to kick some greener !!!

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