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24 Hour Test Cycle


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I''m going on the fourth day of trying to test to a higher rank. I don't mind failing at something and having to work to get better, but 24 hours between tests... It seems a bit long. I think the problems the a dev has that they have the tools to either not do the things we have to do to trudge our way through the game. Or they simply skip stuff because again they have the tools to skip, and given themselves levels and weapons and upgrades. As for the rest of us, we have to slog through this day after day. Waiting 24 hours for a gun to be made or 3 days for a frame, maybe. Waiting a day between tests after you miss one button press or your aim is a bit off on a shot, that is just a bit Fascist.


I don't understand the testing anyway, it takes forever to get a mastery rank and you have to use stuff you don't want to just to get mastery exp and then as a reward, a test you have to be perfect at without ever knowing what it is you are tested on until you step into the thing and then if you mess up once, so sad wait a day to try again, seems like a silly way to rank up.


Either you have really great rewards planned for the future of the mastery program, or this will be one of those things people will say, "after level 4 and the unlocks are done, just don't worry about." which will hurt the game in general because they will stop switching out weapons and Frames and play what they like, then they will get bored playing the same old thing and quit. You need to keep people playing different stuff to want to move forward, but then put a thing in place that works directly opposed to that... the Mastery system timer? 

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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I dont even want to troll you, but on one side, there are literally 10 topics about this... Other than that, your opinion is noted i guess. Personally i still disagree with the lot of you cause punishing failure is more than welcome in a game...

Edited by Aerensiniac
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Well if there is a thread about this topic, then it confirms the issue. Thank you for your post! I'm looking at this as a big picture issue, I really want this game to do the best it can, and if trying to iron out a place I see any problem (which is what beta is about)  if this gets me haters I think I can live with it. I really do hope the devs take another look at this issue, it can be a really easy fix or a future breaking point in gamers time with the game.


And once again thanks Aerensiniac for the helpful feedback.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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Well if there is a thread about this topic, then it confirms the issue. Thank you for your post! I'm looking at this as a big picture issue, I really want this game to do the best it can, and if trying to iron out a place I see an issue gets me haters I think I can live with it. I really do hope the devs take another look at this issue, it can be a really easy fix or a future breaking point in gamers time with the game.


And once again thanks Aerensiniac for the helpful feedback.


Want helpful feedback...?

You keep on repeating the word "issue", but back it up only with your opinion instead of arguments.

Its hard not to hate on something that is nearly completely free of all arguments, and can be summarized in: "i dont like it".

If you wish to make a point then you should probably put your opinion in the background and focus on whats wrong with the concept itself.


As i said: I dont even want to troll you, but its rather difficult not to approach this with sarcasm when all you have to say is your opinion and yet expect the devs to take it as an "issue" and look into it.

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It really has nothing to do if "I don't like it" or if I do with this issue. I went to school for game design and have a bit of background in what makes a game fun and not fun. This is a part of the game I see a problem in the big picture, as I stated I don't mind failing in a game and having to improve, but the simple fact that these are designed to hold the progress of a player back after a minor misstep in a trial and then (and here is really the problem) wait 24 hours to attempt the event again. I (and as you yourself have stated, others as well) would consider that an issue.


I really do not care if I ever rank up or if there are even ranks to begin with, this isn't a like or dislike problem for me. I am here as I hope you are, to make this a better game for the people who choose to play it after release. With this in mind, I hope you can see the part in which me and others come to the feedback forum and give our feedback on problems and issues we see in game, we do this in hopes that it improves the game, it is as simple as that.

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It really has nothing to do if "I don't like it" or if I do with this issue. I went to school for game design and have a bit of background in what makes a game fun and not fun. This is a part of the game I see a problem in the big picture


We are getting somewhere. Go on please.

What is the "the big picture" and why is the 24 hour wait "not fun"?

If you were schooled on this, then there should be a lot more arguments you can bring out.

I wish to see and understand the process and the line of thought that makes you say that 24 hour wait is something bad.


Personally i just finished the 4th test and have yet to fail one, so im standing more than baffled in front of all these topics complaining about 24h wait. I have a pretty big problem with trying to imagine how one can fail these missions. They involve no skill whatsoever only common sense, so im getting father and farther from understanding the issue of those who complain about this.

