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Request _ Ether Longsword


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Sir you pretty much just described the Dark Sword, it functions very similarly against infested. So while I'd welcome the skin functionally a long sword or it exists and a 2 handed exists in the Scindo and the Gram.

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Sir you pretty much just described the Dark Sword, it functions very similarly against infested. So while I'd welcome the skin functionally a long sword or it exists and a 2 handed exists in the Scindo and the Gram.


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Sir you pretty much just described the Dark Sword, it functions very similarly against infested. So while I'd welcome the skin functionally a long sword or it exists and a 2 handed exists in the Scindo and the Gram.


I'm not talking bout its functionality, im talking about the sword itself, the ETHER sword, i dont even care if it do more or less damage tahn any other, i'd like to use, I repeat, ans ETHER longsword.


There is heat sword, heat dagger AND dual heat swords, so why not a ETHER longsword? that is what i'm asking here. I dont care about stats, i know them pretty well, thank you.




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