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[Ooc] Aquam E: Stop The Grineer V2.0 [Revived] [Recruiting!]


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Update: It's summer time, and I think a dip in the cool oceans of Aquam Epsilon is exactly what we all need! I didn't go through all that effort of making maps for nothing, y'know.


Registration is open again, and an entirely new IC thread will be made for V2.0! Unfortunately, that also means that everyone from V1.0 who still wants to join in again will have to post their character registration/details again, even if they'll be RPing the same character. I'll also be changing up some things, and toughening up the Grineer in order to let them stand a ghost of a chance against the Tenno.


Good luck everyone, and remember, everyone's welcome to register here!








Welcome, Tenno, to Aquam ε


I believe it’s time for a change of pace. Today, my fellow forum members, you shall be adventuring into the depths of Aquam ε, a newly discovered oceanic dwarf planet


Recent Grineer expansions have resulted in an invasion against the oceans of this planet in an effort to neutralize all aquatic life-forms in the seabed. The planet consists of 93% oceanic mass and 7% solid territory. All land has been occupied by Grineer within hours of the discovery of the planet, with a high command headquarters being established. They are now building miniature versions of their Galleon ships to send in as submarines, while massive troop and aircraft carriers are all over the planet’s oceans, sending ultrasonic pings to map out the depths of the planet.


It’s your cell’s job to stop them. At any cost. How you do so is up to your squad, but be fast, Tenno, for there is not much time before they begin their crusade against the aquatic life of the planet.


Of course, you’re probably wondering what’s the “change of pace” in just another mission, even if it’s on new territory? The difference is that I’m going to actively take up the position of Game Master (Dungeon Master? Space Master?!) and will be controlling the enemy faction in an effort to stop you.


Now, this is a mission on a massive scale; it isn’t a job for a single squad of Tenno, no matter how well trained they are. There will be multiple squads all attempting to stop the Grineer, but whether you team up with them, or go for a different approach is up to you and your squad.







1.       No Solo Tenno: To join the roleplay, you’ll need to either join a squad or team up with someone and create one (Of course, you could just create a squad of your own characters – that works too).

2.       Dedication: I have no idea how long this roleplay will go on for, so be sure you know you can keep up in the long-term!

3.       OOC Understanding: Please don’t automatically assume you’re the only protagonist and that as such everyone should listen to your every command. As this is an RP, we’re all the main characters! It’s up to your character and his squad to determine how much of a leader they really are.

4.       Powergaming: Or, as Silverbones calls it, “metagaming.” Your character is a Tenno in a Warframe, and that makes them powerful. Extremely powerful. However, that doesn’t make you a God. As I’m the GM, and shall be controlling the Grineer, I expect my forces to be somewhat decimated, but keep a realistic outlook on how tough your character is – it’s all fine and dandy to Rhino Stomp my entire platoon, but know that you can be downed, too!

5.       Creativity: Not really a rule as much as it is an encouragement to remember that you can use your powers in differing manners than they’re restricted to in-game. After all, if Mag’s a master of magnetic forces, then show us what you can do with it!

6.       Have Fun: Remember, this isn’t here to disappoint people or cause frustration! The main goal of any RP, this one included, is to have fun!






Update! I created a representation of Aquam ε!


Mercator-style map:




Animated Globe:






This thread is the registration thread, and later on, it’ll be here for OOC discussion. I’ll post the main IC thread once we have a good bunch of people to roleplay with! So what are you waiting for? Post your characters now!


Good luck!

Edited by Kamal965
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Let me be the first then! I had not role-played for the longest time, and would like to try my hand at it again.

Of course this time I stick to reality and stop using godlike characters... :P

Character: Azrael

Warframe: Loki Prime

Description: A cold and calculating demeanor masks his lifelong regret of not being able to protect his companions. He is fiercely loyal, albeit preferring not to show it, and trustworthy to an extent. He is the warframe of deception after all...

Being one of the original swordsmen of the Orokin force during the old war, his greatest strength lies in wielding Swords. His favoured weapon is his Dakra Prime, a sword passed down to him by someone that he has sworn to protect, one of the Original Tenno. Determined to carry on his legacy, Azrael has honed his skills in swordsmanship to the point where he can take on many opponents without much more than a scratch. In the event where using his sword is not feasible, he uses his firearms, which is his Boltor Prime and Lex Prime.

