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Kril And The Hammer Shockwave Persisting After Death


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Something weird happened when I faced Kril together with other players online.

I delivered the killing blow with a melee weapon, just as Kril struck with a shockwave. Then, after Kril's death, shockwaves kept striking the ground, making the screen shake violently (to the point of disorientating anybody near there) and damaging anybody entering in contact with them.


Any players experiencing this?

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Yeah I've just run into this yesterday.  I thought it was due to one of the players being Frost and having a Snow Globe up when Kril died, but I guess it doesn't have to be that.  I have a video of it as well, but it's too vomit-inducing to watch.  If any dev wants to see it I can upload it under one of the beta bug reports, but I prefer not to subject anyone to viewing that... stuff, plus maybe this bug is easily replicated? (try killing Kril again when he's mid-Ice Wave).

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  • 3 weeks later...

bump. Not fixed. bad headache...

not sure if it is due to shockwave whatever since he is already lying on the ground...

suspect it is either the death explosion bugging out or something to do with collision?

The following are 2 screenshots I happen to take while the screen is shaking badly when looking at the death site. No idea what I took actually.




Edit: oh yeah.. I remembered.. the first one actually shows one of the Rollers that was attacking me while I was blinded by the shaking screen and neverending explosion...

Edited by smithf
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