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Bolto = No Headshots?


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I was browsing the forums to see what the opinion of the weapon was, and saw that someone mention the weapon gets no bonus damage on headshots. Can any Bolto owners confirm this?

As per 5.3 (and maybe even before) it does extra damage on headshots. I tried on Grineers at rank 0, and it did 25 damage to the torso, and 50 to the head.

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No problem.

Honestly the Bolto is a pretty fun gun (sticking enemies to walls), but for high level raids on Hades/Pluto it's terrible for the price/crafting. It doesn't do enough damage, and the projectiles have a slow velocity.

Just got the Bronco which is laughably effective against Corpus and Infested. Seems like Lex or Bolto would be good against Grineer. I have no problem lining up headshots if gun shoots straight.

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Just got the Bronco which is laughably effective against Corpus and Infested. Seems like Lex or Bolto would be good against Grineer. I have no problem lining up headshots if gun shoots straight.

Lex is by far the best secondary gun the game right now.

As I said, the Bolto's biggest weakness is that the projectiles are slow moving, you have to aim way ahead of somebody to hit them.

The Lex does more damage and the velocity is much faster.

The only problem with Lex is that you need to rank it up a bit, the firerate and clipsize is going to be a problem at first, but after you ranked it up, it's godlike.

EDIT: added in the obvious.

Edited by FanaticGamer
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Lex isn't even remotely close to being the best gun in the game if you factor in more than just raw damage output per bullet. It has an extremely low rate of fire, reload speed, utterly monstrous recoil and a small clip size. This is offset by near perfect accuracy and decent damage per hit but only when headshotting. It is completely unable to sustain fire to keep boss shields down without substantial upgrades. The shotguns can easily get 5 or 6 kills in the time it takes a Lex to line up and fire a second shot, and shotguns don't need to worry at all about aiming for the head. You can argue that the Lex becomes superior with upgrades, but only if you compare an upgraded Lex to a shotgun with no mods or upgrades.

I can fully appreciate why people would love the Lex and have it as their favourite weapon (it's a frickin' one handed railgun), but to claim it's the best gun in the game is just untrue.

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Lex isn't even remotely close to being the best gun in the game if you factor in more than just raw damage output per bullet. It has an extremely low rate of fire, reload speed, utterly monstrous recoil and a small clip size. This is offset by near perfect accuracy and decent damage per hit but only when headshotting. It is completely unable to sustain fire to keep boss shields down without substantial upgrades. The shotguns can easily get 5 or 6 kills in the time it takes a Lex to line up and fire a second shot, and shotguns don't need to worry at all about aiming for the head. You can argue that the Lex becomes superior with upgrades, but only if you compare an upgraded Lex to a shotgun with no mods or upgrades.

I can fully appreciate why people would love the Lex and have it as their favourite weapon (it's a frickin' one handed railgun), but to claim it's the best gun in the game is just untrue.

Oh wow, I thought it was obvious I was talking about secondary weapons/handguns, it obviously can't compete with many of the primary weapons.

With that said, a fully upgraded lex (30 rank) with the right mods, can pretty much negate the slow rate of fire, a friend of mine has it fully upgraded, and he can fire it pretty much as fast as he can click the mouse.

Edited by FanaticGamer
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Oh wow, I thought it was obvious I was talking about secondary weapons/handguns, it obviously can't compete with many of the primary weapons.

With that said, a fully upgraded lex (30 rank) with the right mods, can pretty much negate the slow rate of fire, a friend of mine has it fully upgraded, and he can fire it pretty much as fast as he can click the mouse.

The Bronco is a shotgun. At level 30, the Bronco has a fast enough reload to the point where it is effectively an automatic shotgun with no reload. In addition to this, it is significantly more ammo efficient, can one to two shot Pluto level mobs, and is equally viable as a boss weapon. This is BEFORE mods. With the Lex, you're always going to have to sacrifice a stat in order to make one of its other grievous failings less gun-breaking. If you pick fire-rate, you give up reload time, and vice versa. With the Bronco, any mod you choose is just icing on the cake.

