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Weapons Aren't Firing In Missions...?



The issue I'm having since the most recent hotfix is that my weapons intermittently stop responding to my left mouse clicks during missions. I click and either my weapons won't fire, or they DO fire and continue to do so until I run out of ammo. I've checked using other games and programs - This is specific to Warframe and Warframe alone. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Warframe and checked my settings, nothing seems to help. Here's the kicker - I ONLY have this issue while actually in a mission. I can navigate menus, UI, foundry, etc with no problems.


Does anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps there's a setting I've missed? I've scoured the forums looking for anyone else with this issue and it seems like I'm the only one.

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Bump...I'm really hoping for some help/feedback. I am getting by for now by using caster frames and melee frames, but I haven't been able to run as much content as I wanted to this weekend due to this bug.


*EDIT* Oops. Just checked the rules and er...Sorry about the bump there - I should have checked to see if it was against the rules to do so or not lol.


*EDIT2* So, I decided to try and switch the mouse button functions as they apply in game...Left clicking is now the aim/alt fire, and right clicking is normal fire. Everything seems to work just fine with right clicking. I'd ALMOST say it's a hardware issue, except for the fact that left clicking works absolutely everywhere else. Maybe the next hotfix will resolve the issue, maybe not. Either way I found a workaround that I'm ok with using for now :)

Edited by BalognaJelly
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Yeah, this is the first i've heard of this.. What kind of mouse do you use etc?  Maybe uninstall any drivers it had that it came with?  and Reinstall the mouse?  -- When you uninstalled warframe did you uninstall your preferences?  Maybe try resetting all controls to Default and rebinding everything?


With all of those suggestions- I am now moving this to Players helping players so maybe some one who has had this happen can help! :-)

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Thanks for the move and reply :) And it's not the mouse - As I've said, Warframe is the ONLY program exhibiting this issue, and even then it's ONLY in missions. Outside of missions it behaves just fine. However, I didn't do anything with my preferences...I'll try resetting to default and rebinding keys. I don't hold out too much hope with that though, the only setting I've ever done anything with is melee channel toggling set to on.


Hope the rebinding works :P


*EDIT* It did not, sadly. Hope someone out there can figure out what's going on here!

Edited by BalognaJelly
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