He is a proficient spy, able to infiltrate and extract information, sabotage and rescue targets with ease without fear of detection, thanks to his quick wits and clever use of his abilities.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Character Name: Vasto (his taken name, after the first thing he saw after being awakened from cyro-sleep)


Warframe: Volt, wears several extra accessories (A leather belt with four holsters for his pistols, old looking brown leather boots and gloves, a brown dusty leather jacket outside of combat, and a brown leather hat. Think cowboy)


Bio: Stubborn, arrogant and a showoff, Vasto has always preferred to go lone wolf, where there is noone in his way to stop and/or hinder him in any way. Whenever he does go with a team, however, Vasto almost always refuses to follow orders, either doing what he thinks is best or just simply showing off to his companions. These traits have either gotten him captured or almost killed many times. Despite being near unable to work in a team, his fighting style is better suited to a team effort as opposed to a solo one.


A leader that has proven himself above Vasto, the promise of a fight or the desperation of near death and destruction are things that will cause Vasto to follow and trust the instructions of his leader.


Vasto is an excellent marksman, able to hit the heads of Grineer at any range. As a result of his choice of weapons, Vasto specializes in the quick disposal of small Grineer squads and the quick disposal of highly powerful and dangerous Grineer heavy units, however he struggles in long drawn out stretches of conflict. He is a very frequent user of both his Volt's Speed and Electric Barrier abilities. Vasto's prefers moving around to dodge the fire from his enemies, shooting them down at a reasonable distance, or when that option is unavailable, hiding behind cover, exchanging shots in a good old fashioned gun fight. This leads to his choice of favorite abilities.


Vastos has built his Warframe for speed, energy efficiency and the power of Speed and Electric Barrier. As such he can zip around the battlefield at breakneck speeds and provide ample cover for himself and his allies, but is unable to tank or sustain much damage.


Companion: A Huras Kubrow (main) or a carrier sentinal (if Kubrow is unavailable or if Vasto knows there will be low amounts of amo)


Why was he chosen to go on the mission?: Despite his obvious disregard for teamwork, the fact still stands that his battle style benefits greatly in a team, for both parties. That, combined with the fact that Vasto is very well known for his skills in the culling of Grineer, as well as the lure of battles that Vasto has never before experienced, has lead him to both be chosen for and agree to partake on the mission.


Weapons:  Primary - Vectis, modded for extreme damage and punch through. Looks very worn as a result of repeated use. Using his Warframe's extreme speeds, and his speed ability, Vasto is capable of quickly reloading and firing his weapon.


Akvasto - Was woken up from cyro-sleep holding these weapons. Vasto's are covered in gold and silver plating, and are covered in undisciphered orokin symbols and words. Modded for maximum damage and accuracy. Instead of the gun automatically cycling between shots in the chamber, the user must c0ck the hammer to do so. While normally this would impede the gun's firerate, with Vasto using speed, the Akvasto's firerate is increased. These Akvasto's are the only weapons that Vasto takes care to maintain, and he will go to the depths of the void and back to retrieve these weapons, as they are the only things remaining of his past before cyro-sleep.


Aklex - Modded for magazine size, reload speed, amo capacity and damage. Uses for sustained combat.


Wear's no visible melee weapons

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Wonderful. Consider yourself accepted, Amber. I do think you should double check your post, though, as it seems to cut off: "Despite being near unable to work in a team, his fighting style "


That being said, I'm considering having a prologue chapter on a moon near Aquam ε as a rendezvous for all the Tenno to meet and pair-up for the mission, as opposed to simply deciding OOCly.


I'd be grateful to hear the thoughts of the participants on this.

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I'll bring two characters, which are both currently in other threads, Halcyon and Natalia,

Halcyon is the Frost Prime, (the not a) primarily black, green and white also color him, Arcane Squall Helm, and Daedalus armor to go along with a Yamako syandana.

Age: Doesn't age, appears around 20 to 27

Personality: Terrible at team leadership, best at what his warframe is best built for, protecting others while dealing out damage. Would give his life for his fellow tenno but is smart about it, if there's a bullet to jump in front of, he'd kill the shooter. Cares deeply for his kubrow, Sigma. Can be slightly insane and also saddistic at times. By reason of being forced to watch as the grineer and corpus took apart the solar system, he had been ordered by the lotus to wait until it got to sufficient horribleness for the rest of the tenno to be awoken.

