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Certain Powers Have Little Or No Use! (Warning: Wall Of Text!)


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This isn't a thread about crying about useless powers.

Every power has a use, whether be damage, utility, buffs or debuffs.

But I also feel that some powers, mostly from the damage department, lack any reason to use.


The main question we ask ourselves is "Why should I use this power/ability, instead of shooting or meleeing the enemy instead?"


There is a small list of powers that don't really have an answer to this question.


1) Psychic Bolts: Just pure moderate damage, no utility. Costs 50 energy. This is probably most people's #1 pick for pointless skills. Will I mock you for liking/using it? No, but it doesn't answer the question posted above. 


Possible solutions are adding a proc chance for a utility-based status effect, such as Puncture for reduced damage output on affected targets, or since the bolts look rather sharp, forced bleed proc. Similar to Shuriken, but more projectiles, and they can seek targets behind cover.


But then it's just a stronger version of Shuriken. Perhaps a completely different skill would benefit Nyx's ability bar more.

Post your ideas to buff, or change Psychic Bolts.


2) Fire Blast: This skill is more a problem with Ember herself rather than just the skill itself. Costing a hefty 75 energy, Fire Blast offers CC in the immediate area of Ember. Seems useful, and in certain situations, it is. But it suffers from inconsistent damage, mostly on the initial cast,  and even versus the mindless Infested,  the AI seems to just stand outside of the ring


Possible solutions are making this skill on the impact of Fireball, giving both skills a combo of power, and the ability to throw Fire Blast into an enemy cluster without putting the exceptionally fragile Ember into severe danger.

This would give Ember long range, AND close range attacks, giving her more versatility. Obviously she would need a new 3rd skill, but that's a different discussion.


3) Slash Dash: The skill that most new players use as the very first power ever used in their Warframe career, Slash Dash offers light to moderate damage, combined with a mobility skill for only 25 energy. Most people compare this skill to it's older and more powerful brother, Rhino Charge, which is almost completely superior in every way. They cost the same, travel almost the same distance, but Rhino Charge utilizes knockdown, whereas Slash Dash has a minor slash proc chance.


Possible solutions are a large number of ideas that people have had. A very common idea I see is that Slash Dash should add to the melee combo counter, which is an amazing idea for the 'fighter' frame.


An idea I had in the past was to have Slash Dash use a status proc on your melee weapon that is the most predominant. If the weapon's highest damage value is impact, Slash Dash would do all Impact procs along it's path. If it's Toxic, than all Toxic procs, and so on. 


Using either of these ideas would make Slash Dash would give it an edge over Rhino Charge.


4) Freeze: Personally, I use this ability alot, but mostly as a panic function, but the main opinion is that Freeze has no use, especially in late/endgame. Even being cheap to cast, and even spamable, Ice Wave provides far superior CC and damage. 


The issue with Freeze is the very limited damage window to damage toe frozen target. It only takes 300 damage before the target breaks free. In endgame, that's a VERY small amount of damage to capitalize on.

The aiming of Freeze is also an issue, but that's a player-by-player case.


Possible solutions are to use pure Duration, instead of a damage cap window.


Another idea is when the target is frozen, make it more vulnerable to Critical damage.


Again, I'd love to hear other ideas.


5) Soul Punch: This one is a personal issue, as Nekros is one of my two favorite frames. 


Cheap to cast, all it does is a ragdoll with minor damage. Sending the ragdoll enemy into other enemies is beneficial, but still subpar. Basically, this power is Force Push from Star Wars, with almost no reason to call it Soul Punch, outside of the ethereal effect on impact.


Possible solutions are having the affected target being automatically added to Shadows of the Dead, without having to kill the enemy directly. Another idea is if the enemy dies from Soul Punch, it summons one shadow of the enemy killed, offering an immediate distraction and damage, depending on enemy level.


6) Decoy: This skill is actually amazing, but it needs just a little something. If you've ever looked at Loki in the codex, you always see several Grineer Lancers shooting at Decoy, but you always see Loki stabbing the rear-most Lancer in the back.


Basically, I would love it if Decoy opened finishers on enemies who are targeting Decoy. If not, the skill is fine as it is, but a little flair never hurt.


7) Bullet Attractor: This skill also has uses, but the after effect is very subpar, especially costing 75 energy. Only thing I'd advise is if the explosion knocked down enemies affected by it, and make the explosion affected by Range mods.


8) Well of Life: Coming in at 25 energy, Well of Life offers a very unorthodox method of healing. The issue is with the skill's design, as no use even uses it when it's active, at least when I see it. The healing offered is amazing, but forcing you to find it in a cluster of enemies while getting pummeled by ranged fire is extremely difficult.


Possible solutions are to give Well of Life the old Ancient Healer effect to the affected target. 


Or if DE wants to keep the way it works now, make it so when we replenish full health, we remove all procs afflicted on us, giving us a great reason to seek out that WoL target.


9) Null Star: The only skill on Nova's bar that's considered subpar, it's cheap to cast, but the damage and utility is very minor, but it's amazing for intercepting those tiny grenades and Rollers.


Possible solutions are to inflict a different proc, instead of Slash. Maybe Radiation instead, fitting Nova's theme.


