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Another problem are the screen shakes and teammates running into your line of fire. Hurts your DPS really bad when some Fragor noob just runs into your shot, blocking it, then swings his dumb hammer and just when you are about to fire at another enemy he isn't blocking, your screen shakes and your shot goes into the ceiling or the floor.

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Snipetron is a piece of crap when fully decked out with mods, too. Don't be under the illusion that it gets better later.


Early game kills everything but only 4 dudes and you need 1 year to do that agains


BUT LATEGAME you kill everything but only 4 dudes and you need a half of a year to do that again ! SEE IS BETTER !



Edited by Dasmir
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Early game kills everything but only 4 dudes and you need 1 year to do that agains


BUT LATEGAME you kill everything but only 4 dudes and you need a half of a year to do that agains ! SEE IS BETTER !




If you do the math, that's twice as good!

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It's pretty much already at that point.  The only reason bolt actions are preferred is noise (of the action) reliability (no moving parts other then the bolt).  Anyways, I don't like the idea of a bolt action in warframe, we already have the Paris which is basically a bolt action.

i am not going to rant on how firearms work in this thread, but bottom line it is impossible to get the same energy out of a semi-auto rifle as a bolt action. The military going towards semi auto is a choice based on tactical application. (not saying they haven't come a long way and started to close the gap but they won't catch up fully.


I dont think I made my point clear, all I ment  was the snipertron starting off really sucks unless you have access to a map like kappa then the ranks are going to go up 1 by 1 very slowly shooting 4 bullets at a time before a reload.


1234 reload 1234 reload 1234 reload 1234 reload....... now this believe it or not is supposed to be a fast paced action game correct ? How is it possible to keep up the pace if i need to reload every 4 bullets. It should be increased up to 7 bullets.


Lets remove Head shots from the equation, thats 2 kills per 4 bullets if your lucky ( starting off ) some times you need 3 bullets then your left with 1 bullet to wound the next enemy before you need to reload again to kill that enemy.


There are many examples like the above that restrict the fast paced action in this game for us snipers increase the bullets from 4 to 7 and keep the reload times the same.  The gun scales well no one is going to disagree there but 4 bullets im sorry it just cant match this games fast paced team action playstyle.


Now I know some people will just make the point about getting in more head shots, yes its very easy to do so in single player or two player match but in the heat of battle in a full group getting head shots is easyer said than done when every one is trying to get as many kills as they can to get good stats. Later lvls ok sure the mobs will get insta gibed but please dont forget the whole point of this topic is about starting off as a sniper and not how well it scales besides I think the majority still agree that 4 bullets sucks &#! =)



Thanks for all the feed back keep it coming its good to see such interest and im not the only one that feels this way.


ps: 7 bullets i mentioned is almost a random figure any more than 4 has to be good =p

That is definitely valid I play solo most of the time. I have tried (and had friends try) to snipe during a mission with 4 people. It isn't fun/practical unless you are all doing it. We have a couple members who like to run in and melee ... every enemy... all the time. Sniping with them is impossible. so i will agree that they might want to lower the reload time or boost clip size based on that rather than raw weapon comparison in ideal situations

Edited by SpartanChief1170
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I personally do not have the sniper rifle but I often play with a buddy of mine who loves to snipe in games. He often has a hard time keeping up with kills in larger scale fights because he has to reload with this gun so often and its a long reload so this doesnt help him ether. This leads to keeping shields off certian boss mobs a pain for him and quickly killing mobs that show up on waves for defense mission as well.


I would love to see him get a bigger clip and faster reloads because in this game we just dont have enough fights that a sniper rifle excels at.

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i am not going to rant on how firearms work in this thread, but bottom line it is impossible to get the same energy out of a semi-auto rifle as a bolt action. The military going towards semi auto is a choice based on tactical application. (not saying they haven't come a long way and started to close the gap but they won't catch up fully.

That's only true for gas operated semi-automatics. A semi-auto with a robotic action would match. It is the future remember, these guns may not even be using powder propellents.

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That's only true for gas operated semi-automatics. A semi-auto with a robotic action would match. It is the future remember, these guns may not even be using powder propellents.

touche good sir lol. for all we know its freaking lazers and really when you are reloading your taking forever to recharge the capacitors. :)

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Try adding multishot, crit damage and chance, base damage, and reload speed. Should fix any problems. Before update 7, I had 66% crit chance and 50% multishot. Wound up dealing enough damage to 1 shot most heavy enemies.

