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Gorgon color selection?


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So I noticed that in the armory section, the Gorgon uses whatever colors you have selected for your Frame, instead of its ugly lime green default. I was quite supprised and happy about this until I actually used it in game, where I realized that it was back to its terrible default colors.

I know this does not really effect gameplay at all, but I have always been a very visual person. I like things to look nice, and I have a tendancy to pick weapons and armor in games based on looks alone, regardless of stats as odd as that sounds.

Just thought I would mention it, this is a great game that shows a lot of promise, and I want to do my bit to help out.

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I've had that happen too. I personally prefer the ugly green because hey thats what it looks like originally.

I have noticed that although I can change the color in the customization, sometimes that color does not reskin the gorgon in the mission.

Personally I can go with either option.

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I would love if some parts of weapons were colored like your tenno! and there were more glowy glowy lights you can choose the colours of them matching your suit energy. And were more glowy glowy every here and there. Like in the prime excalibur face. Little dots should glow more. Yeah.

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