Companion: Sigma, Raksa kubrow. Link health, armor, and shield mods make Sigma a very formidable kubrow. Knows his master well, coming from the age of the Orokin along with him.

Weapons(favored, as he owns all weapons): Dual Zorens, Vectis, Dex Furis. Modded and formad to perfection, these items are fit for taking down armies of grineer, and when he runs out of ammo, he gets all the more dangerous.

Natalia, a chrome plated Mirage, she embodies the mirage warframe in the way that she always has a trick up her sleeve. Chrome playing on her shoulders and calves.

Weapons: Equipped with the Akzani and a pistol scavenger aura, she will take down leagues of grineer all on her own. For Corpus, she simply retrieves the Boltor Prime on her back and pins them to walls. In order to best Make use of hall of mirrors she carries a Glaive Prime.

Mischievous under all situations, she always has a plan, and had paired with Halcyon while young and weak. Now comparable to him only with the combined efforts of her quick whit and her warframe's strength. Find great strength in planning, she is also a great actor and often distorts the truth. Trusts Halcyon with her life, but will find it difficult to trust others. Shares Halcyon's slight saddisticism as a result of being his partner for a time and leaning from him.

Companion: Shade sentinel.

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I love water missions.


Name: Aegia


Warframe: Rhino


Description: Aegia is a female within the Rhino frame that she inhabits. Because of this, the frame looks considerably more lithe than would a standard Rhino (minus the codpiece as well). She is a kind and caring individual, with an appreciation and deep love for humor. In a squad, she is more than happy to take one (or 4,362) for the team with her Iron Skin, empowering them in a tight spot with Roar, and the general crowd control of Rhino Charge and Rhino Stomp, but being a multi-track thinker, she is always coming up with new creative (and potentially hilarious) ways to use her abilities. Aegia is always one to make sure her fellow Tenno are safe, and is at home with her squad.


Weapons of Choice: A Sobek with a massive clip and damage to match, AkBroncos (because three shotguns are better than one), and a Jat Kittag that she simply adores.


Companion: N/A


Just tell me if I need to add or remove anything.

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This will be my first go at a RP, so I`m interested to see how ìt`ll go.

I've got four characters, or one (or any combination of the four) to bring to the table.
I honestly have no idea whether or not I'll be able to sucessfuly RP all four, so I leave it to your discretion as to whether or not all four is used. (hopefully I`ll be able to manage all four though)


Character name: Mia

Warframe: Nyx

loadout: latron prime, sicarus prime, orthos prime

companion: shade

description: The stoic planner with an unshakeable resolve. No matter how the situation changes, she maintains a calm mind amidst the storm and stays ahead of the enemy. Prefers to let her hand remain unseen, communicating, manipulating and sensing others through their minds. Has a soft spot that is seen by very close companions. Never leaves a tenno behind.


Character name: Mako

Warframe: Nova

Loadout: burston prime, akbronco prime, bo prime

Companion: Carrier

Description: A bright and cheery girl, but not the most normal of thinkers. Her mind is constantly in the clouds, loves to teleport spam around (and through) people during conversations, and thinks corpus helmets would make great fish tanks (while the corpus are still inside). Even as she gleefully annihilates everything around her, her sunny disposition shines a light inside everyone`s hearts (or that could just be the anti-matter). If she ever stops to speak in slow, deliberate sentences, you either immediately take heed or run away in the other direction as fast as possible.


Character name: Aile

Warframe: Trinity

Loadout: latron prime, sicarus prime, orthos prime

companion: wyrm

Description: The cool big sister amongst her fellow tenno. Graceful, flamboyant, and a bit of a flirt, she loves giving the other warframes grief. Should something threaten her partners though, they`ll find themselves immediately drained of their life and energy, and several clips`worth of ammo pumped into their heads, finishing with her going right back to teasing the others without ever missing a beat or losing that smile inside her helmet.


Character name: Excelia

Warframe: Valkyr

Loadout: boltor prime, brakk, fang prime

companion: dethcube

The hot blooded bruiser with an open heart. If thrown in a maze and told to get from A to B, she prefers to smash her way through the walls to get directly to B. She`s upfront about her feelings, and expects others to be to; despising those who hide behind pomp and cirucumstance. She`s brash, but surprisingly sensitive about others`well-being and doesn`t hesitate to ripline herself into the fire to pull her squadmates out, to immediately yell at them afterwards for making her worry about them. Likes to curl up and play with her kubrow while reading on the Liset.

