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Add Melee Weapon To F Key


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First off hi everyone.I've been playing this game for a while now and enjoying it but one thing that bothers me is that you have to press the E key to use the melee weapon(I play Excalibur and Volt).I think it would be better to use the F key for swords and have permanent use of it like the rifles and pistols(left mouse button for slash and right button for multiple slashes(no power drain)or dash and slash (with power drain)).Just a thought.Thank you. 

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But the bindings/switching would be so much more inconvenient.  I've played games that have three weapons before.  You ALWAYS mix up the order.

yes but think about how much more block will be used when its on right mouse instead of its own key you could play with only a sword and look like it thats also a confidence booster wich will allow people who want to be melee based feel better allowing them to play better


They could program in the ability to block and slash with a sword on sepret buttons AND the option to switch


If they would give us the option to have tap movment to sprint id love that too <3 free up more keys

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You can remap the keys how you want, combine that with any half decent mouse and you shouldn't have any problems, I have block on my thumb button, and melee on right mouse button, with aim remapped to E, with use on middle mouse button. I was using a razer naga until it packed in; regardless, the key remapping is already flexible enough, and what would you free up shift for by changing sprint, there are not that many controls as it is.

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For me, having the melee weapon be on a different key than the "shoot gun" button helps me mix attacks much more successfully.  The melee weapon you always have equipped, and doesn't need to be reloaded, after all.

yes but options are always nice adding a switch to melee button without removing the swing melee button would allow people who prefer to go all sword much more control over the attacks while still having the option to use a gun when they need to without maping block and melee to mouse 1&2 so they keep the shoot and aim buttons

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I use melee very, very often.  More so than shooting most of the time, actually - and I have honestly no problem whatsoever with melee being on a separate keybind.  So, I don't see how doing so would allow "much more control" over their attacks, when the current system does so.  Could you elaborate on this?

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I have to agree with most of the replies but the animation of the melee weapon reminds me of the Warcraft and similar games style sword swings.I would like more animation in the style of  Hellgate:London and the such.Just my opinion.

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I have my melee weapon bound to the right mouse button anyway, I have a thumb button for aim.


Having a melee weapon you have to actually switch to and from would utterly destroy the versatility you have in this game.  System is great as is.


PS if it's just the key that bugs you, you can switch melee to [F] in the key bindings menu.

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Like I was saying

Some people like it the way it is

I would like the ability to use left click to swing sword right click to block AND left click to shoot and right click to aim

It is not impossible to please both parties

just add more options about melee

they added more options in controls like toggle wallrun ect. why not add this too like togle sword or quick sword

#BothMeleeOptions ouo

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Well I tried the remap and it worked but the clic/slash clic/slash bothers me alot.Anyway I rarely use it.I like dash/slash.But like I said in my first post just a thought.Thanks again. 

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I've considered this previously, and decided to just get on with it. It means I have to sacrifice block (using the fourth mouse button is too difficult for me when I'm dodging around and aiming at things and moving the mouse around. Currently I have it bound to Q, so I can sometimes use it when charging in).

Ideally, I'd be able to use E to switch modes between ranged and melee, and press F to switch between the two weapons. Could have a second melee slot purchasable with platinum?

This means we'd potentially be able to quickly switch between two melee weapons, and allow us to block more easily using RMB. You could then improve melee/combo system immensely by also using the block button as the "do something awesome" button, so:

Block (held) + LMB = Upwards Slash (Launch enemy aerial)

Block (held) + LMB (charge) = Counter (on hit during charge)

Block (held) + LMB (in air) = Ground Slam (currently LMB while in air)

LMB (in air) = Aerial Slash

Block (during knockdown animation) = Roll

Benefits of this approach:

This gives us melee specialists a viable way to deal with pesky Ospreys floating out of melee range (without being forced to resort to gun-play).

This gives more weight to the "melee exhausts stamina" feature, which currently has a very negligible effect. Conserving stamina would mean something.

Adds dynamic vertical and tactical defensive elements to melee combat, and moves away from spamming LMB until things are dead.

Gives the option to play more like a space-ninja, rather than the only option being warlord from Dynasty Warriors.

Gives a reason for "getting up like an old man" effect. You missed the "be a badass" window!

I'm curious about what people think of this approach. Obviously it's a massive change to the control scheme, but are there any aspects of it that people like? Any reasons you think it wouldn't work?

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I agree with Burakkujakku.


Having the option to change to a melee weapon would be a nice alternative for melee based warframes and with melee combos you would gain various options to engage different enemies.

But it's also important that ranged warframes still have the opportunity to do a quick slash with their melee weapon.

I would like to have two keys, one for a quick slash and one for switching permanently to my melee weapon, and i would like to have the option to bind my mouse buttons with melee based moves independent of the ranged weapon options.

Edited by Zarroc
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This is a horrible idea. There's a reason why all shooters have melee separate and that is because it is better.


way to elaborate


It is not better in somegames

but in others it provides player a good way to 1v1 knife


lets say if borderlands2 forced you to switch to the melee it would make somepeople who are melee focused feel stronger because they can see there weapon and have it "ready" but it does not provide any other advantages since there is no block or alt fire if i remember correctly


CS:S has the knife as a sepret weapon so both people can see the knife and recognise the challange and give people a chance to see if the other pulls out a gun to cheat in knife might not be intentinal but its a pretty good decision


in warframe we have block and melee jump attack ect.

but block is on its own button more buttons DESteve said that he wants reload and use on the same button for controlers


if block was on aim when melee was out it would free up more buttons another good reason for melee to have an optional switch to melee weapon


Block is fairly not used because its unessisary and on its own button its hard to use even when remapped unless you sacrafice something else

but if we had the choice of switching to melee and swinging with left and blocking with right click

we gain more control over the weapon use less buttons and people who melee only will have a connection to the weapon because its always out

instead of the gun


I cant think of other reasons why im abit tired I also cant spell or use proper punctuation or grammer  EVAR cuz its totaly uncool (joking) but i am a very lazy typer and hope it does not degrade my oppinion and reasonings

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Why o why did they down vote you...I would like to be able to have melee as my first choice weapon. I said about Glaive i would like 1 to be thrown and 1 left with me so i could still melee when Glaive is in flight. I play ash mostly and 90% of the time i use melee. It would help me balance my keys more and also being able to use block more easily.

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Just a suggestion, but wouldn't it be better if you press E you take out the melee weapon and after you press click to attack instead of mashing E. If you want to put it back you either press F or E to switch to a ranged weapon.

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Just a suggestion, but wouldn't it be better if you press E you take out the melee weapon and after you press click to attack instead of mashing E. If you want to put it back you either press F or E to switch to a ranged weapon.

BASICLY what I have been saying but you want it on 1 key specificly im saying put it on any key makei t like a real weapon and give people the option to switch to it or to press a button to slice

 have both options so everyone can be happy


I have been gone for a whole week wow 8D

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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