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Привет всем здесь,


Меня зовут Алекс, и я из Грузия  Я пытался, последние пару лет, попадая в бета-версий всех видов игр, которые меня интересуют, и распространяют слово друзьям об играх, готовых быть опубликованы, минусы и плюсы почти всех из них и довести до игровой индустрии более "Клиенты". Я был заинтересован в Warframe от времени я видел первый трейлер и я надеюсь, что мы все Бета-тестеры довести его до чего-то необычного!


Эй Фенрир! Рад познакомиться с вами!

Мне нравится это имя!

Рад, что вы, ребята, здесь принимает участие в бета-тестировании !!! :)

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Hey fellow tenno's, hope to "meet" some of you guys an gals in one of the tenno relays that float in a solar system somewhere...

I am an extreme newb at this, so please excuse me if I don't always immediately reply to a message or if it looks as if I'm jiving about...


I mostly play very late at night, hence "the radio silence" as I might wake my other family members, so if I do suddenly strike up a lively concersation with one of you guys so please be wary of this fact. I'm not being a selfcentered or absorbed egomaniac. Just an ex professional looking to let off some steam!


Now, the other conundrum; I've had a PS 3, loved it,  the problem I soon encounterd was that that my reflexes are quite bearish. Yes, I lack finesse and skill to mostly do my hardware any justice.


Thus, I emplore you to please help, assist and or aid wherever possible!


And as you can undoubtedly see; it's 1am and 'm still on my mac...


Thanks a lot!



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Hey everyone! My names Vince, and im new to the forums. Warframe has actually been the first game ive actually grown attached to. I never really was an avid gamer growing up until a couple months back a friend of mine showed me what the world of pc gaming is! Not really much else to know about me. If you ever see me ingame hit me up we'll throw back have some fun. laters.



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Hey guys, I've been playing on ps4 for a couple weeks now and I just think it´s the best free-to-play game i have played in a very long time. Both co-op and pvp are amanzingly well designed and run without any kind of flaw.

I´m looking forward to grind up my tenno and experience the late game which I think is even better. I also like and respect your honest and generous platinum sistem for its non game-breaking qualities.

Keep this up, you are doing a great job! ;)

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Hello Everyone, I'm Demonfr34k (Demon-Freak) or just Demon. After so many Years of MMOs, I decided to try out Warframe, after doing so I fell in love, in love with how Nice and Caring the Devs are, fell in love with how much work and passion they pour into their game, I fell in love with the community and passionate they can be and how much they put forth to help the devs, overall I fell in love with everything about this game and never plan to leave.

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Hey guys. Just wanted to say I went through a 20 hour download time for my PS4 (WiFi is iffy sometimes) for this game. And it was worth the wait. Just getting through the first few missions and I'm already setting aside the next few weeks of my life for some dedication. Heh. Keep up the good work. I'll be seeing you guys around.

Also: Anthony posting from Indiana, USA. Looking forward to playing with you.

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Hm...Greetings Strangers


I am Dragoncita, though few other names include: Dragon, Draco, Drago, Cita

Take your pick


I have been playing Warframe for about 2 weeks now

So far, I am enjoying the game. There's just a few things that I feel could change, but that is just me


I look forward to meeting new people

Thank you



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Hello everybody!


My name is Williamsos10 (Or just William if you prefer). I have had the pleasure to be a member of this community since December 2 2013.


I just thought i would say that i have loved every second of this game and its amazing community AKA you guys!


We as a community have helped influence and inspire the devs and what they throw in this game for some time now. And as you can see we did one hell of a job. The first post here was Rebecca introducing herself to us way back in 2012. And since then we have gotten to meet so many amazing people thru here to share there story's. So i would like to personally thank all of you, player or dev for allowing me to have such an amazing time here in Warframe. And share so many laughs. Because without you guys what would Warframe be? Anyways. This is me signing out, cant wait to read all of our new players introductions and welcome them in to this amazing community <3

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Hello everybody!


My name is Williamsos10 (Or just William if you prefer). I have had the pleasure to be a member of this community since December 2 2013.


I just thought i would say that i have loved every second of this game and its amazing community AKA you guys!


We as a community have helped influence and inspire the devs and what they throw in this game for some time now. And as you can see we did one hell of a job. The first post here was Rebecca introducing herself to us way back in 2012. And since then we have gotten to meet so many amazing people thru here to share there story's. So i would like to personally thank all of you, player or dev for allowing me to have such an amazing time here in Warframe. And share so many laughs. Because without you guys what would Warframe be? Anyways. This is me signing out, cant wait to read all of our new players introductions and welcome them in to this amazing community <3

welcome tenno!
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Hello fellow Tenno!


My name is Josh aka Jae aka BigJeezie aka AllPrimedOut aka DrFunknstein!


Found this game three weeks ago and already a MR4, MR5 test tonight. Along with Frost Prime, Loki Prime, Nova Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Prisma Grakata, Prisma Scana, Dakra Prime, Reaper Prime, etc... *evil snicker*


Also just got all the pieces for Equinox!


Absolutely love this game! I'm always available if anyone needs help. Also always looking for help/info to get all my stuff dialed right in!


Looking forward to digging in deep and heavy and getting that MR20+!


Stay frosty!

Edited by (PS4)KnowLedge
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Hello fellow Tenno!


My name is Josh aka Jae aka BigJeezie aka AllPrimedOut aka DrFunknstein!


Found this game three weeks ago and already a MR4, MR5 test tonight. Along with Frost Prime, Loki Prime, Nova Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Prisma Grakata, Prisma Scana, Dakra Prime, Reaper Prime, etc... *evil snicker*


Also just got all the pieces for Equinox!


Absolutely love this game! I'm always available if anyone needs help. Also always looking for help/info to get all my stuff dialed right in!


Looking forward to digging in deep and heavy and getting that MR20+!


Stay frosty!

Welcome to the community! glad to have ya.

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