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I''m going on the fourth day of trying to test to a higher rank. I don't mind failing at something and having to work to get better, but 24 hours between tests... It seems a bit long. I think the problems the a dev has that they have the tools to either not do the things we have to do to trudge our way through the game. Or they simply skip stuff because again they have the tools to skip, and given themselves levels and weapons and upgrades. As for the rest of us, we have to slog through this day after day. Waiting 24 hours for a gun to be made or 3 days for a frame, mabye. Waiting a day between tests after you miss one button press or your aim is a bit off on a shot, that is just a bit Fascist.


I don't understand the testing anyway, it takes forever to get a mastery rank and you have to use stuff you don't want to just to get mastery exp and then as a reward, a test you have to be perfect at without ever knowing what it is you are tested on until you step into the thing and then if you mess up once, so sad wait a day to try again, seems like a silly way to rank up.


Either you have really great rewards planned for the future of the mastery program, or this will be one of those things people will say, "after level 4 and the unlocks are done, just don't worry about." which will hurt the game in general because they will stop switching out weapons and Frames and play what they like, then they will get bored playing the same old thing and quit. You need to keep people playing different stuff to want to move forward, but then put a thing in place that works directly opposed to that... the Mastery system timer? 


I haven't had problems with any of them so far. What one are you stuck on? Also the weapons and Warframes you have selected is what you do the test with so use that to your advantage.

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We are getting somewhere. Go on please.

What is the "the big picture" and why is the 24 hour wait "not fun"?

If you were schooled on this, then there should be a lot more arguments you can bring out.

I wish to see and understand the process and the line of thought that makes you say that 24 hour wait is something bad.


Personally i just finished the 4th test and have yet to fail one, so im standing more than baffled in front of all these topics complaining about 24h wait. I have a pretty big problem with trying to imagine how one can fail these missions. They involve no skill whatsoever only common sense, so im getting father and farther from understanding the issue of those who complain about this.

You only have done 4 tests?! Wait until you get to the higher ones and you will see exactly why 24 hours seems a bit much. The first four are easy for a reason. They want you to get all the unlocks. In fact, if anyone is coming here and has not passed at least up to test 5 and higher please just pass by without even reading on.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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I haven't had problems with any of them so far. What one are you stuck on? Also the weapons and Warframes you have selected is what you do the test with so use that to your advantage.

It really isn't about me being stuck, I do thank you for the help that you are offering. It really is about the future gamers that get to play this and put in a week of leveling weapons they really don't like and warframes they don't like to play all to get their mastery level up, so they can get to the next level. After all thats what this is all about, keeping the player playing and engaged with the game. The issue (and I call it an issue, because a problem is a game breaking thing, and this is a minor thing that may cause people to either not care or to just ignore the mastery system) is a timer that is so long for any missteps in a pointless trial that only moves your mastery rank that really after level 4 means nothing (for the moment) once you get to test 8 and have to perform crazy feats that you really don't use in the game, but only tested here for a mastery level. This as a fun little side game or test of skill is fine, but to punish a single misstep with a 24 hour timer is harsh to say the very least, an hour maybe two, but 24 is a bit much and will drive off future players from the mastery system for one of two reasons; it's really meaningless after level 4 or the timer is too much and they just simply give up.


The issue is a fun issue, the design is to keep the player feeling they are moving forward and progressing, and this one timer directly opposite of this goal. Failing and trying to get better is fine, but such a harsh punishment as 24 hour wait for a simple oops from a wall run or missing a single target is rough. I'm am not saying get rid of the tests or make them easy, I'm saying let the punishment fit the crime, and a hour or two for a test is fine, 24 is going to get a lot of people upset and push them away from what is a fantastic game.


And again, if they have bigger things in mind for the mastery system that makes all of this worth the effort, then I retract my complaint and keep everything the way it is. However, if this is simply to move a rank up and make a player feel they are making progress, then take an timer that is so long and hinders exactly what you are trying to build in a players mind, the feeling of moving forward.


In design classes, these are exactly the issues that come up, the devs and any other person that have gone through it will tell you the same. The biggest issues to the lifespan of a game are the small ones that hinder enough people. That mind-frame is where I started testing and posting for any game. I understand some will not agree with some views that testers have, but these are still important views to anyone making a game, everything we can feedback, good or bad, help make this a better game. Coming here to troll without knowledge of the topics or just for fun, maybe fun for you, but in the long run hurts the quality of the game in general, so please if you do not agree for a real reason and want to voice why these systems work and why, please feel free, but if you have no knowledge of the topic or have not fully tested it, you are just trolling.

