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New Environmental Hazard Suggestions


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There are currently 2 main environmental hazards - self destructing which adds fire spots, and ice, which halves shields. My suggestion is adding a health based hazard.


Idea 1: High concentration of Technocyte virus present.


Idea 2: Artificial atmosphere malfunction.


Either one would lower your warframe's MAX health by 25 percent. Why only 25 percent instead of 50? Health is a much more important and scarce resource that all frames use. While Rhino can shrug off half shields much better than Mag can, no warframe can really stand a full 50 percent hit to their health.


Alternate idea (if lower max health is too severe): Entry didn't go as planned - -50 percent STARTING health. Perhaps your ship was attacked by point defense turrets and you took a blast to the shoulder, or a group of guards happened to be standing right next to your insertion point.


Reason for inclusion: Only having a hazard that affects shields seems to unbalance some warframes and builds that rely on shields. It incentivizes players to pick health over shield while essentially punishing those that decide to pick a slightly different play style. Adding in a hazard that also affects health would add variety to missions and encourage diversity over everyone picking the same mods. More variety in a game is never a bad thing.


PS sorry if a similar thing has been suggested. Quick searches didn't turn anything up, but I could easily have missed something.

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<p>Environmental Hazards are one of the things i enjoy the most.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Having an easy mission turned into a hardcore because of the cryogenic leak, and others, unfortunately, they aren't that many different hazards, and none of them is dynamic, like for example joining in a normal mission, but after destroying the reactor core the fire/self destruct hazard would start, or after removing/stealing the datamass the cryogenic leak would appear do insufficient software control (since you removed the datamass).</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I would add your suggestions and others with a mixture of all.</p>

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<p>Cryogenic with slow while very near instead of shield decrease, fire hazard killing your shield due high temperature, and so on</p>

<p> </p>

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aargh! Dat formatting!


Anyway, I suggest Toxic Gas Leak. The game randomly spawns drifting clouds of gas that work like the toxic ancients gas.


Ooh, I like that idea too. And more dynamic hazards would be great. 


This gives me another idea. We all know that during a mission, a third faction can join in the attack, but how did they get there?


Hazard idea: Ship/base under attack!

While assaulting your target, a ship from another faction comes in to attack your position, resulting in windows being shot out and decompressing areas and explosions occurring near walls. I don't know if the engine supports this, but maybe even boarding parties can spawn, too.

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All sounds good so far, in theory anyway.


More dynamic and diverse random maps would be nice...how about this: localized hazards. One room or one floor having a specific hazard. I.E. shield, fire patches, something to lower health and/or a gas hazard, electric conduits exposed doing damage like fire does in patches but larger area, windows blown out... these could be already there or happen dynamically/scripted--which would be cooler if possible.


This could give people more reasons to parkour. Wall run or jump flip over gas and electric and fire (fire needs more tweaking, not really a serious hazard currently)

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Ooh, I like that idea too. And more dynamic hazards would be great. 


This gives me another idea. We all know that during a mission, a third faction can join in the attack, but how did they get there?


Hazard idea: Ship/base under attack!

While assaulting your target, a ship from another faction comes in to attack your position, resulting in windows being shot out and decompressing areas and explosions occurring near walls. I don't know if the engine supports this, but maybe even boarding parties can spawn, too.

This sounds like an *awesome* idea!!!

I think, tactically, it would be a great and fun challenge to engage two fighting groups at once, or to pick one to pick off first!

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I don't know about you, but those random penalties usually make me abort the mission and retry. Random mission modifiers should encourage you to stay in the mission (maybe by giving better rewards or something) otherwise it's Esc > Abort time.

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I don't know if they're planning on any further ideas, but the big advantage with the hazards right now is that they  the enemy, too. Again, most enemies don't really have good shields either, which is why they come offas more of a punishment than anything.

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I don't know if they're planning on any further ideas, but the big advantage with the hazards right now is that they  the enemy, too. Again, most enemies don't really have good shields either, which is why they come offas more of a punishment than anything.



I don't even think windows blowing out hurt enemies either. I have, however, seen the fire hazards sometimes set enemies ablaze, the results quite comical at times depending on enemy type.

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