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Wall Sliding: An Alternative To Insane Falls...


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You every been on one of the asteroid missions for a Grineer base and get to that elevator lift that goes about 50 stories up?


How about the snow cluster-planets for the corpus and start off on that building that's huge?


Ever question why you're hurt by the stomper bots, rollers, the Corpus stun baton, or even the Grineer soldiers just gun-butting you yet jumping and falling for an extreme height does absolutely nothing? not even a flinch? literally, it does not even 1 HP. and before you start to assume, I'm totally fine with that but let's be honest with ourselves: we're not all impervious to Newton and his homeboy, gravity.


We're ninjas -space ninjas at that- and I think we've all come a long way from the brutish ages where we all just jumped off of things to get down. I say that we should have the ability to wall slide (when the situation presents its as an option). Think about it: when you slide towards a vertical drop wouldn't it be awesome if instead of always sliding off (into what the laws of physics would consider your doom) that if you held the crouch/slide button and slide of the edge only to see you frame grab hold of the wall and slide down it silently (or with the sound of metal scratching metal for realism)? Like in Megaman games of old? Not saying you should be able to exploit it and use continuous wall jumps, but it would be an alternative to just bluntly falling off the side of things and landing without so much as a thud or a dent in the floor.


And if you're the stealthy type, which is more stealthy: sliding down quietly, giving you a chance to assess the situation down below(enemies and whatnot), and then making you move from there?




jumping off of things letting everyone know you're there in the most obvious way possible?


Well, unless we get batman-style aerial/falling take-down, where you just land on enemies and do an auto-kill, anytime soon I'd say the former.


Think "Mark Of The Ninja", when you slide and you want to speed things up a bit you either jump off or hold shift and run down the side. I know this mostly apply to the larger maps, so it has little to no effect on the smaller ship corridors. But it's still something we could use as an alternative. everyone loves alternatives, right? sure you could ride your bike to work, but there's always that jet-pack you've got in the closet you've been waiting to use. it never hurts to keep your options open.


Anyone have any suggestions or feedback on this? conflicts? let me know.

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Jumping off of things doesn't really let everyone know you're there with how the jump works right now. You just land quietly. Like a ninja. :p

...Ooooor depending on how you do it, you land and then roll straight into the nearest Grineer.

I'm a little conflicted on this idea. Wall-sliding would certainly be realistic, in a manner of speaking - it would explain the lack of fall damage. It would also honestly be an annoyingly slow way to get down from high edges - unless the speed is the same, of course.

I guess what I'm saying is "sure, as long as I can still jump straight down".

Edited by Quetzhal
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Jumping off of things doesn't really let everyone know you're there with how the jump works right now. You just land quietly. Like a ninja. :p


...Ooooor depending on how you do it, you land and then roll straight into the nearest Grineer.

I'm a little conflicted on this idea. Wall-sliding would certainly be realistic, in a manner of speaking - it would explain the lack of fall damage. It would also honestly be an annoyingly slow way to get down from high edges - unless the speed is the same, of course.

I guess what I'm saying is "sure, as long as I can still jump straight down".

Of course. i wasn't saying to do away with jumping off but to have the option to get down a different way. what if I don't want to just bluntly jump off of everything i'm on? why not wall-slide down? it's an option to have but if I ever decide "nah i'l jump it" i still can. slide speed would be dependent on how fast you were sliding before you went over the edge. slow slide over= slow slide (unless the height is huge then you speed up as you go down), fast slide over=faster slide down. still if you feel better just jumping or sliding off don't hold crouch and you'll just slide right off same as always and land on your tush and take no damage like a feather hit the floor. =D

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hahaha, you can. :P you go to do a vertical wall climb and then hold until you start sliding down. As for fall damage I think my immersion is still intact with out fall damage.

like i said to the dude above, no fall damage is a-okay in m book. I just found it weird that jumping off was the only option for a ninja. but they said there is a wall-slide so i'l check it out tonight myself. =)

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Anyone have any suggestions or feedback on this? conflicts? let me know.

Actually, a really simple explanation to this is that warframes are probably like exoskeletons. Much like ants. I dont know if you know, but: http://www.happynews.com/news/262009/why-ants-don-die-when-falling-high-distances.htm


Could easily just explain warframes. Also yes, ants still die from getting pummeled and hit by other insects.


The bigger question is: why do we take damage from the vacuum of space yet we travel exposed on the bottom of a spaceship?

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Actually, a really simple explanation to this is that warframes are probably like exoskeletons. Much like ants. I dont know if you know, but: http://www.happynews.com/news/262009/why-ants-don-die-when-falling-high-distances.htm


Could easily just explain warframes. Also yes, ants still die from getting pummeled and hit by other insects.


The bigger question is: why do we take damage from the vacuum of space yet we travel exposed on the bottom of a spaceship?


The spaceship bay closes up and pulls the Tenno into its belly.

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Even a moderate amount of super strength/durability would allow a humanoid to make some pretty ridiculous falls. And it's gun buts from seven foot tall power armored cyborg Space Marines. I think that would hurt a six foot tall power armored biotech Space Ninja.

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