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Fps Drops Murder Connections


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Okay, so, I've been trying to diagnose various connection deaths, and I've found that, generally, when WF has an FPS drop, it kills the connection. People get kicked out of groups, hosts migrate, etc.


I've found a number of different ways that drop FPS, and some are only theoretical(I don't know if minimizing WF dropsthe FPS--it seems like it might, but there's no way to check the FPS while it's minimized--this does, however, kill the connection).


My latest and greatest endeavour was the fact that I had almost 2,000 pics in my warframe screenshot folder, and I was getting disconnects when taking a screen shot, as the FPS would drop to 0 while the game accessed the folder.


I renamed the old folder, took a screenshot while in mission to create a new folder, and lo-and-behold, it was instantaneous and did *not* sever my connection. So, problem solved.


However, things that dropped FPS, and, consequently, severed connections:


-Screenshots with a full folder

-Intense particle physics with a anti-virus running

-Mirage quanta spam.


Now, the interesting part is that last one--yes, it has disconnected me, but usually it just disconnected other players. The problem with that, itself, has been fixed, but the underlying fact remains: When the quanta spam was excessive, *other people* would have *their* FPS drop, and, ultimately, could be forcibly disconnected from a session that I was not disconnected from.


So, with all of the mounting evidence, I'm now completely certain that the game forcibly disconnects when the FPS drop. When or why the FPS drop changes from place to place, and player to player, but it's a repeatable issue.


I've suggested this to support, as a followup to my various threads about forced DC, and their response was the obligatory "send us an ee.log", which will do jack-all, I've sent them dozens. It's an easily testible issue, just find a way to massively drop your FPS while in an online match, and the connections will disappear like magic.


So, I'm reporting this here, in the hopes that firstly, other players can possibly test and corroborate my findings, and secondly, perhaps the devs themselves will observe the issue and find if there's a way to stop the connection from auto-dropping on FPS loss. I actually want the developers to look at the base problem, rather than feed yet-another ee.log to support.

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Interesting observations.


Not that it's entirely on-topic, but somewhat similiar, I wonder if players that get a constant low fps (10-20) tend to affect how laggy matches are. If so, perhaps Warframe should pick host depending on average FPS.


On-topic though, that's an interesting find certainly. I know that Mirage spam definetly tends to drop some players down to about 2 FPS (at least my friend reports, and he usually runs WF at 60.)


I don't recall alt-tabs ever affecting people's connection to myself, but then again I haven't run tower missions lately, i'll definetly try testing some of this stuff out. 

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I posted something similar today...I would just like to point out that the servers are going under maintenance; but if this a months old work then I'm out of topic here. 

This is info dating back to about update 10, when we got the first "optimization" pass.

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