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yes there are mutlpile threads discussing this in length, but we need more, floods of them everyday if we want DE to do anything about it.


so, how DE have got away with 'locking' the code template info away? how is it that inside a game that is designed along the lines of 'chose reward, grind/farm resources, claim reward', are we given a system that is completely random? is it really that DE need the plat from template sales?


if I want Ash I know Tyl drops the BP's. each BP gives me an ingredients list, so I know how much of what to farm for. I know Tyl is on Uranus. I know the planet branch, and that to unlock Uranus I have to defeat Phorid to acquire the nav segment, and that Phorid is on Phobos. I also know that to get to Phobos blah blah blah.

now I know that once I have my Ash frame, I can chose to colour it any way I want, and if I want to unlock different or flashy colour palettes I can buy them for plat. now if I don't like Ash's default helmet, I know I can farm alerts to acquire a different one, or buy one for plat. if I don't like his primary/secondary colour pattern I can buy an immortal skin for plat. as far as the way he plays, well I know what mods do and I know how to get each one.


basically there is a clear instruction set to acquiring everything in this game, that's the only way a farm/grind based game can work. to have a system inside this structure that is random to the point of not giving us any choice or control, no matter what the resources, over the outcome, breaks the game entirely.


the worst thing is that none of this makes a difference in game! it's all just personalisation, how can they justify that? by adding colours/patterns to the marketplace? pfft.


keep the randomisation of the gene code, just let us pick what we want to keep. for example, lets say the template records height, shape, fur colour, pattern, eye colour, temperament, demeanour and everything else important that it does already. then give us the option to only record 2 or so things. that means that we will still have to go through quite a few Kubrows to eventually get what we want, whatever that may be. it keeps us on the grind, it keeps those wanting what they want right now buying plat, but most of all it keeps us wanting them.


I love the idea of Cosplaying a Kubrow to look/act like my mental, brindle English Bullterrier to go with my 'work uniform' Warframes, but that isn't happening is it DE?

Edited by d1sc1p1e
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this stupid browser won't let me quote, but @-Ignis_Fatuus- it seems spam is the only thing that works in this day and age of the internet, isn't it? and as far as constructive criticism, you've failed there yourself haven't you, as you haven't criticised my comments, just the way I commented. care to weigh in on my suggestions, or did you not read them?


and @Tsoe the point I'm making is that I can not only change the colour of my skin I can change a whole bunch of other things! from attachments, to helmets etc, so why is the Kubrow locked?

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this stupid browser won't let me quote, but @-Ignis_Fatuus- it seems spam is the only thing that works in this day and age of the internet, isn't it? and as far as constructive criticism, you've failed there yourself haven't you, as you haven't criticised my comments, just the way I commented. care to weigh in on my suggestions, or did you not read them?


and @Tsoe the point I'm making is that I can not only change the colour of my skin I can change a whole bunch of other things! from attachments, to helmets etc, so why is the Kubrow locked?


that s my point,   look , its living creatures, it make sense giving a bit of randomness, kind offf cool



like : it help to not all have the same Kubrow


as a side not 2 patern in market are not enough (if they cant give more choice they should keep this random loked as well)



edit second:


i reread , ok well , i see yur point , the system need more work, but that'''''''s not that bad


The real custum system for kubrow will with atachment maybe? will make total sense

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from all the frames I've seen I know not everyone wants the same thing. although there used to be a hell of a lot of black/red frames, there aren't as many anymore, people are customising the hell outta them, and that's cool, that's what the game is all about right? 


the problem with the Kubrows is we don't get that. I don't think everyone wants a mean, aggressive, tall, bulky, black Sunkia with white lotus pattern. I certainly don't, but have you noticed that the more 'advanced' templates being sold are all similar? because the template records dominant genes, every Kubrow will eventually look the same! it's breeding 101.


so because they have a set of dominant genes, that means DE has chosen the 'perfect' Kubrow, but how crazy is that when none of those genes affect it's abilities?! just the way it looks? we either breed or buy our way to get to DE's perfect looking Kubrow, or we get a random mongrel and deal.

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