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The Bronco is a shotgun. At level 30, the Bronco has a fast enough reload to the point where it is effectively an automatic shotgun with no reload. In addition to this, it is significantly more ammo efficient, can one to two shot Pluto level mobs, and is equally viable as a boss weapon. This is BEFORE mods. With the Lex, you're always going to have to sacrifice a stat in order to make one of its other grievous failings less gun-breaking. If you pick fire-rate, you give up reload time, and vice versa. With the Bronco, any mod you choose is just icing on the cake.

I guess it depends on the build. I'm running a HEK, and I need a ranged weapon that can hit something, if enemies are further away.

Also, the Bronco only deals high damage if you're really up close and all the pellets hit.

So while the Bronco certainly is a viable weapon, I don't think it's the best secondary in the game.

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One of the problems is that there are very, very few situations you ever actually need a medium-long range weapon. There's a couple of large chambers where you can snipe people from, but in all of them you could also just walk over to the enemy and use a shotgun on them. I use a Hek, Bronco and Furax and I never have problems with range. Sure in the time it talks to run over there I might get beaten to the kill by someone that has a long rang sniping weapon, but on the flipside I have superior firepower in pretty much every single other situation imaginable.

There's also the matter of the Lex only really being a great weapon against the Grineer. The Corpus walkers and all the Infested run right up to you, so range is a total non issue again them. It's really, really easy to headshot the infested sure, but it's also easier just to use your Hek on them.

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One of the problems is that there are very, very few situations you ever actually need a medium-long range weapon. There's a couple of large chambers where you can snipe people from, but in all of them you could also just walk over to the enemy and use a shotgun on them. I use a Hek, Bronco and Furax and I never have problems with range. Sure in the time it talks to run over there I might get beaten to the kill by someone that has a long rang sniping weapon, but on the flipside I have superior firepower in pretty much every single other situation imaginable.

There's also the matter of the Lex only really being a great weapon against the Grineer. The Corpus walkers and all the Infested run right up to you, so range is a total non issue again them. It's really, really easy to headshot the infested sure, but it's also easier just to use your Hek on them.

I guess this is also true, I do use my HEK a lot more than my Lex for obvious reasons.

For me it's not so much an issue to have a medium/long rage weapon when I'm playing Coop, but playing solo on some of the harder sectors/planets, it's pretty nice having a ranged weapons to take down some guys, without having to rush out in the open and get killed.

It was pretty easy before the update I had over 1.5K shield, but now I only have 350...

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the bolto does seem very weak. It is harder to land shots with it than other guns, it isn't very ammo efficient, the hit registration is worse on it, even at close range, there are shots that should clearly be registering that aren't. The feature of nailing enemies to the wall, only happens if its the killing blow so its purely a cosmetic thing, also it can be hard to tell if people are dead because they're pinned to the wall standing up when they are dead. At the very least i'd like to see it go through enemies so if you line up multiple enemies it will damage all of them. I also think the damage should probably be upped a bit.

Edited by aTaVaX
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I really like the Bolto, it's really fun and seeing enemies fly all the way to the far side of the wall in a big hangar never gets old, but I wish the gun's ability can be used more tactically, like the flying body does damage to the enemies it hits on the way to being pinned to the wall, stunning them or maybe even scattering them like bowling pins :-)

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the bolto does seem very weak. It is harder to land shots with it than other guns, it isn't very ammo efficient, the hit registration is worse on it, even at close range, there are shots that should clearly be registering that aren't. The feature of nailing enemies to the wall, only happens if its the killing blow so its purely a cosmetic thing, also it can be hard to tell if people are dead because they're pinned to the wall standing up when they are dead. At the very least i'd like to see it go through enemies so if you line up multiple enemies it will damage all of them. I also think the damage should probably be upped a bit.

For it to be viable late game at all, it does need to have even higher damage than Lex, simply because it'd be a tradeoff with slower moving projectiles. Right now it's a pretty fun gun for low levels, but it's neigh useless on higher levels.

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Hm, no one mentioned, that bolto pretty much ignore amror.

That's the point of the gun.

It maybe weak on paper, but pretty deadly against grineer faction.

Against the Bronco or the Lex it's still pathetically bad, and the biggest issue is that it does a lot less damage, even with the armor "ignore" as you can compensate for that with the right mods, the shots go too slow, not usefull at all.

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