This. I have split chamber, cryo rounds, vital sense, point strike, serration and piercing hit. Haven't yet maxed out all of them but I already oneshot even the heavies sometimes even when I don't hit the head. I also oneshot some of the early bosses. Also If you are so concerned about the reload. Take a fast melee weapon and make a quick swing when the reload is 75% complete(If you look closly you can see that the bullets get added to the clip way before the reload is complete). You save more than a second that way. The snipetron is supposed to be a high burst damage weapon. NOT an uber dps weapon you are trying to make it. If you give it a much bigger clipsize it will start to oneclip even the toughest bosses.


Granted it isn't suitable for every situation and it never should be but it performs its own role quite nicely. That role being a support weapon to take out heavies and other high priority targets so the rest of the team can easily mop the floor with the rest of the enemies. You quote modern and ww2 weaponry that had bigger clips. You do realize even those weapons were made for the very same role the current snipetron is doing. Taking out priority targets. Not the whole goddamn army. If you don't like it then don't use it. I know my team appriciates the fact that those ancient distruptors, shocwave moas and other annoying enemies live only as long as it takes for me to align my aim at their head so they can focus on the masses.

Edited by PunCrathod
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 Not a real answer to the OP's suggestion, honestly... Players shouldn't have to resort to a community managed Wiki for basic information about stats and such when obviously they're a big part of the game. 


I'm going to respectfully disagree here... partially. And I'll explain why. A good measure of the game should be explained in the game itself, but it is very difficult to fit all of that into a game that is still effectively in development. And even when the game comes out of development, there are plenty of aspects to any modern game that make a full tutorial on everything impossible. Players do need to learn through some measure of experimentation and application.


Wikis fill that void. They're the compilation of player experience and testing, filling the gap that the game's developers are unable to fill due to time constraints or the like. I reference it constantly while playing because it helps me kit my weapons out. Would I prefer to see things like crit chance listed in the game itself? Of course. And the team is certainly aware of this issue, there have been enough valid concerns about it being raised on these forums.

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This. I have split chamber, cryo rounds, vital sense, point strike, serration and piercing hit. Haven't yet maxed out all of them but I already oneshot even the heavies sometimes even when I don't hit the head. I also oneshot some of the early bosses. Also If you are so concerned about the reload. Take a fast melee weapon and make a quick swing when the reload is 75% complete(If you look closly you can see that the bullets get added to the clip way before the reload is complete). You save more than a second that way. The snipetron is supposed to be a high burst damage weapon. NOT an uber dps weapon you are trying to make it. If you give it a much bigger clipsize it will start to oneclip even the toughest bosses.


Granted it isn't suitable for every situation and it never should be but it performs its own role quite nicely. That role being a support weapon to take out heavies and other high priority targets so the rest of the team can easily mop the floor with the rest of the enemies. You quote modern and ww2 weaponry that had bigger clips. You do realize even those weapons were made for the very same role the current snipetron is doing. Taking out priority targets. Not the whole goddamn army. If you don't like it then don't use it. I know my team appriciates the fact that those ancient distruptors, shocwave moas and other annoying enemies live only as long as it takes for me to align my aim at their head so they can focus on the masses.


This is also a very good point Snipers should be focusing on the high value high health targets, you are wasting damage if you have hit something for 500 when it has 100 health (i am picking random numbers), you could have aimed at the thing that had 400 health and got more value out of the same shot. Its all the tradeoff, yes you can only kill 4 lancers with 1 clip, but you can also kill 4 heavy gunners with that same clip. In my opinion, use your pistols for the little guys that aren't worth the sniper, or use your 4 shots then switch to pistols and reload when you have time between waves or in an elevator.

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Snipertron clip capacity is already good enough, the main problem lies on reeeeeeeeeeeelooad time and max ammo capacity + ammo droped from enemy. Those 3 is the main reason why snipertron only effective on early-mid game defense mission.


Btw, don't ever try to compare lex with snipertron since current snipertron condition is like a "Cheap plastic copy of lex developed by shady company that put a higher price than the original since it has better look".

Edited by Barzah
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Snipertron clip capacity is already good enough, the main problem lies on reeeeeeeeeeeelooad time and max ammo capacity + ammo droped from enemy. Those 3 is the main reason why snipertron only effective on early-mid game defense mission.


Btw, don't ever try to compare lex with snipertron since current snipertron condition is like a "Cheap plastic copy of lex developed by shady company that put a higher price than the original since it has better look".