Edited by souldrive11
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Wonderful. Consider yourself accepted, Amber. I do think you should double check your post, though, as it seems to cut off: "Despite being near unable to work in a team, his fighting style "


That being said, I'm considering having a prologue chapter on a moon near Aquam ε as a rendezvous for all the Tenno to meet and pair-up for the mission, as opposed to simply deciding OOCly.


I'd be grateful to hear the thoughts of the participants on this.


Fixed. Also added in his weapons and the accessories.

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This will be my first go at a RP, so I`m interested to see how ìt`ll go.

I've got four characters, or one (or any combination of the four) to bring to the table.

I honestly have no idea whether or not I'll be able to successfully RP all four, so I leave it to your discretion as to whether or not all four is used. (hopefully I`ll be able to manage all four though)


Character name: Mia

Warframe: Nyx

loadout: braton prime, lex prime, dakra prime

companion: shade

description: The stoic planner with an unshakeable resolve. No matter how the situation changes, she maintains a calm mind amidst the storm and stays ahead of the enemy. Prefers to let her hand remain unseen, communicating, manipulating and sensing others through their minds. Has a soft spot that is seen by very close companions. Never leaves a tenno behind.


Character name: Mako

Warframe: Nova

Loadout: burston prime, akbronco prime, bo prime

Companion: Carrier

Description: A bright and cheery girl, but not the most normal of thinkers. Her mind is constantly in the clouds, loves to teleport spam around (and through) people during conversations, and thinks corpus helmets would make great fish tanks (while the corpus are still inside). Even as she gleefully annihilates everything around her, her sunny disposition shines a light inside everyone`s hearts (or that could just be the anti-matter). If she ever stops to speak in slow, deliberate sentences, you either immediately take heed or run away in the other direction as fast as possible.


Character name: Aile

Warframe: Trinity

Loadout: latron prime, sicarus prime, orthos prime

companion: wyrm

Description: The cool big sister amongst her fellow tenno. Graceful, flamboyant, and a bit of a flirt, she loves giving the other warframes grief. Should something threaten her partners though, they`ll find themselves immediately drained of their life and energy, and several clips`worth of ammo pumped into their heads, finishing with her going right back to teasing the others without ever missing a beat or losing that smile inside her helmet.


Character name: Excelia

Warframe: Valkyr

Loadout: boltor prime, brakk, fang prime

companion: dethcube

The hot blooded bruiser with an open heart. If thrown in a maze and told to get from A to B, she prefers to smash her way through the walls to get directly to B. She`s upfront about her feelings, and expects others to be to; despising those who hide behind pomp and cirucumstance. She`s brash, but surprisingly sensitive about others`well-being and doesn`t hesitate to ripline herself into the fire to pull her squadmates out, to immediately yell at them afterwards for making her worry about them. Likes to curl up and play with her kubrow while reading on the Liset.


First of all, I'm honored that you would choose my roleplay to be your first. :p However, I wouldn't really recommend using all four. If you're still in the phase where you actively play Warframe for hours, instead of Chatframe, and/or don't have enough free time to compose posts for all four, I'd suggest you use one or two of those characters.


Having too many characters can result in you burning out, getting tired of writing and getting writer's block. Alongside that, if you're unable to maintain a character that's vital to the current plot, then the entire roleplay would be stalled. So, again, unless you're absolutely confident then I'd recommend using one or two at the max.


P.S: You're accepted, btw, just post again to tell me which characters you pick!

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Update! I created a representation of Aquam ε!


Mercator-style map:




Animated Globe:




Can't directly post the gif. lol.


Oh, and I'm pretty surprised no one has made the obvious pick of Hydroid yet, lol. It looks like he's underused even in roleplay.

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Update! I created a representation of Aquam ε!


Mercator-style map:




Animated Globe:




Can't directly post the gif. lol.


Oh, and I'm pretty surprised no one has made the obvious pick of Hydroid yet, lol. It looks like he's underused even in roleplay.


In this RP it feels like Hydroid would be super OP actually.


But I just wanted to use Aegia.

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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I could do three, I've been writing for a while and I've managed to sumultaneously mange sixteen characters, but reacting to stimuli as erratic as RP I'll say I can do four max. Yes or no? I've already got an extra character ready.


If you're quite certain, then feel free to add another character while I work on the first post for the IC thread.

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