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Rushers, Explorers, And Common Courtesy


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How about we lay down a little simple code of conduct for people to follow when they play, nothing too complex and those who don't follow it can rot since they don't want to expend even the least bit of courtesy to other people.

1. When you start a map make your intentions clear to the random players that join you. Simply say, this is an exploration run, rush run or blueprint run. The host decides the run he started, there should be no complaints about it, if your joining a random game then expect to follow the rules set in it.

2. If you don't want to do what the host wants to do then disconnect and look for another group, the game is good enough not to place you in the same group you just were in or host your own open game.



4. When playing in any mode mark the drops you see with your "G" key, this goes for mats and mods.

5. Keep up with the team and don't wander off on your own in any mode, you lose exp/mods for yourself and slow down the team.


6. Wait for everyone to get into an elevator before starting it.

7. If your the host of a blueprint run make it clear you will reset the map, this will cause everyone on your team to begin a host migration so allow everyone ample time to pick up the mods/mats/blueprints and to disconnect before you do. YOU SHOULD BE THE LAST TO GO AS A HOST IN A BLUEPRINT RUN. Its common courtesy and makes the transition from one run to another much smoother.

Simple right, common sense stuff, I know that if folks can use even just this it would make their lives a lot simpler.

here's something to add


YOU ROLL WITH THE PARTY. THE PARTY DOES NOT ROLL WITH YOU. (punishable by death? roller ball?)

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In a utopian online world the rules or guides many of you have posted are good sense, many of us are old enough in games that these rules are second nature. However, you are not in a utopian online world. You are on the internet populated by real life masses that lack the respect, manners and intelligence required to be civilised in the real world let alone the virtual "no rules" internet.


When a player does not do what you want, well unlucky, get on with it.

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I completely agree that playstyle conflicts can only be solved by the community and not DE, at this point. It would be really awsum to have player-created PvE etiquette like Dark Souls has for its PvP. Biggest problem is that even w/ the DkS PvP etiquette, there are still some areas filled w/ SH!TONS of gankers/griefers *cough*theforest*cough*. There's always someone who's gotta be a total doushe :<

But, just like u said, the easiest way to make interactions smoother is to actually communicate w/ the party, and send friend requests to the ppl who show courtesy and/or have a similar playstyle.

Dude, don't complain about the forest. The forest is the no rules zone.

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I love that so many Dark Souls players are on here. Anyway, on topic. I don't like to rush, but I can see the value in it. If I come into a party that rushes, I'll be wavedashing the whole map (as long as my fingers hold up), but when I host, I make sure that everyone knows that I want to see as much of the map as possible. With the exception of the people that don't seem to realize that THERE IS A CHAT FUNCTION, I never really have a problem.

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Dude, don't complain about the forest. The forest is the no rules zone.


Anyone with half a brain knew that if you want politeness you fought in Parish. Anywhere else was just testing your luck. The Forest was anything goes.

It was meant as a joke. By now there's probly no area safe from the clutches of giantdad.

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They could actually. They can just let a player leave once they reach Extraction without ending the level for the rest of the players until either


A; They reach extraction and extract




B: Die a slow and painful death. :D


Rusher can rush, explorer can explore. Simples.

First off, that would not solve "all of our problems", that would solve one of our problems, which would be people doing conflicting run types interfering directly with eachother. It would still hurt group play when everyone is running off in their own direction, and possibly cause even more chaos in public groups as there would be even less incentive to attempt to stay anywhere near the main group.


Secondly, host migration. As this game is currently run peer to peer, theres no way around it without completely restructuring the multiplayer hosting system, which is unlikely to happen anytime soon to say the least.


How about we lay down a little simple code of conduct for people to follow when they play, nothing too complex and those who don't follow it can rot since they don't want to expend even the least bit of courtesy to other people.


1. When you start a map make your intentions clear to the random players that join you. Simply say, this is an exploration run, rush run or blueprint run. The host decides the run he started, there should be no complaints about it, if your joining a random game then expect to follow the rules set in it.


