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"rushers Bad, Others Good...blablabla", How About The Other Side Of The Coin?


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I think the solution lies solely on DE's hands. I skimmed through the thread and well i can't imagine scroungers and rushers ever come to terms with each other. 


Right now when it comes to efficiency rushing is the way to go.Since variety isn't a strong point in this game (yet) and right now farming credits/mats/bps is the endgame naturally some people will want to maximize their gains.This often clashes with the i assume intended behaviour of going through the levels at a more relaxed pace.Exploring/picking up mats/clearing rooms etc.


DE can go about solving this issue by either gutting rushers through more double-lock doors or similar mechanisms (not ideal imo) or make the alternative more appealing eg. more materials from chests and lockers or a good chance at a fusion core in some hidden rooms.


What they certainly need to do though is encourage teamwork through gameplay(nervos were a shoddy attempt at that).Do that and not only you make the game way more enjoyable you also deter rushers.


Until then this back-and-forth will continue.I hope they will do something about it sooner rather than later as it currently fragments the player base.

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You really think it fragments the player base?

I play mostly online games (as opposed to solo or private) and generally everyone makes it to the extraction unless someone plain goes afk. Its pretty rare that I see that one crazy rusher who makes it to extraction miles ahead of everyone else.

I don't really care one way or the other, people can play how they like. But I just don't see the Rusher who bypasses all mobs and races to the exit that often. Judging by the posts here people see it every other game.

I see it a lot more on high level bosses, but often times its the entire group that rushes past mobs to the end then, and we make it to extraction.

For the most part, the only people who don't make it to extraction seem to be people who have gone completely afk. Or got lost in those new Grineer maze-stair rooms. If you go afk and people don't stand around waiting on you, don't be surprised.

Edited by Inez
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You really think it fragments the player base?

I play mostly online games (as opposed to solo or private) and generally everyone makes it to the extraction unless someone plain goes afk. Its pretty rare that I see that one crazy rusher who makes it to extraction miles ahead of everyone else.

I don't really care one way or the other, people can play how they like. But I just don't see the Rusher who bypasses all mobs and races to the exit that often. Judging by the posts here people see it every other game.

I see it a lot more on high level bosses, but often times its the entire group that rushes past mobs to the end then, and we make it to extraction.

For the most part, the only people who don't make it to extraction seem to be people who have gone completely afk. Or got lost in those new Grineer maze-stair rooms. If you go afk and people don't stand around waiting on you, don't be surprised.

Happens a lot to me.

Poor Rhino, can't keep up with that Infinite Sprint Loki...

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Rushing pretty bad but its just as bad as the players that take 30+ minutes to finish a simple mission.

And one, or even two such players are never going to be more than a 60 second imposition on the other two players in that game.

Unless it's a Jackal boss run, or you let them carry the datamass.  (And if they're so slow, how did they make it to the datamass first, anyway?)

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Narrus :

You could first ask i think that is the main problem rushers coming in and ruch right away not even asking if the other is wanting to rush or go slow.


If you only want to rush find people like your self and team up with them.

I rush and i go slow depending on the group and mission. ( and yes i go solo also )


Think that is the main problem with people complaning with rushers.

I also won't pickup rushers if they go down if the rest is going slow its gone be on your own risk to rush then i am not gone rush to your rescue stay with the group if there going slow.

If you start the game and some one joins you well its your decition you join someones ells game adjust.


The only other thing that makes me mad are the rushers for the blueprint ( cronus ) messing the new people up thats the first boss they run in to.

Give them some chance to level up wapons stay with them keep them alive....


The defs can easy fix this drop the selling price to like 500 instat of 2.5k

Edited by NiceGuySOH
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- Other players are getting all the XP for you (in case you haven't noticed XP online is Shared), they don't get your help to fight the enemies and could be left behind to die.

- This is not a racing game.


