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Melee Overall - Opinions


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Hey guys, I've always have problems on choosing a melee weapons, being for fast melee, or just squishing the brains out of those grineer body idiots, so i was thinking about making a topic with all or most of melee weapons, with a overall pros and cons.


Like, good weapons to AoE, good weapons for fast paced hits, good for charge and so on.

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Doesn't the wiki have all this info? Or do you want personal opinions / experience

I was looking forward for a bit of personal opinions and experience. For example, on wiki they complain about Fang being bad vs infected, but when modded with a lvl 3+ fire it's quite nice, since the attack speed is insane and the fire does quadruple damage.


I mean, you can decrease the disadvantage of a weapon quite easily with the correct mods.


ATM i'm looking for a decent AoE to use with Ash when i get into Smoke Screen to get the most of the invisible critical chance, since i use Fang i mostly need to go 1 by 1.


But for what i read in wikia, none is "worth" it, either too damn slow, or just don't surpass the Damage Output i make with fang, even going 1 by 1.


Therefore, having personal opinions would make my life easier, and for those with the same problems, i can't just craft all weapons available to test them myself.

Edited by Endrance
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Have you tried Dual Heat Swords? They sound fitting to what you want. Hits multiple enemies, good charge damage, decent attack speed (especially with fury). I could also work up a list like you wanted but I can't do it now. I also have 2 friends who likes Dual Zorens with ash's smoke screen

Edited by Bitfly
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Have you tried Dual Heat Swords? They sound fitting to what you want. Hits multiple enemies, good charge damage, decent attack speed (especially with fury). I could also work up a list like you wanted but I can't do it now. I also have 2 friends who likes Dual Zorens with ash's smoke screen

I haven't been able to get the bloody Fury Mod, and wikia (that thing) says that DHS are hell slow, only good for charge attack.


Dual Zoren look weird IMO, but if they are good or not, can't say, i got a friend with one, full reflect coil and he spams 2 charge every 1 sec, quite nice

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I haven't been able to get the bloody Fury Mod, and wikia (that thing) says that DHS are hell slow, only good for charge attack.


Dual Zoren look weird IMO, but if they are good or not, can't say, i got a friend with one, full reflect coil and he spams 2 charge every 1 sec, quite nice

When I use my DHS (with max Fury) they don't feel slow. I charge or slide attack as I approach, use normal attacks often enough and charge attacks for PBAoE damage. Besides that they look cool :p But you're right, mostly charge attacks unless with Fury

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try those new dual ether. kinda nice melee weapon - good attack speed, nice damage + really effective against infected. Disadvantages: low AoE dmg and no polarity slots. And what we have here? Great weapon for fast paced hits! ^_^

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Worth noting that Fury also makes charge attacks faster


Possibly, but to be honest i cant notice it on the DHS. The animation is fast enough so its a marginal gain, and i'm pretty sure it doesn't affect the charge speed.

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Duel Zorens are rather weak, but mother of heck that Crit Rate and Crit Damage. add in Fury and yer cleaving heads all day. Add in the Dagger Axe skin for them looks rather awesome.


As much as I hate to reward Weapon-of-the-Month syndrome, I picked up a set of Duel Ethers and pretty satisfied with them (a tad slow but nothing Fury can't fix once I get some ranks on em). The ability to basically get bonus damage to all enemies is nice on melee, plus they're extremely mod friendly, kinda the Braton of swords.

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I think they are talking about Dual Ether, not Ether Daggers. They are awesome D: and they look so cool! I find them much better than DHS. But then, that's only my opinion.


Eventually, I do think that one way or another you'll end playing with most weapons just to level your mastery rank =).

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The only situation where I found melee really usefull, doing something I wouldn't have been able to do with my Gorgon or a Shotgun, is when I'm stunlocked by rollers or infected. Jump attack with Fragor or Scindo, knock them all back... Well, hopefully. Assuming I don't get stunned again while in the air.

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God tier Melee weapons

DHS: The Best Charge attack in game.

Fang: The Best Dps Based Auto attack in game.

Furax: Yes furax ! The Best Charge attack Dps in game

Fragor: The Best CC Melee weapon in game.

Dual Ether Swords: The Jack of All Tadres sword in game (Until the devs remove the armor ignoring effect, triple damage against infested and the x 3 damage in slide attacks)


Special mention:

Dual Zoren: The Best Critical Rate and damage weapon in game (The bread and butter for lokis/ashs)

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