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Should Saturn Be A Corpus Gas City


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I don't mean like jupiter's tile set but maybe something similar. I think because Of saturn's rings it would have the most beautiful sky in the solar system. I hope if and when saturn gets a custom tile set the sky be visible.

Similar to this:


I think the skybox should be a combination of those first two.



Corpus ships flying in the background would be cool.



I could see even archwing being used as transportation. (You would probably lose life support if you venture to far away from the city).



Maybe even a grinder ship attacking in the background.


Feel free to talk about any other planet's tilesets. I think mercury should be a underground mine and venus should have lava pits.



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I could get down with that, although I'd like it to stay Grineer. Maybe have it a base around the idea of them mixing gasses and experimenting with new flamable solutions and stuff? (That would also explain why Ruk has flames and is located there?) Just spitballing ideas here.

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saturn has a perma super storm and winds going ultra fast.


not to mention i think there is shards of diamonds flying in the air at 300+ kmh and up to 1000 kmh

All gas/ice giants are essentially giant "perma super storms".


Jupiter is no better, if not worse. The lightning that occurs in Jupiter's storms are around 100x brighter than those that occur on Earth.


Neptune is the worst though, with the fastest winds in the solar system - not to mention it is extremely cold in the upper cloud decks.

Edited by Gammaion
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