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It really isn't about me being stuck, I do thank you for the help that you are offering. It really is about the future gamers that get to play this and put in a week of leveling weapons they really don't like and warframes they don't like to play all to get their mastery level up, so they can get to the next level. After all thats what this is all about keeping the player playing and engaged with the game. The issue (and I call it an issue, because a problem is a game breaking thing, and this is a minor thing that may cause people to either not care or to just ignore the mastery system) is a timer that is so long for any missteps in a pointless trial that only moves your mastery rank that really after level 4 means nothing (for the moment) once you get to tests 8 and have to perform crazy feats that you really don't use in the game, but only tested here for a mastery level. This as a fun little side game or test of skill is fine, but to punish a single misstep with a 24 hour timer is harsh to say the very least, an hour maybe two, but 24 is a bit much and will drive off future players from the mastery system for one of two reasons; it's really meaningless after level 4 or the timer is too much and they just simply give up.


The issue is a fun issue, the design is to keep the player feeling they are moving forward and progressing, and this one timer directly opposite of this goal. Failing and trying to get better is fine, but such a harsh punishment as 24 hour wait for a simple oops from a wall run or missing a single target is rough. I'm am not saying get rid of the tests or make them easy, I'm saying let the punishment fit the crime, and a hour or two for a test is fine, 24 is going to get a lot of people upset and push them away from what is a fantastic game.


I see what you are saying but there isn't any real punishment for failing the test as you can carry on playing the game and any mastery points aquired while you wait to do the test again still count.

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You only have done 4 tests?! Wait until you get to the higher ones and you will see exactly why 24 hours seems a bit much. The first four are easy for a reason. They want you to get all the unlocks. In fact, if anyone is coming here and has not passed at least up to test 5 and higher please just pass by without even reading on.


Fine, but i hope you understand that with this you have literally crucified and torn apart your own argument and topic, right?

Above level 4 mastery rating has exactly 0 (aka nothing) point and meaning. It doesnt unlock anything, it doesnt do anything, conclusively the relevance of waiting 1, 12, 24, 48, 162 hours is 0 cause it does nothing and has nothing associated with it. I wouldnt care about waiting a week cause it does not matter.


I was understanding towards the concept that ppl wanted to unlock stuff and this getting pushed off by 24 hours was troublesome for them, but that seemingly has nothing to do with your case and with that let me return to my original question: What the hell are your arguments even? You are getting farther and farther from making sense...

Edited by Aerensiniac
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I see what you are saying but there isn't any real punishment for failing the test as you can carry on playing the game and any mastery points aquired while you wait to do the test again still count.

It is about the feeling of moving forward, people play games to feel like they are moving forward. It really is about reward to us all, if there is none after a certain level like with this after level 4 and you have the unlocks it is all about the sense of moving forward, because there is no other material reward, and the fear I have is that with a timer of 24 hours, it takes that away from players. If they are doing something later on that gives material reward, then the trials are justified and they are hard for a reason as you grow as a player. This is all good stuff, the game should push you to grow, but a day long timer is harsh for a trial for a few reasons, casual players will simply ignore levels after 4, second people are playing different things to gain mastery level and if you hang them up for too long at one level, they are going to be held up at future levels and again will stop playing different things to level because it has become no fun, some of these things are really not used in the game proper and only really put to test in the trial, which again will put people off.


This does not effect everyone of course, some people are great at certain games and some at others, but to have a timer that is this long for a thing that isn't rewarding is just not a good thing and will cause problems in future. I was simply making a point on the feedback forums hoping it would be looked at by the powers that be, and thanks to a small handful it may have enough buzz that they might see it and think about, so thank you guys. I have other posts about real bugs, I hope you guys give those a little buzz too.

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DE_Steve already addressed this in another post. The reason it is there is because he stated he was an old school gamer who wanted to create some tension with the tests. He also stated he was looking into perhaps changing it, while still leaving in the tension he feels is important for the experience.

Thats what I got from his posts. :D

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DE_Steve already addressed this in another post. The reason it is there is because he stated he was an old school gamer who wanted to create some tension with the tests. He also stated he was looking into perhaps changing it, while still leaving in the tension he feels is important for the experience. Thats what I got from his posts. :D

Xtorma, you just made me smile the biggest smile, thank you! I would agree with the tension and am happy it was something like that, but I am much happier that they are looking to create that sense of tension and keeping fun in mind too. Thanks for sharing the good news.

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