2. If you don't want to do what the host wants to do then disconnect and look for another group, the game is good enough not to place you in the same group you just were in or host your own open game.




4. When playing in any mode mark the drops you see with your "G" key, this goes for mats and mods.


5. Keep up with the team and don't wander off on your own in any mode, you lose exp/mods for yourself and slow down the team.


6. Wait for everyone to get into an elevator before starting it.


7. If your the host of a blueprint run make it clear you will reset the map, this will cause everyone on your team to begin a host migration so allow everyone ample time to pick up the mods/mats/blueprints and to disconnect before you do. YOU SHOULD BE THE LAST TO GO AS A HOST IN A BLUEPRINT RUN. Its common courtesy and makes the transition from one run to another much smoother.


Simple right, common sense stuff, I know that if folks can use even just this it would make their lives a lot simpler.


This is exactly the sort of thing we should be discussing, and a good start. Although I would disagree with point 1. I would say its the responsibility of the person joining to ask the host/group what kind of run they are doing, unless they are willing to go with whatever the group happens to be doing, and then decide whether they want to stay or not. The exception being those rare cases where you end up joining a public group before the actual run starts.


I do particularly like point 7 though, as this makes a lot of sense but it's something that often gets overlooked.


In a utopian online world the rules or guides many of you have posted are good sense, many of us are old enough in games that these rules are second nature. However, you are not in a utopian online world. You are on the internet populated by real life masses that lack the respect, manners and intelligence required to be civilised in the real world let alone the virtual "no rules" internet.


When a player does not do what you want, well unlucky, get on with it.


While this is true, Dark Souls has proven that a community can set their own ground rules for common etiquette with fair success. You'll never get everyone to play nice all the time, but having rules that are common knowledge to the kind of people willing to follow them is better than utter chaos.


Also I'd like to point out that we actually do have a bit of this going on as it has become commonly accepted that it is good manners to always mark any mod that drops in a run.





Winner: Dark Souls.


Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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Rushers are usually just farming bosses for drops, they can hit escape and abort after the boss and let the others do what they want.

They won't gain anything in rushing that they won't lose later when they realise they need mats to craft stuff.


(rushing a non-boss map is just silly, it's not like there's anything to rush TO)


Not looking for loot in containers and hoping for the RNG off the boss to provide what you're looking (except bp's ofcourse) for is a logical fallacy as both drops are RNG and the more rolls you do per mission the better the odds are of it not being a waste of time.



Wanna explore every nook and cranny of a map for a couple of hours?

Go private with likeminded or solo.




Again i find myself asking, what are these people rushing *to* ?



Hitting T and communicating shouldn't be too hard, even for facebook-poisoned youths whose sole extent of social interaction is limited to pressing "Like" to pictures of what people had for breakfast...



/old grump mode off.

Edited by firequill
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There are a lot of good ideas coming out of this post, but I feel that bottom line there are two options: either (A) play with friends so you can all decide how you will play, or (B) make an online room and when people join ask for them to slow down or speed up. I totally get rushing for bosses, but on an average mission to get completion credit, sometimes it's nice to take your time, y'know? Get all those XP and items.

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Some players rush no matter what mission they're doing, it doesn't just apply to boss runs.  That's just the way they play.


I'm personally not sure where all the angst is coming from, there has only been two instances so far where a "rusher" type took the time to hit T and mock the slower players.


Really it comes down to an erosion of social etiquette in society and our cultures as whole, especially with the glorious invention of the internet where everyone's opinion is super important (but mostly mine!) and there are no repercussions for being disrespectful to another human being.  It's actually encouraged in many video games and websites while simultaneously seen as 'cool' to be a total &#036;&amp;*^ that drops one liners.  There are plenty of examples of that on this board where the intention wasn't to be funny or humerous, but to degrade and deride the OP or one of the other responses in the thread.


