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[Weapon Concept] Orokin Particle Rifle


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Hello there my fellow Tenno. 


The idea of particle weapons in warframe is not a new one. Our nefarious enemies, the Corpus, equip both their troops and security proxies with energy weaponary, and of course, there has been much discussion between the brothers and sisters of late, as to whether we too should adopt such tools. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/25028-suggestion-a-gun-without-ammunition/


Well my fellow space ninja's, after poking around the ancient orokin ruins on Mercury I chanced across a few lifeboats of the old one's, still sealed despite the centuries  Upon opening and exploring the vessels, I was disappointed to find they had never been inhabited, but what I did find brothers and sisters, were these:


Concept Art:



What is it you ask?


Well, they would seem to be a few remaining examples of the old-one's attempts to weaponise the power of stars. Yes. Stars.

From my experimentation, I have determined that these rifles were originally intended to fire bolts of channeled solar particles, each gun possessing at it's core, a miniturised version of the great flames that light our universe. 


However, years of neglect have meant that these miniature suns have grown unstable. The gravity vortices designed to contain the violent chain reactions, have instead, torn the weapon apart. But - due to some strange anomaly I cannot quite understand, the weapons remain functional and seemingly stable.



Here is what I have managed to understand of their operation: 


Ammuniton reserve: 240


Damage: 17


Critical Damage: 50


Accuracy: 11.4 (if anyone could explain how this value works, I'd be happy to adjust it accordingly)


Magazine Size: 40


Fire Rate: 11.2


Price: As this is essentially an orokin relic, and a powerful one at that, I had originally planned to make it's blueprint availible only via ? alerts. Though someone suggested it could also be an XP locked blueprint. Either way, the planned blueprint requirements are: 


2 Orokin cells ~ 1 control module ~ 500 polymer bundle ~ 300 Rubedo



Short Description: 


Type: Damaged Particle Rifle

The ________ is an ancient Orokin beam rifle that fires continuous beams of energy. Originally designed as a last-ditch effort to combat the sentience during the platonic wars. Powered by a miniturised star, the weapon's core has degraded after centuries of neglect, and now barley holds it together. However it provides a nearly limitless source of power, and due to a strange anomaly, even allows spent ammunition to be re-gained. Those who can keep it's burning ray on the enemy, will find their accuracy rewarded. 



Detailed Explanation: 

So the basic design philosophy here, is to provide a weapon that rewards the player for tracking their targets. The weapon fires a constant laser-like beam, which makes it very easy to burn through a magazine. With a low ammunition reserve, players would normally have to be constantly scavenging for ammunition. But (assuming DE can figure a way to implement this), the unstable nature of the weapons core, means that it is able to, on occasion feed off of it's own power. Hence if a player is able to accurately track their targets, they can mitigate the weapon's ammunition issue. The system works something like: 


Every successful hit on a target -> 40% chance of adding one round to the current magazine. 


This means that the weapon won't regenerate ammunition indefinatley. It's a super-nova'ed mini star, not pixie magic. -_- 

But if you're accurate enough to track your targets as they move, you'll no longer find ammo a problem. 


Because of the particle-beam nature of this gun, I envision it having a high base armor penetration value (akin to the boltor), but a low base damage. This is due to the issue of blooming that limits real-world particle weaponry  As you vaporize the target the debris created, disrupts the beams path, lowering it's damage. However when a clear hit is made, the beam carries significant power - hence a high base crit damage multiplyer





Well, I think that about covers it for now. I'll be uploading more concept art as I finish it. 


I'd love feedback on the concept and the design, so please be sure to comment! If you think this is a horrid idea you'd never want in the game - I'd love to hear why. If you think DE should implement this right away, I'd love to know why! 


Edit 4/5/13: - The new Orokin Moa's have exactly the kind of particle beam I had envisioned for my rifle! Perhaps this bears good prospects for this concept! ^_^ 





Edited by 11.11.11
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I'm gratified to see a well thought out, original, lore-fitting and well designed concept, this is excellent and the devs should definitely see this!


One tiny criticism. Orokin not Oorkin.

Edited by MrGrae
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I'm gratified to see a well thought out, original, lore-fitting and well designed concept, this is excellent and the devs should definitely see this!


One tiny criticism. Orokin not Oorkin.


My god you're right! And I've been spelling it wrong all these years! The grand masters must think me a terrible scribe! D: 

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the only thing i could think to say against this is the lore and how it works, since (correct me if im wrong) the orokin are thought to be this very advanced ancient race, whose technology is well hidden (and probably for the best) you could think this is one of the weapons used in "the old war"

but how would a blueprint of these have survived all this time.


im just saying but that feels a bit weird in that respect, dont you say?

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the only thing i could think to say against this is the lore and how it works, since (correct me if im wrong) the orokin are thought to be this very advanced ancient race, whose technology is well hidden (and probably for the best) you could think this is one of the weapons used in "the old war"

but how would a blueprint of these have survived all this time.


im just saying but that feels a bit weird in that respect, dont you say?


Same reason You have blue prints of the warframes with very specific abilites circulating around.


Gameplay reasons

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Same reason You have blue prints of the warframes with very specific abilites circulating around.


Gameplay reasons




I'd love to have it that, to fit with the lore, you could only find one of these after defeating a really high-rank boss say. Were there such powerful weapons scattered around the universe, I'm sure the Tenno wouldn't be the only one's interested in retrieving them.


But the current system for receiving weapons is either by way of the store or the foundary. Which is a bit immersion breaking, but keeps things simple, and balanced.

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Bump and +1, even though your sig is ponies =P


Seriously, concept art is AMAZING.

And the concept is great too.


Maybe some fine tuning to make it easier to code/implement, but this is one rock solid idea for a new weapon.

I'd platinum buy the hell out of this thing.

Edited by LunarWind
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