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Melee Charge Glow


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I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I think the new glow animation around your warframe when you charge up your melee attack is a bit overdone, and doesn't look that great. The previous one with it's subtle green outlining looked a lot better.

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I don't think we need one. If we do, however, I'd make it more subtle, like the glowing points on our frame/weapon becoming brighter for a sec. Or maybe have the weapons glow instead of the frame.


Actually I agree with this, I think having the energy colors on our frame becoming brighter or just the weapon glowing would look nice.

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i dont like green...


it should be the energy color we choosed in fact in coloring system

This. So much THIS. I was close to starting a thread requesting that our body pulse with the energy color we chose for our frame when charging attacks. It gives the feel that our frames are actively boosting the strength we swing. It just looks bad, when my frame is black and red, and a white and blue energy pulses from me. I'd love to have a short red pulse when I swing. You could argue that the red outline is used when your health is being depleted, but I think most of us are smart enough to differentiate between when we are swinging, and when we are eating bullets after a shield has depleted.

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lol finaly someone made a thread about this, i was been lazzy and totaly forgotten to do since... a while ago, and yes, there's little changes that makes players LOVE their characters loadout / colour palette (like me), and this is one of theese, making the charge glow be affected by the energy colour you choosen, also there's an idea of myself of making mag "galaxy" colour of her helmet (not the background of it) wich is green-ish, more like aquamarine, be also affected by the energy colour you choosen, but that's a diferent thread, and i actually made one, but got ignored somehow

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This. So much THIS. I was close to starting a thread requesting that our body pulse with the energy color we chose for our frame when charging attacks. It gives the feel that our frames are actively boosting the strength we swing. It just looks bad, when my frame is black and red, and a white and blue energy pulses from me. I'd love to have a short red pulse when I swing. You could argue that the red outline is used when your health is being depleted, but I think most of us are smart enough to differentiate between when we are swinging, and when we are eating bullets after a shield has depleted.


I agree

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