This is a Coop game with a SOLO option. If you can't play as team then go solo! (And I read your post where you mentioned to stop with the "go solo" thing... but it's the only answer... so.. go solo)

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playing a game for me means actually "playing" and doing what i can do which here is shoot stuff do crazy movements use my warframe abilities and have fun kickin some enemy &#! with others...


so for me wasting time would be just unlocking what this game has to offer as fast as possible without actually "playing" the game


so i guess i would prefer not being a cheapass, safe days of running in and out of levels and quitting every mission and just buy whateever is possible to buy to have everything unlocked if thats what i want and then play the game...


i guess the biggest problem is that people just get bored here since it is a open beta the game has much to offer but still not enough specially towards the end game and thats when people start doing other stuff then actually playing or complain it would be too easy...


im sure this will change in the future and i dont see why everyone still keeps fighting about it


seems like everyone always feels strong in the internet and needs to let out his frustration



i reccomend that everyone should just chill a little and enjoy the game and work on new ideas rather than actual player vs player arguements here

Edited by Tortugar
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And please dont arguement anymore with playstyles because this way of "farming" mats and blueprints etc is using a mistake in the game since in my opinion not actually playing the game


-leaving the mission

- just opening the boxes in defense missions and leaving

- rushing to boss and quitting


is a HUGE mistake in how farming should work in this game and this should be changed


that you need to clear rooms in order to procced

you need to fight your way to the boss

you need to finish a mission in order to gain anything


thats why its called farming something and not just getting a present

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i love to see the rusher runing away faster than the team !

he run , run , run , and some time ; he die stupidly alone killed by a very big team of monster ^^

and at this moment , rusher was appy to found the team thath he distant , for to be resurected .

wen i play in team , i stay in team ,wen i play with team of rusher , i rush !

the most important in team game is to respect other player .

i think , rushing wen the team don't want it, is a mark of none respect!

Edited by allias
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I'm going to continue playing the game the way I wish to. I advise everyone else do the same. If this upsets you, perhaps you have lost perspective. I know that happens to me after a while. When I reach that point, the best yet most annoying advice I can be given is: why not do something else?


It's not like the game industry has started designing games with the sole intent of addicting gamers, constantly thinking of new ways to get people to spend more time and money on a game, regardless of whether the player is even having fun... right? Oh...

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OP know this is a game and not a job?  All this talk about efficiency, X item in Y map, saying casual players are wasting time...


If I didn't know any better I would say you aren't playing to have fun.  O.o   I would go back to college: get much more feeling of accomplishment for less effort than you put into Warfame.  ^^

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They gotta get the stalker to jump in on the "lone" rusher/explorer types in public matches.  While the stalker has less of a chance against 4 tenno it should be powerful enough to take down one.  That way the non team players stick to the play-style of the team.


That would be pretty hilarious.

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I would probably rate myself as a middle of the road type of player to an extent; I like a good paced forward moving team having fun collecting things along the way. I dont go off the waypoint path to explore or open every single box, ill do that solo if im in the exploration type of mood; However, i do particularly care for the mad rushers going at the speed of plaid; while the rest of the team is dealing with the massive globs of mobs blocking doors. Usually if im pugging online and im the second person i dont trip the timer and ill clear backwards to help the others out.

Possible solution could be maybe a Tenno Rush mode. A time trial of sorts that a player can click a check mark or drop down so other like minded rushers can partake in. Rewards could be slightly higher in credits but all 4 members must reach the finish line to end. A check and balance to enter this mode could require a frame to be of appropriate level for that planet and must have at least a ranked 1 Rush mod. Time trial times can be put up for Bronze, Silver and Gold the bigger the reward or a random mod/bp accordingly. Higher level planets would require a higher ranked Rush mod as an entry check.

Perhaps if something like this is implemented it will cater to slower paced casual having fun teams and rushers or people who want a challenge of sorts can play the rush mode.

Edited by XenivouS
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If you want to efficiently farm resources, find the planet which has them, then find a defense mission with the map layout like Xini(preferably because these maps have a ton of storage containers in a very small area), start the game, rush in the level, brake every crate, abort, repeat. Each run takes 1 minute max and you will almost always get 25+ Rubedo/Alloy plate per run. You can't even compare this to regularly completing other missions because to clear every room in normal mission takes 10+ minutes which is a waste of time.


By the way thats a good way to ruin your stats. Anyway the reason people get annoyed with "rushers" is because they have people like you defending them. You can play how you want as long as you are not breaking the rules or being abusive to other players etc.

Edited by Toko
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OP you completely invalidate your own post because the most efficient way to farm all resources in this game is to play solo. You stated the fastest way to farm the rub/alloy etc. However boss farming is fastest done solo as well. Less hps solo, easily abort immediately after boss is killed repeat.


