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For A Ninja - Japanese Oriented Game


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Hello there folks, i was wondering, if the Warframe game is basically a Japanese like game, why do we lack the most "famous" weapons of all time?


There are 3 specific weapons in this case, you can see them all here (from the shortest, to the longest):


Wakizashi - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakizashi

Katana - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana

Nodachi - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodachi



All of these 3 weapon types would blend perfectly with the game background, lore and "image" since we're ninjas.


This is the overall idea, now, a bit more player side opinions.


I'm about to craft ash, just need the credits for it (105k credits). And i find that, for a ninja/assassin-type like Ash, no weapon actually blends with him, not even FANG, and surely not Furax or Amphis.

Please note i'm saying "blend" and not "works"


I know you guys are busy fixing stuff and getting U8 ready, but i woul really love to see those kind of weapons ingame.




Edited by Endrance
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It has some vague Japanese influence, that doesn't mean they are going to rip modern or classic weapons and put them in just because.


Tenno equivalent of a katana is a skana. They have their own style, that's just how it is.

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Many games even not being Japanese-like game have the katanas and sort of.


For example, Vergil from Devil May Cry uses Yamato that is a Katana, although the game itself even being a Japanese creating its the only Japanese feature.


Like i said is a suggestion, something that I would like to see, even though it's a science fiction game, that is irrelevant.


Just like you have 2h weapons that aren't "normal" in this kind of "ninja", so my suggestion is viable. 


I don't except you guys to like it :D

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 Would be nice yes.


 Ninjas don't necessarily use samurai swords. Ninjas=/=samurai but sure w.e. and I agree about the Japanese modern and traditional weapons as well as this being a science fiction genre comments stated above. So yes they might, no they might not put it in, but this is not heavily prioritized I'm sure.


 I'm sure it can wait, they will get to it eventually, right now they have bigger fish to fry. -clan, dojo, economy, warframes, bosses etc etc.


That's probably why they are not worrying about this just yet. and hey at least we can run on walls.

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This is not a priority, just a suggestion. The game lacks components that need to be done, this is pure details. That's not what we need now. But that doesn't means it can't be talked/suggested.


I've always love Japanese themes, and seeing something more specific in this game would be, in my opinion something wonderful.


About the "high-tech" someone mentioned, here's something similar to a High-Tech Katana, from a very famous game:


The character plus weapon (wallpaper, not detailed)



The weapon (detailed)


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i do not think this game wants to be related to japan in that way. They use ninja as a catch word that calls to mind a weapons master that has amazing physical and "magical" abilities. Might be their settings equivalent of a ninja, similar but not a copy.


I have not seen a scrap of Japanese culture in the game yet.

Edited by _Rue_
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i do not think this game wants to be related to japan in that way. They use ninja as a catch word that calls to mind a weapons master that has amazing physical and "magical" abilities. Might be their settings equivalent of a ninja, similar but not a copy.


I have not seen a scrap of Japanese culture in the game yet.

The way you sit is japanese, it even has a flaw that has been discussed in the forum already.

But i get your point

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O.O hmm... seiza? i think it might be coincidental.

Dunno, i don't have that information, but there was a huge thread about that, also about the knee that was going down first because of the technique of drawing the sword. Big and very detailed thread, with images and S#&$.


If coincidental or not, dunno :p

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Maybe not typical, traditional katana, but some high-tech version of japanesee swords would be cool, and well fit into warframe aesthetic. Current weapons like skana, cronus or pangolin sword resembles arabic weaponry, looks a bit scimitarish ;). I'm not saying current weapons looks bad, but more variety is always good in my book.

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I hope we'll be seeing some sort of futuristic polearm-type weapons too, based off of the yari, naginata or guan dao.


This. So much this. I would just throw all of my money at screen until something would happen.


Also, I'd like a nodachi, or at least alternate katana weapon. Skana is too weak now compared to other weapons.

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Ninjas never actually carried or used katanas; those were mostly reserved for the samurai class. The katana is just what the current media associates with any sort of oriental warrior, ninjas included.


And although we akin Tenno to space ninjas, its never said thus in-game. Tenno are Tenno, and their armor and weapon styles are made to match their specific theme.

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Ninjas never actually carried or used katanas; those were mostly reserved for the samurai class. The katana is just what the current media associates with any sort of oriental warrior, ninjas included.


And although we akin Tenno to space ninjas, its never said thus in-game. Tenno are Tenno, and their armor and weapon styles are made to match their specific theme.


Yep. IIRC the more apt one for ninjas was the ninjato (then again this was never really proven historically).


The influence is definitely there though, particularly with Ash. That sort of flavor is part of what pulled me in to Warframe and why I play L5R (the card game which those pics I posted were from).

Edited by Tulzscha
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