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Ps4 Mastery Rank Test Bug [Megathread]


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Hmm, ok I will definitely add this to my list of PS4 "oddball" bugs.  I am nearing rank 16 so I will be able to test it myself on that level once I get there. This seems to have multiple reports.  Thank you all


EDIT:  Added this to my PS4 Bug thread -- see here guys!



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Any further updates on this from anyone?  I had a friend pass a Mastery test night before last with no problems.  


If anyone can report here whether this is still occuring on PS4 or not it would be very helpful!  (Since we've had no updates since 14.1.+hotfixes)  I assume it is still happening. That doesn't mean that it is not something that could've been fixed Server-Side by DE, however.


Thanks all!

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Hey I'm having a bit of an issue, a few friend's of mine and myself have been having an odd issue where we cannot rank up it will tell us that we failed the rank up test before we initiate the test or we will finish the test completely and pass but it will tell us that we have still failed.


Is anybody else having this problem if so comment here and DE can you please fix this quickly in a hot-fix hopefully or if not can you do it in the PS4 update thanks.

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Can't go to training from rank 0 to 1, 2nd attempt tried: goes to the loading screen then backs out to ship. I'm a Mag rank 21 with MK1 weapons; Paris 25, Kunai 24 and Furax 25. Currently finished Vor's Prize, have the Howl of the Kubrow quest active and a ??? quest. 

Edited by (PS4)LordOfChins
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