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Alert Missions & Rewards


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I am getting really tired of alert missions pretty much only ever offering me credit rewards. In doing about a dozen of them, all I've gotten so far is one Rejuvenation (team health regen, not bad I'll admit) artifact.

If enemies in Alert missions are ever made to scale to your level, then at least guarantee some kind of additional reward beyond the credits and the possible and temporary satisfaction of a job well done. It could be a bunch of bonus XP or a two/threepack of good-quality modules or one really super module or whatever to pad out the rewards-list besides artifacts and blueprints, I don't care. Right now all they are is easy money when money is already pretty easy to come by.

RNG $&*^ery is fine and all, but this is just getting silly.

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How would it deal with parties of varying levels? Or a high ranked player with unranked weapons? It just wouldn't make sense to make it dynamic when there's too much variation in players. And if it did matchmaking for similar players, there's still too much to consider, and would making party finding a lot harder.

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I am also tired of Alert missions never offering me anything. I have checked every single alert ever since I started and they have never offered me an artifact, mod, blueprint or else. Only credits. :< do not want.

Honestly, they should probably be slightly more difficult or contain a mini-boss every time, then have them give you credits and a blue mod at minimum, then a chance at blueprint or artifact card.

Edited by Mimterest
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More Blueprint rewards added to Alerts including Orokin Reactors and Catalysts used to Super-Charge Warframes and weapons.

This Blueprints can be rewarded on ALL Alert missions or only ones which have a question mark on rewards display?

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I would also like to know if anyone can answer this.

I'm pretty sure that the blueprints only have a chance of being received only on completion of an alert that has a "Question Mark" reward.

Other than that, I hear you can get them as a log-in reward.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I got the orokin catalyst blueprint from an alert with the "?". I dont recall what the required resources are but they're 4 and needs one of each and are "uncommon". I know it cost 25000 credits and takes one day to make. I hope that helped some. i'm just happy i can pro/supercharge my lvl 28 pistols now.

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How would it deal with parties of varying levels? Or a high ranked player with unranked weapons? It just wouldn't make sense to make it dynamic when there's too much variation in players. And if it did matchmaking for similar players, there's still too much to consider, and would making party finding a lot harder.

Mabey they should scale the monsters levels to the average level of all of the players combined within a certainmission
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I found very &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; thing . When i join my friends session to complete alert mission with " random reward" in it .At the end of that mission i DONT GET THE FACKING RANDOM REWARD FFS while my friend does get some Artefact. It happened twice . I hope it's not intended .

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Alert missions should always offer something extra to make them worth playing, even if it's just a few guaranteed random mods.

I found very &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; thing . When i join my friends session to complete alert mission with " random reward" in it .At the end of that mission i DONT GET THE FACKING RANDOM REWARD FFS while my friend does get some Artefact. It happened twice . I hope it's not intended .

This happened to me as well. He got catalyst blueprints and I got the grand sum of 550 credits.

Edited by morgjorg
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I found very &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; thing . When i join my friends session to complete alert mission with " random reward" in it .At the end of that mission i DONT GET THE FACKING RANDOM REWARD FFS while my friend does get some Artefact. It happened twice . I hope it's not intended .

I've had this happen to me even though we were a new party :(

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