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Squad Dropships, Movement Speed And Weapon Fx Oh My


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So whenever I run an ODD, I like to chat over mic with other players about what they like about Warframe, what they'd like to see, and what they wish would come back (which isn't much, people just get mad that weapons get nerf'd, but there's a reason for that.) After collecting a couple of ideas from players, I thought I would expand on the ideas and present them here to see what the forum thinks.


TROOP CARRIER / DROP SHIP - Pft why divide and conquer, go in guns blazing

For me it's extraction. it should be changed . doesn't make any sense that the grineer or corpus would leave special exits for our Lisets for us to escape. I know it's a game , it doens't always make sense but come on!


What a great scene! The Tenno fly in, mission ready, and... land within a couple meters of eachother... But they dropped vertically out of a jet... That can't be possible? The turbulence from those massive engines alone would fry each ship, not to mention knock the tenno around during their descent, NOT TO MENTION that the ships would literally have to be glitched inside of eachother for the tenno to land that closely all within a couple seconds.


A squad drop-ship makes more sense. If the Tenno are operating within a team of four, and they're playing for 3 hours in that team, why would they go to separate ships every time? Why not have a single ship to drop them all off. I've heard argument that it's better to divide and concur in case of anti-air, but honestly that has yet to be a problem, and if that WAS added, GOOD! That adds a surprise mission! You have to survive a crash landing and wait for a second rescue ship to come save you! That's MORE mission types!

The squad drop ship also allows for a more realistic TEAM feeling. Imagine walking around a SLIGHTLY larger ship with all four (including yourself) teammates.


The biggest issue I can see with having the tenno all on one ship at the same time, is that updating to a different frame may cause connection issues. I run an Ash on most missions, and a Frost on defense, while I run nekros when I want to farm materials. Needless to say, I shift frames a lot.


WEAPON WEIGHT- ninjas were only fast because they didn't have to carry heavy machine guns

This one doesn't require too much explanation. Give weapons a little bit of weight, not enough to slow warframes as they are now, but enough that if I switch from Paris to Gorgon, I move a little slower to show it. If I remove gorgon and my afuris, but keep my dragon nikana, I move significantly faster.


We're not talking about moving at half your warframe's speed with a gorgon, and we're not talking about clearing a map in less than a minute with a nikana (I might do that tomorrow now that I said that,) but it would be neat to see some weight-changes on items to simulate lighter gear and heavier gear.


SCALING WEAPON FX- Hey Adin your sword is melting

This one is a little complex to explain, so I'm gonna do it with three examples.


MELEE- Shock damage

There are 3 mods for shock damage, Focus Energy, Shocking Touch and Voltaic Strike. When together and maxed, they max out at 180%

0% = regular sword

25% = blade is starting to spark and pop

50% = arcs of electricity are going along the length of the blade

100% = the blade is seriously charged up, arcs are running up and down the blade

180% = the blade is so extremely charged that arcs are reaching out and hitting enemies that get within 2~3m of the wielder.


MELEE- heat damage

max of 90% with Molten Impact

0%= again, no affect, mod isn't even attached

15%= embers are emitting from the blade

30%= embers have doubled

60%= fire is emitting from the blade, embers crazily popping out

90%= The blade's edge is white-hot and the air around it is wavy from the heat coming off of it (similar to the affect achieved from the Sentinel jet wings)


PRIMARY- Toxic damage

Max of 150%, two mods- Infected Clip & Malignant Force

0%= nothing

50%= little puffs of contagion exit the barrel while firing

100%= the rounds have become lime green rather than their typical color (yellow? white? idk.)

150%= the little puffs have become constant


TRAIN VS TRAIN MISSION- Choo Choo, motherf#cker!

I don't recall what it was from, but there was an old game on Gamecube where the hero is on a train belonging to the enemy, and suddenly a second train comes along parallel with it. The two trains are moving incredibly fast in this underground tunnel, and enemies are all over the thing, with some carts being broken, some with traps, etc.


"How could this POSSIBLY fit into the story Adin???"

Glad you ask.