Obviously the only reason you join other players is to cause a ruckus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never had a problem with rushers. Sometimes I meet players who very quickly kill everything in front of me but that isn't rushing is it? As long as they don't just run past all enemies I'm cool with it. And if they do wouldn't mind too much either. More blood for my sword :)

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EDIT: To all the people saying "go SOLO then". I can say the same thing to you. Why can't I speed through missions/content with other people and have a some sort of a race while we do it? Why don't you go solo if you want to clear the mission slowly? Why, as a rusher, I am forced to go solo? Why can't I enjoy the content with others who enjoy the content like I do together?

Your "go solo" argument is groundless.





I've seriously had enough of this senseless "rusher" bashing. So let me lay down basic reasons why "rushers" exist in the first place and why rushing is 100% more efficient, less time consuming in the end game.


People always cry that rushers are breaking their "immersion" or "skipping resources" or whatever nonsense which is a clear sign that you are either new to the game or not willing to learn about the perks end-game(meaning when you are more farmed and have a variety loadout available mostly besides mission unlocking) can offer. Or you are just a bored troll who has nothing better to do.


Why do people rush?


Because we've unlocked pretty much every mission, we have done everything we could to unlock or complete content wise. The next big thing we can do is fill in our inventory slots with new weapons and warframes which require resources.

Farming resources by entering a level and opening every cabinet, smashing every storage box and killing every enemy hoping something will drop is extremely time consuming and probably the least effective way to get said resources.


If you want to efficiently farm resources, find the planet which has them, then find a defense mission with the map layout like Xini(preferably because these maps have a ton of storage containers in a very small area), start the game, rush in the level, brake every crate, abort, repeat. Each run takes 1 minute max and you will almost always get 25+ Rubedo/Alloy plate per run. You can't even compare this to regularly completing other missions because to clear every room in normal mission takes 10+ minutes which is a waste of time.


The only reason rushers join other types of missions is because either the boss drops Morphics/Neural Sensors/etc. rare resources, or the map objective has that 1 type of rare resource type to complete required needs for a specific blueprint. Get to the objective asap, get the resource, get back asap, done. Need anything else? Refer to the method described above. Will save you 30 minutes of your life.


We don't need the experience from missions because we will earn 10x the experience in a defense mission in the same amount of time you do a regular one by "clearing everything" and get 10x more mods than you do + a chance to get rare, good mods at waves 5,10,15 and etc.


You "pure" and "innocent" players are not a smudge better than rushers. You are just as bad. Rushers have goals, they have set objectives to do in B mission to get C item and then get X item in Y mission to complete a specific blueprint while you...are essentially wasting our valuable time. Before 7.3 rushers could control the pace of missions. After 7.3 it has been split in half but nothing has been solved. To avoid "rushers" and "slow players" devs need to create a lobby system in which we can create rooms with names in them or categorize them by the playstyle we prefer i.e rushing or taking it slow. But at the moment both sides of the party are bad and don't even try to justify how X side is better than Y. We have our reason, you have yours. 


Just because you have time to waste doesn't mean others have all day to spare to fool around in the game. We want to meet our set goals for the game because we can't dedicate as much time to the game as you can.

Just because you enjoy the game by going slowly does not make you the one, messiah of truth. There are just as many ways people enjoy the game as there are people playing it and rushing is popular, effective and time efficient.


I am 100% certain I have missed a lot of other points here because this is purely from my experience and what I've heard from other players.


tl;dr - read the post or get lost troll


I get where you are coming from, but regardless i detect a very agressive tone from your post, so you are basicly doing the same bashing as them, only with a different opinion. I respect both rushers and players taking their time, sometimes a "friendly" competition feels good, but this constant 'war' against eachother isn't helping much, neither is your post.

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Sigh, I come to the forums and read this.

I can pretty much say I'm in end-game content right now (for an open beta game anyway) and I can say I don't like rushers.

I'm not taking it slow, I'm going normally on the mission, killing everything on the way most of the time. Ya know, for mods. 

But you rushers waste our time as well, when you deny us credits to build whatever we have to build + sometimes some mods we've been farming.

So if you want to play like that, do one of two things - either play solo or disconnect after you get the resource from o boss or whatever. Then only YOU don't get the cash, but you get the resource, and everyone is happy.



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