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Trinity Suggestion


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See "Super EDIT" first


Also, I was a tad rash in posting thing, I just starting thinking up theories on how she could be played. In testing, I found her to be a little bit easier but nothing that completely destroys her challenge, so I shall stick all of that junk I said before in a spoiler thing (to hide it/shorten the post, leaving it for those who might want to read) because she's still super fun. GG DE, although I do have a bug to post. :P


This is a response to the recent hotfix that helped out Trinity quuuuuuuiiiite a bit. I'm posting it here because I quite honestly have no clue where to post it and I felt like it's much too long winded for the hotfix thread. Posting it here and linking it in the hotfix thread sounded like a better option. Just move it wherever you see fit. Please and thank you :D


As it stands, you reduced Trinity's healing capabilites by 20%, which can easily be fixed with an intensify. This now allows spam healers to spam heal (rightfully so, dats Trin's thang, at least in my mind..the damage reduction path never seems to work out for squishy frames further on) AND for the invinci-Trins to gallop around untouchable with a good heal. I suppose that the Trinity would have to heal again if a teammate were to banged up, but I feel as if this encourages people not to (pls continue, I account for the nice ones next). In the case that the Trinity is a nice person who helps his/her teammates (I've seen many a greedy Trinity in my day, it's unfortunate), it's just making it that much easier for her to get off a good heal.


Now that's all fine and dandy, but I like a challenge. Before yesterday's update (14.6.0), Trinity had to choose, to spam or not to spam? AKA She had to be a team player, or go easy mode with the reduction. No offense to those who went the reduction path, but good reduction + link makes Trin invincible and opens up squishier teammates to death due to the long wait in between (reduction is not mitigation, so 90% reduction is good, but not as good as most think). I tend to take the more reliable path, regardless of whatever it may cost me, *cough* my sanity, keeping track of everything is pretty hectic later on *cough* so I went with spam heals.


With this new hotfix, Trinity was sort of taken around in a circle and actually made easier and more powerful because you can have spams AND invinci-Trin. I dunno, maybe I'm the only crazy masochist who likes the craziness of having to keep track of my own livelyhood while keeping the team alive, but I just feel like this won't be as much of a challenge...THAT'S what kept me on Trinity, taking a lot of the heavy lifting off of the other players, helping them, SUPPORTING them (:o support role! WOAH). But now, I feel like it's too simple. Just my two cents, do with it what you will. :)


EDIT: Please disragard my massive overuse of parenthesis and my horrible...well...everything else :P


EDIT: After a few responses, I feel the need to clarify myself for all of the tl;dr people out there. I just want Trinity from before Update 14.6.0 back. I feel as if between the update and the hotfix, things sort of went in cirlces, besides making Trin use an intensify for 100% heal and actually making it MUCH easier for the Trin's to do their job, which I feel is a bit silly seeing that it was being toned down a bit just yesterday.


EDIT: Just tested the whole "Invinci-Trin" thing. She's sometimes invincible..but other times she just has insane reduction...bug? At one point, I literally stood in front of a heavy gunner in T3 and ate the bullets without taking one damage to my shields. At other times I'd take minimal damage. I feel like it's a bug, but still, Trinity before Update 14.6.0 was more challenging, which is what I'm mainly why I posted this. Found the bug, shall report soon.




Super EDIT: I just tested her in a T4 Survival, it doesn't make it HORRIBLY easier, although we did do significantly better than we usually do. I'd say this balance is pretty good, although it actually improves her if ya toss on an intensify, making her same old 100% heal but super spammable (I prefer stickin' with good ol' Natural Talent). That being said, I LOVE being able to spam Blessing like this, it makes it a lot less stressful (I should distinguish between that and challenging sometimes :P) but doesn't make it super OP. For me, I do enjoy her quite a bit still.

Edited by P3nisillin
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Feedback Section is that way ---> 


Trinity is more useful than Ember in late game missions. Lobster-butt seems fine to me but I guess I was never really a lobster fan.


Which way is that way? xP Excuse my stupidity, was never a big forum person. Also, I'm posting to power her down a tad, not up...weird, right?

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I use Trinity in different way to others, she used to be my main... Since people abused her invincibility she got nerfed but it didn't really effect how I played with her. Now though, they're beginning to nerf her completely and it's making her ult less useful compared to Oberon's 3rd...


It was good the way it was.


EDIT: Forgot to add: her ult doesn't make you invincible for the set time. It's a percentage of the health/shields missing (eg if 60% of the total of shields and hp is gone from one of your team mates you all gain 60% damage reduction for the set time).

Edited by Cat_Jam
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I use Trinity in different way to others, she used to be my main... Since people abused her invincibility she got nerfed but it didn't really effect how I played with her. Now though, they're beginning to nerf her completely and it's making her ult less useful compared to Oberon's 3rd...


