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Stalker Explanation Fan Lore + Extra Fluff.


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The Tenno are a strong presence in the galaxy.  Their return has brought a rather heavy wake throughout the starry void on many levels, trade, war, politics, territory. They strive to exist on the same level as the other factions such as the Corpus and Grineer, not to mention any other factions that may exist in the future of the game, or simply aren't spoken of in the lore.The Tenno are remnants of the Orokin era, therefore there must be more to them than just the skilled warriors wreaking havoc on ships deemed a threat. This is an age of star fleets and planetoids controlled by factions, and the players are simply the wet-work agents of the Tenno faction. This leads me to believe there is, or could be much more to this world.  The Tenno might not just be a warring faction, but one that exists on a political level, seeing as several of the grineer assassination missions mention foul play in democratic counsels.  On a public level, the Warframe units might be little more than a myth, seeing as most outposts we ravage seem poorly equipped to handle a 4-man team.


 The Stalker

The Stalker, for those of us who've seen or been the unfortunate target of, shares many qualities with the Tenno Warframes, but is not a direct copy and paste of any. It borrows the skills of Ash and Excalibur, but has two unique models, or helmets to say the least. It also wields the Braton Vandal, a special edition rifle that was released the week of Open beta's launch. The Vandal is a slower firing, harder hitting version with a special Lotus insignia on it, not to mention the sound of it is downright angry. What the Stalker DOES possess over the standard Warframes is the ability to teleport with precision over an unknown distance. We don't know if he materializes from outside the ship, or arrives first by similar means as the Player Tenno.


 Explanation (for you TL:DR)

Now my explanation is this. I believe, or like to imagine, that the Stalkers are part of the Tenno. They are the darkest secrets in the entire Tenno empire and exist to erase mistakes within their own ranks. Tenno aims to be a very powerful presence in the galactic field, so that means more than just going to war and conquering the galaxy. Oh no, if they wanted to do that, they'd be sending ships, not squads of four. The Lotus is attaining power through political and trade means, while we are the hidden knife plunged in the ribs of our enemies. When we make a mistake, or when they ordered an assassination that later bites them in the &#! on a geopolitical level, they claim it's a defective soldier, scapegoat them into a rogue cell and send the Stalker; the very elite of the elite, to end the life of their patsy in order to cover it up. This is why the Stalker taunts the victim and mentions bosses that seem to have no real tie to each other, Corpus, Grineer, even Infected are the reason for his visit. He is nothing more than the black sharpie covering up the delicate intel that would put the government at risk. And you are simply the sacrifice for a clean political image.

Edited by Iridon
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very interesting! You have an amazing imagination and i enjoyed reading that! If you have anymore, be sure to post them :)


Thank you Kyle! 


Part of my Inspiration for this slice of fanfiction was because I've been hearing a lot of discussion how people want more to come of the Stalker. It is a really neat concept in a game, but there just isn't enough to it. Some would simply be happy with a reward for it's defeat, others want more to it's presence than just arriving and ruining one person's day. I myself want this to be the first idea for PvP in the game. I was a huge Darksouls fan and I liked the whole invasion mechanic. Seeing as the Stalker already behaves much like a Tenno, I thought it would be a really neat form of PvP if we could take a pre-set load-out to invade someone's game and just be an obstacle instead of always running through the mission. Bringing your own setups into a PvP setting would create openings for imbalanced methods to kill a team of 4, but preset ones with ideal abilities would make it easier, so the design team could easily test PvP without worrying about balance issues. Also most Stalker speculation is that it is either a rogue Tenno or an unknown faction. these all seem a little too typical, and frankly this whole world's setting is quite original compared to most F2P or other sci-fi games.  I just wanted to avoid being the typical story paths most games seem to take these days!



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yeah this explanation makes a surprising amount of sense, because the tenno are pretty much the samurai of the future, and the samurais code pretty much was to keep balance. but the tenno being almost extinct and without purpose and all around in bad situation, they pretty much had to take the lotuses deal and do hits and other jobs. so when the tenno does a thing that sets off the balance, their considered rouge.

here the stalkers jobs kick in, to eliminate the "grinding gear" and so prevent further consequences. work as a fail safe so to say since the warframes possess so much power.


lets just hope the devs. work out a good story for them and not flop horribly like the indoctrination theory in mass effect 3 got blammed by bioware.

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the IT didn't get blammed


The IT was the fans deluding themselves cause they didn't want to believe BW would intetnional make such a horrid, vague unfullfilling ending so the IT was born so Fans could believe that BW had  some genius TWIST to the ending to serve as a DLC hook.



As along as the Devs don't play too much a of a sereis and decide in the last minute they want to try thier hand at a certain plot twist -Cough ME3's ending is basically a ripoff of Deus Ex Cough-


Whatever the Stalkers purpose is will most likely make sense.

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