Thats how i feel when i use the snipetron " Why im using a Nerfed form of the lex...." even with mod buff the diference of FLAT damage is not enought


Lex: 224 also 100% Multi-shoot.

Snipetron: 260 (IF you count the difference in AP mods and FREEZE MAYBE the snipetron can do more damage BUT STILL HAVING ONLY 4 SHOOTS and 4 sec of reload....)


Really...... Snipetron need a huge buff.

Edited by Dasmir
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I just purchased mine last night and the inital unmodded weapon is really lack luster. The range is its only advantage over the Strun but the slow reload time and small clipsize offset that. I was really disapointed in it and regret no buying the Latron instead.

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Maybe they should just make it a lock-on artillery weapon that shoots 4 beam projectiles per bullet. Where you hold down the mouse button and move the aim over enemies then release for it to fire. And if you just lock-on to one target all 4 beams would hit one target for 4x damage. Each beam would also have roughly a 45 degree angle trajectory it can travel, to try and curve around obsticales.


Let's face it, a lot of the maps are indoors with doors and long range sniping becomes very situational, you would really only get most out of it if you play an open area defense map. From what I've seen it's the fast running HAK shotty type players who usually do most the damage and clear out most things, you really don't have the luxury to stand in the back and fall behind, trying to snipe targets.

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Thats how i feel when i use the snipetron " Why im using a Nerfed form of the lex...." even with mod buff the diference of FLAT damage is not enought


Lex: 256 also 100% Multi-shoot.

Snipetron: 260 (IF you count the difference in AP mods and FREEZE MAYBE the snipetron can do more damage BUT STILL HAVING ONLY 4 SHOOTS and 4 sec of reload....)


Really...... Snipetron need a huge buff.

curious where are you are getting the 256 and 260 from.

(I have been looking for a way to crunch some numbers and i know the raw stats are 75 and 100 on damage.)

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Thats how i feel when i use the snipetron " Why im using a Nerfed form of the lex...." even with mod buff the diference of FLAT damage is not enought


Lex: 224 also 100% Multi-shoot. (My error)

Snipetron: 260 (IF you count the difference in AP mods and FREEZE MAYBE the snipetron can do more damage BUT STILL HAVING ONLY 4 SHOOTS and 4 sec of reload....)


Really...... Snipetron need a huge buff.


curious where are you are getting the 224 and 260 from.

(I have been looking for a way to crunch some numbers and i know the raw stats are 75 and 100 on damage.)


There you go:

Snipetron: 100 + (100*165/100) =260

Lex : 70+ (70*220/100)=224


Pd: my bad... match error.. still no changing anything about my opinon.

Edited by Dasmir
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The design of the game puts the Snipetron at a serious disadvantage.

1) DPS doesn't matter with the Snipetron. The rate of fire and long reload time means the boss's shield is just going to regenerate before a reasonable amount of damage can be applied. Might as well use the AkBolto or the Gorgon for the boss-killer weapons.

2) There aren't any high-value targets that you can put the Snipetron to use that the Lex can't deal with. Shield Osprey's, Leech Osprey's, Shockwave/Railgun MOA's, Grineer heavies, Ancients. All of those can be handled quickly with the Lex and still have room for error.


There's literally no reason why I should choose the Snipetron over a Lex in any scenario aside from the most outlandish that might happen once in a blue moon. Either the Snipetron needs a substantial damage boost* to make it more favorable for shooting things that you want dead faster or have the gun hold a larger magazine size than the Lex just for a quality-of-life buff.


*Damage boost can either be innate armor ignore (armor pen in its truest sense.) or a hidden armor penetration damage boost (like the armor penetration mod.) I'm more keen on the latter since it would make it more of a specialized weapon that would put it at better odds against Grineer and Corpus and a major disadvantage against Infected.

Edited by Skreshavik
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I bought Snipetron as my first weapon.

Really love it. I used Max Serration, Armour Piecing, Fire, Freeze, Electrical, Reload and 15% Magazine Warp.

Hope the snipetron will really be silent. Not just the sound.

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I think Snipetron needs a damage buff to 150. I mean the shotgun like Strun has a 147 damage with faster fire rate, reload and spread damage against mob. I wonder when they going to add more sniper rifle especially those automatic sniper rifles. Haven't tried sniping yet, but I notice players who use them in defense especially against mobs are no help. I don't know if it can shoot through mutiple enemies in line, if it can't they should add that feature.

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