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New Grineer Trooper Helmet Is Terrible


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Maybe through all that cloning the Grineers limbs are slowly degrading and now they have to use these fake legs that are made for them. Have you guys seen the Ballista unit's legs? They are quite literally sticks. It says in the lore that each new generation of clones less resemble their past selves and are decaying. This may be the case about their legs, that they are decaying. I like the new helmets a lot. Side note: i really like the models for the Grineer Heavy Gunner.

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wow ^^^ that looks like some Grinfesto-corpus thingy that would humble some Warframes.


I doubt it would "humble" any of my warframes, I would kill him in notime with one hand (while having a nice cup of coffee in the other hand !!!!!!!!!!)

Edited by Strac_CRO
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At first the proportions of the Grineer made me raise an eyebrow too, but I've fallen in love with them! Their silhouette is VERY striking and memorable. You know its a Grineer when you see that telltale shape in the doorway coming for ya!

Reminds me of a Forerunner Promethean Knight.


NUU!!!  Don't compared yourselves with the Masamune Shirow-wannabe >_<


The Grineer are unique and awesome space marines that rival the Warhammer and Starcraft space marines!  The chicken legs are a unique improvement over the old E3 video's armored legs.

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