There is (or are, I've only seen one) a mission where the Tenno STEAL a fomorian ship core. The Lotus tells us that it is extremely powerful. Upon getting it to the end of the rail (you have to guide it along via rail or something I dunno what to call it, all I know is that with 1k shields it's easy stuff.) our personal ship comes, uses some green tractor beam, picks it up and flies away. Then it's gone forever.


WHAT IF (oh god Adin is using hypotheticals) the Tenno weaponized that engine, and wanted to use it to destroy an entire Grineer outpost? On almost every planet-based mission we see those single rail-train transports. So imagine this as the mission... story?



The tenno ship (obviously the squad ship from before) drops off our heroes, they land down at a depot. The Lotus comes up on Comm "Tenno, you are tasked with infiltrating and destroying this Grineer weapons and munitions depot. To do so, you will be using a weaponized formorian core. However, our ships cannot reach the munitions depot, as it is deep underground. Head over to the panel to call a tram, and the core will be placed on the tram."


-Tenno waddles over, button mash the panel, tram slides into depot, ship flies in, drops core into place, tenno get on tram, push button, tram starts, zoom-


Lotus comes back on comm, "Tenno, your actions have not gone unnoticed. The Grineer are sending a rendezvous team on a parallel rail to eliminate you and take the core back for themselves. Do NOT let this happen." Tenno have to defend the core for like 5 waves or something idk.


Eventually after the final wave, the tram arrives at the station munitions depot, the Tenno have to kill off the defense team (would be heavily armed) and then arm the device, then they have a VERY small amount of time to escape (like a minute, seriously, get OUT.) If the tenno make it to an opening where the ship can pick them up before the timer ends, mission success and a cut scene of an explosion erupting out of all cave opening shows. If the mission fails, the explosion sound plays and the screen just goes black (because we can't show tenno being vaporized)


WEAPON MODIFICATIONS- I don't even know but I feel like I've heard this one a lot

I honestly dunno how this one would work. To my understanding, the people who have mentioned this as an idea have stated it similar to synadana or warframe helmets in the sense that it changes appearance, however it would be a high-credit item that binds to the weapon, and modifies the stats in some way. A couple of example I can think of-


Silencer - 50k credits, bunch of resources, 12 hour craft time - 50% silence, eliminates the need for Hush mod (fun fact silencers don't actually slow bullets, they tend to make them move faster actually, google it.)

small scope- same as silencer in cost, improves zoom by 1.2x, weapon recoil +10%

medium scope- 75k, zoom increase by 1.5x, weapon recoil +15%

large/sniper scope- 125k, zoom increase 2.2x, weapon recoil +20%

extended magazine- 100k, 1.5x current magazine limit, but the weapon's firing system has to be slowed to prevent jamming (or something), -25% ROF


This one is kinda iffy. I personally have a difficult time seeing a scope and silencer on my Latron Prime, but I guess with all the neural sensors and morphics I have laying around, may as well put them to use?


That's all I've got to post here. Hopefully these ideas aren't completely terrible, like I mentioned before these are all just ideas I've discussed while in ODD ( I run a desecrate nekros, so I don't really get to do too much... ) and I've put my own spin on each idea.




Topic Edits-

fixed layout issues, fixed some idea title inconsistencies, found several spelling erros

Added spoilers per request

still had title inconsistencies, finally fixed

Edited by AdinX
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And here we sit, perched perfectly to view the eighth wonder of the world, Warframe's very own Great Wall of Text. At first glance you can hardly fathom the amount of time and manpower utilized just to conceive such a gargantuan wall. But rest assured, even your most wild guesses would likely pale in comparison to the true amount of unprecedented human effort put forth in the construction of this monumental monstrosity. Truly, this is a testament to one of our greatest achievements as a race.


PS learn to use Spoilers. It'll prevent the whole wall of text problem that most people encounter when faced with... well, a wall of text.

Edited by Kestral9999
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PS learn to use Spoilers. It'll prevent the whole wall of text problem that most people encounter when faced with... well, a wall of text.

Knew I forgot something rather important while typing that out.

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