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[Suggestion] Stalkers Kill Afk Players!


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Hello from the Giant!

All of us have seen them and even raged at a few. Yes the afk.... The worst enemy to the gaming cause :p

They can be very annoying especially for defensive missions becuz maybe you can't start or just very annoying becuz you have to do double the work. Well here is a "Warframe" way of dealing things.

If a person is afk for a certain amount of time, lets say 10 minutes for example. A stalker would spawn and attack the afk and kill him and go away. And that player will then be disconnect from the game.

Then maybe for some extra effect the Lotus can come onto the com and say. "A fellow Tenno has been inefficient and punished for his actions!"

I think it's a funny but efficient way of getting rid of them! It's also some sweet revenge to know he was killed for it and even better if you get to witness it ;)

Let me know what you think!



Ps. You want to make sure the devs see this and make sure they know we want this! No we don't want it we need it!

Anyway beside the point. Rate this topic up and comment to make it popular to get their attention! ;)

Edited by GiantB
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I want a claymation sandworm like in Beetlejuice to come through a portal in the ceiling and swallow them.  Or maybe a giant space bullfrog that snaps them up and flies away into space, crapping their afk parts across the heavens.  Who's with me??

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think of the children! but no, think of the other players. what should they do if an afk occupies a level for a whole day? matchmaking system will just keep matching them into the same game hosted by an afk. i keep warframe running in background too, but not in game with people.

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"A fellow Tenno has been efficient and punished for his actions!"


Wait so you want her to punsih good players???


I think you meant inefficient

Haha yep :p

Autocorrect :p thanks for telling me just changed it

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Sounds decent, but it should be disabled when you're the only one the doing the mission. Never had an afk player so far though


As long as it's only in effect on Online games. I idle a lot in Private and Solo games when I'm playing on my own.

Ya it should just be for online matches.

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