It was good the way it was.


In the recent hotfix they made it so she can use her ult regardless of the duration left in her blessing. So she's pretty much back the way she was -20% healing and + more ease, which is why I ask these questions, I liked her challenge.


EDIT: Just saw your edit :P Thing is, a good heal + link gives Trinity invincibility, I tested it just yesterday. Maybe a cap on the reduction for Trinity only would be better?

Edited by P3nisillin
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SPAMMING DOES NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT ANYTHING, EVER. The only thing that being "spammable" ever did was let Trins be ready for situations where Blessing was needed. This was why a low duration build was absolutely amazing, the skill was made to be reliable, not keep catching teammates on their stupidity. Now with only fractions of health being given out, yeah, it's going to be spammed.



In the recent hotfix they made it so she can use her ult regardless of the duration left in her blessing. So she's pretty much back the way she was -20% healing and + more ease, which is why I ask these questions, I liked her challenge.


EDIT: Just saw your edit :P Thing is, a good heal + link gives Trinity invincibility, I tested it just yesterday. Maybe a cap on the reduction for Trinity only would be better?

Damage reduction is the award for properly playing risk and reward. Removing the damage reduction is what would promote spam. The skill just needs a rework, something like a damage healed counter (ala TF2 ubercharge). Oberon's heal can STOP/REVERSE down state timers, get rid of procs, and may outheal Blessing on lower level frames.

Edited by TheLocalHentai
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SPAMMING DOES NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT ANYTHING, EVER. The only thing that being "spammable" ever did was let Trins be ready for situations where Blessing was needed. This was why a low duration build was absolutely amazing, the skill was made to be reliable, not keep catching teammates on their stupidity. Now with only fractions of health being given out, yeah, it's going to be spammed.


I should probably reword my original post or something because I feel people aren't getting my point xP I understand that spamming is fine, I was a heal spammer after the first Trin nerf, and I liked it better that way than this. This way actually makes things easier, if you think about it.

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Thing is, a good heal + link gives Trinity invincibility, I tested it just yesterday. Maybe a cap on the reduction for Trinity only would be better?


As far as I know it's capped at a certain number already.


(I have QT+Rage on her and it never feels like I get 99% damage reduction... I'd say around 80-90% maybe)

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As far as I know it's capped at a certain number already.


(I have QT+Rage on her and it never feels like I get 99% damage reduction... I'd say around 80-90% maybe)


Yeah, maybe it was just after that last update? A bug? Regardless, I know for a fact that once I had link on, waited for my health to get low enough for an 80% heal on myself, my shields and health were untouched.

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Damage reduction is the award for properly playing risk and reward. Removing the damage reduction is what would promote spam. The skill just needs a rework, something like a damage healed counter (ala TF2 ubercharge). Oberon's heal can STOP/REVERSE down state timers, get rid of procs, and may outheal Blessing on lower level frames.


Never said damage reduction should be removed, I'm only suggesting Trin go back to the way she was before Update 14.6.0.

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Being forced to rank up blessing to get a decent amount of heals is a bad idea, making blessing recasteable is a good thing but getting heals of 80% shield/hp is a way higher value, thats what it takes out the effort in my opinion.


If we can recast blessing whenever we want and decide when to leave the damage reduction timer running or use blessing again to heal a teammate at least lower the healing percentage to 60%.


I dont have any problem for the damage reduction for using link and blessing at the same time, is not a groupal damage reduction and require some kind of risk to get a decent value, not to mention it takes a bit of your energy to use both moves.


Dont get me wrong i dont like easy mode warframes but i prefer the current trinity because is way more funny to use than the old trinity who cant recast blessing when is on cooldown and see my teammates dying in hard situations.

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If anything, I think the ability to re-cast Blessing whenever actually made Trinity more fun to play.


If I had to choose between keeping an eye on my squadmates' shields/health, being ready to use Blessing at any time, and going up to them to revive them after they've fallen (because Blessing wasn't available yet), I'd always go with the former option.  I find it more fun and more of a challenge, imo.

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If anything, I think the ability to re-cast Blessing whenever actually made Trinity more fun to play.


If I had to choose between keeping an eye on my squadmates' shields/health, being ready to use Blessing at any time, and going up to them to revive them after they've fallen (because Blessing wasn't available yet), I'd always go with the former option.  I find it more fun and more of a challenge, imo.


Yeah, I tested her out on a lot harder of a scale and found out she's not super OP, although there is a bug that makes her invincible while her blessing and link is up.

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Dont get me wrong i dont like easy mode warframes but i prefer the current trinity because is way more funny to use than the old trinity who cant recast blessing when is on cooldown and see my teammates dying in hard situations.


Tested it out on a lot harder of a scale and found out that it's better, although they did sort of go in circles with her, the fully spammable Blessing is a lot better.

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