10) Crush: Costing a whopping 100 energy, Crush offers high damage....and that's about it. This skill is more boring, than ineffective. Considering what the affected enemies are going through as this skill progresses, you'd think there was a more lasting effect.

 Possible solutions are to give the enemies affected reduced damage when they recover. Honestly, not many ideas I have about Crush. Give your own if you can.


11) Avalanche: Again, just like Crush, Avalanche is just a high AoE damage skill with no utility.


The most obvious solution is the give Avalanche the old effect (despite it being a bug) freezing effect. Make it duration based, and it fits Frost's theme.


Another possible solution I had is to create a 'Cold Zone' and any enemy that enters will be severely slowed.


...and finally, the most popular "useless skill"....


12) Radial Javelin: Voted as the most pointless ultimate in the game, Radial Javelin offers high damage, a flashy animation...but almost always leaves the caster dead before the animation plays out.


The solution is obvious: Give us either immunity, or highly reduced damage during casting. Also, since it's a protectile-based ultimate, give it a little bit of punch through, letting us his through Grineer Shield Lancers, enemies hiding around corners and cover.


It's disappointing, because Radial Javelin is amazing to look at, and the trailer featuring this skill shows a devastating ability, but sadly doesn't hold up in even mid game.


If you know an ability that should be on this list, feel free to add it, explain why, and offer a unique solution.


Thank you for your time.


Edit: Removed Miasma, as the only thing that it really needs is to affect enemies who enter the cloud after casting.

Removed Tesla, because...I'm dumb, and forgot how powerful it really is.



Edited by Jin_Lightning
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Also we need to be able to equip skills outside of mod slots like the spot that shows names of your skills while looking at a frame is a good place to equip skills

Hmm, maybe. Some people like myself unequip certain skills for certain situations.


EX: I don't use Snow Globe on Frost for Infested, I see no point. So I add something else.


Honestly, that's debatable, but also off topic.



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The possible fix for Miasma is a great idea, though I probably would say to not use corrosive damage and use a simple toxic instead. Corrosive is toxic and lightning... so where is Saryn getting that extra sparky element? Also, another idea could be that enemies who survive Miasma are slowed for the duration of the DoT placed on them due to the lingering toxic cloud. I mean, if I was poisoned, I doubt I'd be performing to my fullest ability, especially if it's a debilitating poison.


I use Saryn a lot, she's a wonderful frame. But she really falls off short in higher-tier content, as most frames do, due to ability scaling. The hp status effect on Venom is nice, I suppose, but she needs a little more, I think. Just not sure what aside from the Miasma idea.

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I like and dislike many of these


Well of life is actually great for frame synergy and when well placed acts like a decent heal


Tesla rapes infested up to lvl 30 if you mod for spam


Its literally ridiculous how efficiently it kills alone


Null star is great damage/energy used but really doesnt show because of the spread between targets it has


Crush is mediocre but not bad


Avalanche is mediocre as well but at least synergizes with frost shield


Miasma actually gets alot of damage out but depending on your build it may not show


Its an AoE DoT more than a nuke

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Well of Life does have some uses, but it's not very accessible in my opinion. For a healing skill, I think it needs to have a better use, rather then searching for it in a crowd, but that may just be me.


Tesla, sure, but should you HAVE to spam it? 


Null Star I'll give you, but I think it's still just another damage skill that can be so much more.

Crush IS mediocre. Why not give it something special, along with Avalanche?


Miasma does have that effect, but why not use it's description to it's fullest content?


We don't want nukes with different elemental properties, we want amazing abilities with fresh mechanics and uses that scale good for endgame content.


I'm not intending to shoot down your thoughts if that's what it sounds like, I'm just justifying my ideas is all.



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Well of Life does have some uses, but it's not very accessible in my opinion. For a healing skill, I think it needs to have a better use, rather then searching for it in a crowd, but that may just be me.


Tesla, sure, but should you HAVE to spam it? 


Null Star I'll give you, but I think it's still just another damage skill that can be so much more.

Crush IS mediocre. Why not give it something special, along with Avalanche?


Miasma does have that effect, but why not use it's description to it's fullest content?


We don't want nukes with different elemental properties, we want amazing abilities with fresh mechanics and uses that scale good for endgame content.


I'm not intending to shoot down your thoughts if that's what it sounds like, I'm just justifying my ideas is all.



Considering its a trap zap laser id say its fitting to spam it


The things last a while so its not so bad


Crush could use a boost and avalanche is likely the way it is because of snowglobe honestly


The slow effect of stacked globes along with the shield it provides makes it a heavy defenders go to skill


With a super powerful nuke added frost could tip the scale... or not


I think miasma is one of the cooler 4s in the game as far as function


Unfortunately its more of a beyond end game skill in terms of uses

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It's true that Null Star & Psychic bolts are beyond useless.


Nekros needs a slight rework of 3/4 of his abilities. (Shadows AI is disappointing sometimes : please let us give them orders or point an objective to defend/an enemy to kill)


Decoy should be more effective, since Mirage'hall of mirrors particularly outclasses it.


Miasma doesn't scale with enemies level, if I remember right.


Radial javelin needs to be casted faster.


The old avalanche buggy effect was actually very nice.


Ember lacks utility and still is about damage.Damage only doesn't scale well.



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