Common curtosy is turning into a rare drop in its own right and doesn't seem to be a desired trait, especially among younger players.  That isn't universal and I know plenty of gamers well into their 30s and 40s are probably disrespectful trolls but it gets tiring every time you log into a video game the chat is filled with hateful garbage.  Even worse when you're in a group setting and you're chastised for your playstyle randomly, whether it's in a MMO and your DPS isn't high enough, you're getting ganked mercilessly over and over in some kind of PvP setting, or someone is mocking your chosen play style in Warframe.


It really boils down to what OP said... we as a community need to decide poor and disrespectful behavior regardless of intention or what side of the aisle you fall on in terms of rusher or explorer won't be tolerated.  I tend to fluctuate between being a rusher, farmer, or explorer depending on my mood or how much time I have to play, or I'll adjust to my group if I realize the other three players are far behind or way ahead of me.


If you're choosing to play online as opposed to solo or private you really have no ground to stand on in terms of someone 'ruining your playstyle' since you ACKNOWLEDGED before hand you wanted to play with a random group of players.  It cuts both ways, rushers and explorers need to quit the QQ.  If the thought of playing with someone that doesn't fit your playstyle completely irks you and you DGAF about finding middle ground or some kind of etiquette start a clan and find like minded people. 


I haven't seen any issues of disrespect or rudeness in the global chat function in game and it would be virtually impossible to peg someone as a rusher or explorer without them deliberately mentioning it.


Stratefication and seperation isn't the solution, that'll just divide the player base into two ugly halves much the same way MMOs have their PvE and PvP crowds, each thinking the other is the scum of the earth and that their individual play styles are better/unique.


Interesting to see that even in a PvE only environment similar lines are being drawn for no apparent reason other than "My way is superior to yours... nub!". 


Common curtosy, or better known as the Golden Rule, treat others the way you want to be treated.


And if you want people to treat you rudely, say stupid garbage and try to get under you skin for the lawls we as a community have to determine that's not the kind of player we want here.

Edited by Allajh
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Here is my issue with this, you can not put a definitive label on what "rushing" is. I often find my self infront of the group, why? I like to roll ash with full movement and stam mods.  I kill everything in front of me, but i don't stop to clear out boxes, or walk into side rooms that aren't part of the objective. Am I a hated rusher? why must the full mission every box and every door be opened, i play this game for action not to open inatimate objects. at what point, how far in front do you have to be before you are being rude? I'm not going to stop my rampage to stand in a room and watch you collect things. honestly, stopping to clear out every box has the oposite effect on me than most of the explorers claim, If i'm an assassin space ninja, i'm going to kill everything between me and the target, kill the target then kill my way out. why would you, in enemy teritory stop to see if someone left their wallet in their locker?


Everyone says we should just treat each other well and it wont be an issue. This is the solution, but it will not happen, there is no real fix to this issue. I hope that DE doesn't imput some sort of "mark for rusher" system. Why? splitting the playerbase is bad, and those of us who are walking the line between the two will be forced to pick do i want to kill nothing and rush or spend an extra 10 mins to wait for people to open lockers filled with ammo for guns they don't have.


Recently i've been running into issues where people are afking, and when you're in the heat of a run do you notice if someone falls behind? due to the lack of a real map, I can't tell if someone is moving 2 mins back or if they're taking their dog out! now, I will start the count down, then let it get to about 50 sec before I move forward and stop the clock just to let people know that there are infact people waiting to leave. if I don't see them in two mins, I consider them afk and start the clock up again. I think a good way of seeing what your team mates are doing, and where they are would give a much better understanding between the two groups.



most importantly though, remember, if you get stuck with someone whos rushing/exploring and you want to do the oposite, ITS ONLY 15-20 mins of your life. Its not killing the game, its not happening every mission. its not DEs job to tell us what are acceptable play styles. If you find your self unable to bear playing with pubbies, rather than comign here to complain, go to the find a squad subforum and find somepeople who play like you.

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